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Just Because

av Matthew McConaughey

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992282,386 (3.2)Ingen/inga
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:The debut picture book by Academy Award-winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaughey—adapted for audio
Just because I’m in the race,
doesn’t mean I’m fully ready.
Just because I’m shaking,
doesn’t mean that I’m not steady.
Have you ever felt worried and excited at the same time?
Have you ever had your feelings hurt but forgiven someone anyway?
Have you ever thought there was more than one right answer to a question?
That’s because contradictions are all around us. And they make us who we are.
Filled with his trademark humor and wisdom, Academy Award–winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaughey has crafted a soulful and irreverent collection of life lessons that empowers readers, big and small, to celebrate how we are all full of possibility.
Why? Just because.
… (mer)

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First sentence: Just because they threw the dart, doesn't mean that it stuck. Just because I've got skills, doesn't mean there is no luck.

Premise/plot: Rhyming couplets offer plenty of enigmas or food for thought for older readers. Each couplet starts with "just because." Each relies heavily on the illustrations. In fact, without the illustrations, the rhymes would have no point. (Though one could argue that some might still not have a point????)

My thoughts: Who is the audience for Just Because? Is it adult librarians? teachers? graduating seniors? At what age do you have to be to really appreciate many mini-life-lessons? This one is for readers who want to unpack meaning in riddles and enigmas. It might be a good conversation starter for small groups. I do think some of the couplets could be interpreted in more than one way.

I personally was not a fan. Reading is subjective. There are probably readers--of some age--that will appreciate this one and find some depth. ( )
  blbooks | Nov 8, 2023 |
  Jennitza | Dec 8, 2023 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:The debut picture book by Academy Award-winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaughey—adapted for audio
Just because I’m in the race,
doesn’t mean I’m fully ready.
Just because I’m shaking,
doesn’t mean that I’m not steady.
Have you ever felt worried and excited at the same time?
Have you ever had your feelings hurt but forgiven someone anyway?
Have you ever thought there was more than one right answer to a question?
That’s because contradictions are all around us. And they make us who we are.
Filled with his trademark humor and wisdom, Academy Award–winning actor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Matthew McConaughey has crafted a soulful and irreverent collection of life lessons that empowers readers, big and small, to celebrate how we are all full of possibility.
Why? Just because.

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