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Eating Heaven

av Jennie Shortridge

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
18610147,052 (3.78)8
Nothing gets Eleanor Samuels's heart racing like a double scoop of mocha fudge chunk. Sure, the magazine writer may have some issues aside from food, but she isn't quite ready to face them. Then her beloved Uncle Benny falls ill, and what at first seems scary and daunting becomes a blessing in disguise. Because while she cooks and cares for him-and enjoys a delicious flirtation with a new chef in town-Eleanor begins to uncover some long-buried secrets about her emotionally frayed family and may finally get the chance to become the woman she's always wanted to be.… (mer)

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Visa 1-5 av 10 (nästa | visa alla)
At first I thought this book might be chick-lit light or have too many issues tucked into it to be believable. There are a lot of issues dealt with but in a believable way (although sometimes things were just a little too convenient). Shortridge really made me care about her characters. The best part for me was that Shortridge didn't feel the need to tie everything up with a ribbon at the end. ( )
  mamashepp | Mar 29, 2016 |
At first I thought this book might be chick-lit light or have too many issues tucked into it to be believable. There are a lot of issues dealt with but in a believable way (although sometimes things were just a little too convenient). Shortridge really made me care about her characters. The best part for me was that Shortridge didn't feel the need to tie everything up with a ribbon at the end. ( )
  mamashepp | Mar 29, 2016 |
Very sensitive study of eating disorder, dysfunctional family and caring for a end-of-life loved one. I don't care for flashbacks, but Shortridge handled them well. Her perception of a childhood oppressed by an eating disorder is right on the money. ( )
  hollygee | Feb 4, 2011 |
Eleanor Samuels is a very special heroine and while reading this novel I felt that she was a real person. Rarely do I get attached to a fictional character, but she was so easy to relate to (except, thankfully, for the part about having someone close dying of cancer). Also rarely, books do not linger in my mind for long, and this novel is an exception for me. Several times since I finished the book I have stopped to reflect on the lessons Ellie learned and how she handled learning them with such grace and normalcy.

Anyone who has ever had a love/hate relationship with food and dieting will surely understand this quote (from page 80): "To hell with food and its false love, its deception. It lures you in, says, 'I'll make you feel better, I'll be there for you.' And then it drives everyone else away."

I don't feel that any review I could give this book would live up to its meaningful subject and poignancy. I'll just say it's the best book I've read in a long, long time, even if it did make me sob throughout the last 50 pages. Read this one and then go hug the people you love and tell them you love them for who they are. ( )
  susanaudrey | Aug 9, 2009 |
I absolutely loved this novel. Jennie Shortridge writes a gem of a book filled with a perfectly paced plot that seamlessly slides between Eleanor's present difficulties and ties them to past memories. The plot continually deepens the reader's understanding of Eleanor's character and actions. At the heart of the novel is a woman's journey to understand a healthy relationship with food in a society where butter and sugar are evil and feelings of guilt are tied to every forkful of spice cake. A beautiful book that reminds us to live everyday as if it is our last. ( )
1 rösta jedziedz | Apr 28, 2009 |
Visa 1-5 av 10 (nästa | visa alla)
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For my dad
And in memory of those who left too soon
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To hell with food and its false love, its deception. It lures you in, says, "I'll make you feel better, I'll be there for you." And then it drives everyone else away.
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Nothing gets Eleanor Samuels's heart racing like a double scoop of mocha fudge chunk. Sure, the magazine writer may have some issues aside from food, but she isn't quite ready to face them. Then her beloved Uncle Benny falls ill, and what at first seems scary and daunting becomes a blessing in disguise. Because while she cooks and cares for him-and enjoys a delicious flirtation with a new chef in town-Eleanor begins to uncover some long-buried secrets about her emotionally frayed family and may finally get the chance to become the woman she's always wanted to be.

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Medelbetyg: (3.78)
1.5 1
2 2
3 10
3.5 6
4 26
4.5 3
5 6

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