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Voodoo River (1995)

av Robert Crais

Serier: Elvis Cole (5)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,2513415,889 (3.78)19
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Elvis Cole finds himself deep in the bayou of Louisiana searching for the estranged parents of a television star — but something deadly is looking for him.
L.A. private eye Elvis Cole is hired by popular television star Jodie Taylor to delve into her past and identify the biological parents who gave her up for adoption thirty-six years before. Cole's assignment is to find out their biological history and report back.
It seems all too clear cut. But when he gets to Louisiana and begins his search, he finds that there's something much darker going on. Other people are also looking for Taylor's parents, and some are ending up dead.
And when Cole realizes that his employer knew more than she was telling, Voodoo River becomes a twisting tale of identity, secrets, and murder.
… (mer)

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» Se även 19 omnämnanden

Elvis goes to Louisiana. Another great story,this one with a budding romance, and I have a feeling this is not the last I'll read of Ms. Lucy Chenier. Would have gotten four stars except that I felt the big conclusion scene was wrapped up too succinctly, albeit with a nice small surprise (rifleman). Also, the ending was a little too open ended for my liking, although I hope it will continue into the following books. More Cole coming for me... ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
This one seemed a little overly ambitious. There was too much going on and the story was a little far fetched. Still a good series. ( )
  zmagic69 | Mar 31, 2023 |
Good mix of humor, seriousness, and sadness. Addresses some issues of adoption that most of us probably never thought about. I think Cole's humor fits in well, without going overboard. And Pike's humor, is as usual, very subtle and understated.

Also, The talk about the Louisiana cuisine made me hungry. I have some family there, and have visited a few times, but I had never even heard of boudin sausage, but it sounds really good. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
Another good book in a great series. ( )
  ikeman100 | Aug 22, 2021 |
Good story but the PC and anti Christian ranting is goofy. ( )
  brone | Apr 18, 2020 |
inga recensioner | lägg till en recension
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For Steve Volpe, proprietor of The Hangar, trusted friend, and the best slack man in the business. Semper fidelis.
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I met Jodi Taylor and her manager for lunch on the Coast Highway in Malibu, not far from Paradise Cove and the Malibu Colony.
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:Elvis Cole finds himself deep in the bayou of Louisiana searching for the estranged parents of a television star — but something deadly is looking for him.
L.A. private eye Elvis Cole is hired by popular television star Jodie Taylor to delve into her past and identify the biological parents who gave her up for adoption thirty-six years before. Cole's assignment is to find out their biological history and report back.
It seems all too clear cut. But when he gets to Louisiana and begins his search, he finds that there's something much darker going on. Other people are also looking for Taylor's parents, and some are ending up dead.
And when Cole realizes that his employer knew more than she was telling, Voodoo River becomes a twisting tale of identity, secrets, and murder.

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Medelbetyg: (3.78)
1 3
1.5 1
2 11
2.5 5
3 65
3.5 34
4 132
4.5 11
5 48

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