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The Abduction (2007)

av Mark Gimenez

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MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
3681771,362 (3.66)9
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

God has a plan for Ben Brice, or so his mother had always said and so he had always believed, right up until that dark night in Vietnam. Now, thirty-eight years later, Ben Brice is a drunk. He lives alone with a dog in the New Mexico wilderness, where he drowns his dark memories of war in whiskey and wonders what God's plan had been and why it had gone so wrong. His only connection to the outside world is Gracie, his ten-year-old granddaughter. When she is kidnapped after a soccer game in Texas, Ben puts down the bottle and goes in search of her, certain that his dark past has come back to haunt her—and he learns that his mother was right after all.

.… (mer)

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» Se även 9 omnämnanden

Entertaining narrative & fair characterizations even though is was a bit unrealistic with incredible intertwining of story lines; the book relies on a macho "shoot-em-up" ending which is always disappointing in my opinion. Pretty good book....not great literature. ( )
  JosephKing6602 | Jul 10, 2020 |
Gimenez has written a neatly tied-up thriller that pokes fun at the amount of coincidence he uses throughout the book. The plot is wildly imaginative and provides plenty of drama, laughs and chills. Ten-year old Gracie Brice is kidnapped after her afternoon soccer game. Her brainiac father was more focused on his upcoming IPO and failed to keep tabs on her after the game. Gracie's former-Green Beret grandfather, recently more an alcoholic than anything else, senses the trouble she's in and leaves his isolation in the hills above Taos to rescue her. Gracie's mom, a high-powered Dallas attorney, is more focused on placing blame. The resolution was fantastical, but satisfying. I enjoyed the narration by Buck Schirner. ( )
  MugsyNoir | Oct 27, 2017 |
Some parts were a little far fetched for me but overall this was a good solid thriller. ( )
  add_dragon | Mar 26, 2016 |
Took a few chapters to get into this book, then it became really interesting. While not all the characters were fully developed, this book was action-packed enough to be enjoyable. A great holiday read. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Jan 23, 2016 |
Unglaublich spannend vom Anfang bis zum Schluss. Überraschende Wendungen und ein Handlungsfaden, der sich vom Vietnam-Krieg bis zur IT-Welt des Jahres 2008 spinnt. Am Ende verknüpfen sich drei Handlungsstränge zu einem furiosen Finale. Unbedingt lesen. Ist mir unbegreiflich, warum Mark Gimenez noch nicht auf Deutsch übersetzt wurde. Aber die Originalsprache ist ohnehin immer packender. ( )
  sollimath | Dec 27, 2012 |
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Mark Gimenezprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Holleman, WimÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Voor David Shelley
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Het eerste wat Ben Brice zag toen hij zijn ogen opendeed, was een hond die nodig naar buiten moest.
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

God has a plan for Ben Brice, or so his mother had always said and so he had always believed, right up until that dark night in Vietnam. Now, thirty-eight years later, Ben Brice is a drunk. He lives alone with a dog in the New Mexico wilderness, where he drowns his dark memories of war in whiskey and wonders what God's plan had been and why it had gone so wrong. His only connection to the outside world is Gracie, his ten-year-old granddaughter. When she is kidnapped after a soccer game in Texas, Ben puts down the bottle and goes in search of her, certain that his dark past has come back to haunt her—and he learns that his mother was right after all.


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Medelbetyg: (3.66)
1 2
1.5 1
2 6
2.5 2
3 19
3.5 4
4 36
4.5 4
5 13

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