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Lost Lion of Empire

av Edward Paice

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443584,080 (3.25)Ingen/inga
A biography of Ewart Grogan, the founding father of Kenya, imperial adventurer, and the baddest and boldest of a bold bad gang of early settlers. He is renowned for having walked 6000 miles from Cape Town to Cairo to win the hand of his bride, after his father-in-law-to-be challenged him to do something worthwhile. By the time he was 25 he had completed his trek, defying cannibals along the way, had been elected the youngest ever member of the Alpine Club for his ascents of the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc, been sent down from Cambridge for tethering a ravenous billy goat in his tutor's rooms after a prolonged session in the Red Lion public house; and had walked out of the Slade, preferring to enlist as a trooper in the Second Matabele War rather than spend his days surrounged by long-haired lizards. When asked in later life what his secret was, he replied to smoke heavily, drink and eat very little and not take anything too seriously'.… (mer)

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Zambia Travel
  oirm42 | May 21, 2018 |
Detailed biography gives you a great sense of being an explorer in Africa at that time in history. The British politics in the book sometimes was a bit dense, but author Edward Paice manages to convey to the reader all they need to know. The personality of Grogan drives the book and the his larger-then-life persona, as well as those of Rhodes dominate the book. This book is of surefire interest to anyone who enjoyed books like River of Doubt by Candice Millard or Desert Queen by Janet Wallach. ( )
  Humberto.Ferre | Sep 28, 2016 |
Grogan was the first man to travel overland from the Cape to Cairo at the end of the 19th century, and a passenger in the first direct flight in the other direction decades later. He was a significant figure in Kenyan colonial history. I was intrigued to learn that the well-known Gertrude's Garden children's hospital was a project initiated by his wife. ( )
  John5918 | May 1, 2006 |
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

A biography of Ewart Grogan, the founding father of Kenya, imperial adventurer, and the baddest and boldest of a bold bad gang of early settlers. He is renowned for having walked 6000 miles from Cape Town to Cairo to win the hand of his bride, after his father-in-law-to-be challenged him to do something worthwhile. By the time he was 25 he had completed his trek, defying cannibals along the way, had been elected the youngest ever member of the Alpine Club for his ascents of the Matterhorn and Mont Blanc, been sent down from Cambridge for tethering a ravenous billy goat in his tutor's rooms after a prolonged session in the Red Lion public house; and had walked out of the Slade, preferring to enlist as a trooper in the Second Matabele War rather than spend his days surrounged by long-haired lizards. When asked in later life what his secret was, he replied to smoke heavily, drink and eat very little and not take anything too seriously'.

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