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Fool Me Once

av Nikki Ash

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1111,752,068 (3.4)Ingen/inga
I met Keegan when I was on the beach in Florida. He literally crashed into my world. I wasn't looking for romance, but his two-dimpled charm made my heart go haywire. We both had one thing in common: we were here to escape our realities. One week. Just the two of us. Not a care in the world. I didn't know it at the time, but that week would forever change my life. Four years later, and as fate would have it, Keegan and I are brought together again. It's as if the universe is telling us this is our second chance. The more I get to know him, the harder I fall. Falling hopelessly in love is inevitable with a man like him. Only the joke's on me, because the guy I'm falling for isn't the man I thought he was. You know how the saying goes: Fool me once . . . I'll be damned if I'm fooled again.… (mer)

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A cute romance with twists and turns throughout. The story starts with us meeting Blakely and finding out that her and her sister have been through a traumatic event and her sister Sierra doesn’t have much to do with her sister any more until she wants her to go to spring break so she can go too. Blakely’s sister is heading down a bad path and Blakely worries about her but refuses to take the same path, so she spends spring break on the beach reading with fate steps in and she meets Keegan. These two have an instant attraction and spend a week together hanging out and when its over they go their separate ways. Fate once again steps in and leaves Blakely with a gift and she spends the next 4 years still pining away for the one that got away. Once her and her sister figure out what they are going to do her sister steps up in a major way and helps her out in major ways and even helps her set out to try and find Keegan even if it is hopeless. Fate has a way with the two of them as it once again brings them together but she knows Keegan is keeping things from her and no matter how hard they try to become more and a family he still doesn’t inform her what is really going on. I felt bad for Blakely because all she wanted was a family not only for herself but for her kid too and she gets it just to have almost ripped away time and time again. There are a few twists and turns that happen towards the end and we finally learn what Keegan was up to this whole time and they fate finally allows them their happily ever ending. ( )
  readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
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Ash, NikkiFörfattareprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Navarro, KelseyBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Paige, TimBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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I met Keegan when I was on the beach in Florida. He literally crashed into my world. I wasn't looking for romance, but his two-dimpled charm made my heart go haywire. We both had one thing in common: we were here to escape our realities. One week. Just the two of us. Not a care in the world. I didn't know it at the time, but that week would forever change my life. Four years later, and as fate would have it, Keegan and I are brought together again. It's as if the universe is telling us this is our second chance. The more I get to know him, the harder I fall. Falling hopelessly in love is inevitable with a man like him. Only the joke's on me, because the guy I'm falling for isn't the man I thought he was. You know how the saying goes: Fool me once . . . I'll be damned if I'm fooled again.

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