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The Blue Sword (1982)

av Robin McKinley

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Serier: Damar (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
6,2071381,622 (4.28)491
Harry, bored with her sheltered life in the remote orange-growing colony of Daria, discovers magic in herself when she is kidnapped by a native king with mysterious powers.
  1. 100
    Lejoninnans sång. Alanna : det första äventyret av Tamora Pierce (lquilter)
    lquilter: Readers of The Blue Sword by McKinley should also enjoy Tamora Pierce's various Tortall adventures, among which, "Alanna: The First Adventure" (the first volume of the "Lioness Quartet"), is the first and best-known, but all of them are worthwhile.
  2. 81
    Tankeläsaren av Kristin Cashore (foggidawn, Aerrin99)
    Aerrin99: For stories that feature interesting and strong woman matched with equally interesting and strong men, with a dash of danger, adventure, and magic tossed in, try either of these books!
  3. 71
    Crown Duel av Sherwood Smith (shoujo85)
  4. 40
    Song of the Lioness av Tamora Pierce (TomWaitsTables)
  5. 63
    Sunshine av Robin McKinley (lavender81)
    lavender81: A young adult meets a vampire ... a magical tale!
  6. 52
    Den fjortonde bruden av Meredith Ann Pierce (Jenson_AKA_DL)
  7. 41
    The Books of Great Alta (Sister Light, Sister Dark / White Jenna) av Jane Yolen (lquilter)
    lquilter: Both McKinley's "The Blue Sword" and Yolen's "Sister Light, Sister Dark" / "White Jenna" feature young adult women, who have warrior attributes.
  8. 32
    Warprize av Elizabeth Vaughan (flemmily)
    flemmily: Warprize is simpler than The Blue Sword, and the world is not quite as interesting as the unique and compelling Damar. But both books tell the story of a girl carried away by a barbarian culture.
  9. 11
    Jaran av Kate Elliott (PhoenixFalls)
  10. 00
    Firegold av Dia Calhoun (beyondthefourthwall)
    beyondthefourthwall: (One of the reviews points out that 'Firegold' was probably inspired by 'The Blue Sword', but they're both very much worth reading.) Young person who is a bit of an outsider discovers profound links to a group of elusive people living in the mountains, and undergoes various trials among the mountain-folk in order to develop their abilities (physical/magical) and prove themself.… (mer)
  11. 01
    The Rose Legacy av Jessica Day George (humouress)
    humouress: An orphaned girl is sent to family far away and has fantastic adventures with animals, although 'Rose Legacy' is aimed at a younger audience.
  12. 13
    The Crown of Dalemark av Diana Wynne Jones (LiddyGally)

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This is an epic fantasy classic from the 80s, with a strong female main character. I just read it now for the first time and found that it does not live up to the hype.

Let's see, the worldbuilding is interesting, inspired by the colonial British empire in Asia, but without firearms and with magic that only certain natives have. The story is fine on paper, and it's readable, but the narrative style is rather distant. You never get to know the protagonist well. She takes an extremely passive attitude for much of the book, and then does some amazing things without seeming to make much effort, falls in love without a convincing romance, and that's it.

So... not bad, but the whole thing feels a bit underwhelming. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
This epic fantasy/romance won a Newbery Honor in 1982. It tells the story of orphaned Harry Crew who is sent to live with her brother in a Homelander colony named Damar. Her brother is stationed at the far end of the colony near the land the Free Hillfolk still contol.

Harry lives with the head of the Homelander delegation and his wife and tries to make a new life for herself. Unlike most who have come to the far reaches of Damar, Harry falls in love with the bleak desert and enjoys being there.

But there are problems. The Northerners are threatening an invasion though the Homelanders don't believe that they are much threat. King Corlath of the Free Hillfolk come to see the head of the Homelanders to ask for alliance against the Northerners and is rather rudely dismissed.

But he gets a look at Harry and his magic demands that he kidnap her. Harry is thus taken into the culture of the Hillfolk and taught to be one of the King's Riders. Harry fits right in. Learning a new language, learning to ride the Hill horses, and learning to fight with a sword come easy to her - as if she had known those skills all before.

