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The Monkey's Raincoat (1987)

av Robert Crais

Serier: Elvis Cole (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,978638,529 (3.72)85
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Elvis Cole provides more fun for the reader than any L.A. private eye to come along in years.”—Joseph Wambaugh

Meet Elvis Cole, L.A. Private Eye. . . . He quotes Jiminy Cricket and carries a .38. He’s a literate, wisecracking Vietnam vet who is determined to never grow up.
When quiet Ellen Lang enters Elvis Cole’s Disney-Deco office, she’s lost something very valuable—her husband and her young son. The case seems simple enough, but Elvis isn’t thrilled. Neither is his enigmatic partner and firepower, Joe Pike. Their search down the seamy side of Hollywood’s studio lots and sculptured lawns soon leads them deep into a nasty netherworld of drugs, sex—and murder. Now the case is getting interesting, but it’s also turned ugly. Because everybody, from cops to starlets to crooks, has declared war on Ellen and Elvis. For Ellen, it isn’t Funtown anymore. For Elvis, it’s just a living . . . He hopes. 
Praise for The Monkey's Raincoat
“Outstanding characters, tight plot, and scintillating prose style. . . . This fast-paced story speeds Elvis Cole to a chilling, heart-stopping ending.”Mystery Scene
“Is Bob Crais good? Put it this way: if they're taking you out to put you against the firing squad wall, and you want to enjoy your last moments on earth, pass on the last cigarette and ask for an Elvis Cole novel.”—Harlan Ellison
“Far and away the most satisfying private eye novel in years. Grab this one—it's a winner!”—Lawrence Block
“The best private eye novel of the year . . . lots of action; bright, crisp dialogue; and sharply drawn characters.”The Denver Post
“Robert B. Parker has some competition on his hands. . . . Elvis Cole is an appealing character and Crais's style is fresh and funny.”—Sue Grafton
“In Crais, a new star has appeared on the private eye scene—a dazzling first novel.”—Tony Hillerman.… (mer)
  1. 10
    Three Complete Spenser Novels av Robert B. Parker (tmommy4)
    tmommy4: The characters are very similar, the writing has a great tone and pace

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» Se även 85 omnämnanden

It took me awhile to warm up to Elvis, but by the end I'd connected with his sarcasm and detachment. This was my first Robert Crais and there will be more. ( )
  DianeVallere | May 16, 2024 |
A lightweight read with too much detail on navigating the streets of Los Angeles. Good to read when you are trying to concentrate on other things in your life. ( )
  ElizabethCromb | Oct 15, 2023 |
A mystery written in the 80's introducing Elvis Cole & Joe Pike. Private investigators in California taking on a case that starts out as a missing husband and child and then gets to the seedier side of Hollywood studios and players. Add in a bullfighter and the mob and there's a fast paced mystery. I enjoyed a lot about this book, namely that there were no cell phones back then and legwork to gather information was a mainstay. I thought there was a little missing surrounding the partnership with Pike and his background. I'm assuming you have to continue to read the next book in the series ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
dark mysterious tense medium-paced
Plot- or character-driven? A mix
Strong character development? It's complicated
Loveable characters? It's complicated
Diverse cast of characters? No
Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
CAWPILE score: 6.43 (45/70), Good/Very Good
FRTC ( )
  WRXtacy | May 16, 2023 |
I read some of the Joe Pike novels before this one and loved them, but I must say I like Pike better than I like Elvis Cole. Cole is a good character in his own right, but since I am comparing the two, he doesn't rate to Pike. The book on its own was enjoyable, good plot, interesting characters, a fun little read. Just wasn't one of my favorites, which doesn't mean it was bad. Not at all. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
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That ain't tactics, baby. That's just the beast in me. /
- Elvis Presley / Jailhouse Rock (the movie).
Winter downpour - /
even the monkey /
needs a raincoat. /
- Basho
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For Pat, who met Joe Pike and decided to hang around.
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'I'm sorry, Mr. Cole, this has nothing to do with you. Please excuse me.'
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Elvis Cole provides more fun for the reader than any L.A. private eye to come along in years.”—Joseph Wambaugh

Meet Elvis Cole, L.A. Private Eye. . . . He quotes Jiminy Cricket and carries a .38. He’s a literate, wisecracking Vietnam vet who is determined to never grow up.
When quiet Ellen Lang enters Elvis Cole’s Disney-Deco office, she’s lost something very valuable—her husband and her young son. The case seems simple enough, but Elvis isn’t thrilled. Neither is his enigmatic partner and firepower, Joe Pike. Their search down the seamy side of Hollywood’s studio lots and sculptured lawns soon leads them deep into a nasty netherworld of drugs, sex—and murder. Now the case is getting interesting, but it’s also turned ugly. Because everybody, from cops to starlets to crooks, has declared war on Ellen and Elvis. For Ellen, it isn’t Funtown anymore. For Elvis, it’s just a living . . . He hopes. 
Praise for The Monkey's Raincoat
“Outstanding characters, tight plot, and scintillating prose style. . . . This fast-paced story speeds Elvis Cole to a chilling, heart-stopping ending.”Mystery Scene
“Is Bob Crais good? Put it this way: if they're taking you out to put you against the firing squad wall, and you want to enjoy your last moments on earth, pass on the last cigarette and ask for an Elvis Cole novel.”—Harlan Ellison
“Far and away the most satisfying private eye novel in years. Grab this one—it's a winner!”—Lawrence Block
“The best private eye novel of the year . . . lots of action; bright, crisp dialogue; and sharply drawn characters.”The Denver Post
“Robert B. Parker has some competition on his hands. . . . Elvis Cole is an appealing character and Crais's style is fresh and funny.”—Sue Grafton
“In Crais, a new star has appeared on the private eye scene—a dazzling first novel.”—Tony Hillerman.

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Medelbetyg: (3.72)
1 7
1.5 1
2 27
2.5 12
3 140
3.5 47
4 225
4.5 9
5 97

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