Harry's path seems to echo that of an earlier lady hero - Lady Aerin - who is something of a legend to Cortlath's people. Harry also manifests the Hill magic that is gradually leaving the Hillfolk which gives her visions of the future and visions of Lady Aerin.

As they prepare for battle against the Northerners, Harry comes to believe that Corlath is overlooking a potential point for the coming invasion. When she can't convince him, she sneaks out to return the the Homelander outpost to try to recruit help to secure this mountain pass. She's accompanied by two Hillfolk companions but recruit some other help along the way including a Homelander Colonel who is also in love with Damar.

This was an excellent fantasy story. It is also a romance since Harry and Corlath fall in love over the course of her captivity. ( )
  kmartin802 | Feb 17, 2024 |
Still one of my favorite books decades after reading it for the first time. ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
My library is encouraging reading this year by giving us a theme every month from which to choose a book. January's theme is a book published the year you were born. I used Goodreads' handy "popular by date" feature to find The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley (published in 1982).

It was in the children's section of the library which, I can say after reading it, might not be the best place for it. I pictured the heroine Harry Crewe as maybe 15 or 16, until she ended up getting (SPOILER!!!) married to a character I'd pictured as 25 or 30. Whoops.

So I'd be more inclined to put this in the teen section. McKinley's writing has an old-fashioned formal feel that can be challenging to comprehend until you get into it. And, while there is adventure and action, there are also several slow spots.

Harry's horse Tsornin and her cat Narknon are a couple of the best non-speaking animal characters I've come across in fiction. Their bond with Harry is enviable, especially if you're an animal lover, and they have lovable, entertaining, distinct personalities.

The story is classic fantasy, so it feels familiar, which can be good or bad depending on your taste. Of course, most classic fantasy doesn't feature a woman as the main hero. Though I didn't read this when I was a young girl, I did find great female heroes in books like [b:The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle|310146|The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle|Avi|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1200883701s/310146.jpg|997358], [b:Dealing with Dragons|150739|Dealing with Dragons (Enchanted Forest Chronicles, #1)|Patricia C. Wrede|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1285973718s/150739.jpg|1178402], and [b:On Fortune's Wheel|95914|On Fortune's Wheel (Kingdom, #2)|Cynthia Voigt|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1171307406s/95914.jpg|1069267]. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
I enjoyed this. For me, the pacing was good, spending enough time on small things and interactions and still moving the story along by summarising e.g. the training section in a few pages. I was glad that the power dynamics were as absent as they could be. Despite the kidnapping in the beginning, Harry is treated with respect and consideration.
Of course, a lot of the story is moved along by magic and fate, but I wasn't bothered by it. ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Robin McKinleyprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Craig, DanOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Reinert, KirkOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Thorn, LoriOmslagsformgivaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Warren, DianeBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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To Danny and Peachey, who first lead me to Damar
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She scowled at her glass of orange juice.
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[Harry] had always suffered from a vague restlessness, a longing for adventure that she told herself severely was the result of reading too many novels when she was a small child.
The man's eyes were yellow as gold, the hot liquid gold in a smelter's furnace. Harry found it suddenly difficult to breathe, and understood the expression on Dedham's face; she almost staggered. Her hand tightened on the bridle, and the pony dropped its head and mouthed the bit uncomfortably. The heat was incredible. It was as though a thousand desert suns beat down on her. Magic? she thought from inside the thunder. Is this what magic is? I come from a cold country, where the witches live in cool green forests. What am I doing here? (p. 32)
"You have already begun to see the hardness of the choices that you will soon be forced to make; and the choosing will not be any easier for your not knowing why you must choose. Take strength from your own purpose, for you will know what you must do, if you let yourself; trust your horse and the cat that follows you, for there are none better than they, and they love you.. And trust the Lady Aerin, who visits you for your reassurance, whether you believe it at present or not; and trust your friendships. Friends you will have need of, for in you two worlds meet. There is no one on both sides with you, so you must learn to take your own counsel; and not to fear what is strange, if you know it also to be true. It is not an enviable position, being a bridge, especially a bridge with visions." [Luthe speaks, p. 164]
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Harry, bored with her sheltered life in the remote orange-growing colony of Daria, discovers magic in herself when she is kidnapped by a native king with mysterious powers.

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2 36
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3 183
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4 460
4.5 66
5 766

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