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The Sewing Circle: Tumbling Blocks/Old Maid's Choice/Jacob's Ladder/Four Hearts (Inspirational Romance Collection)

av Andrea Boeshaar

Andra författare: Cathy Marie Hake (Bidragsgivare), Sally Laity (Bidragsgivare), Pamela Kaye Tracy (Bidragsgivare)

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912296,979 (3.75)Ingen/inga
Edna Tidewell is a Titus woman. Following the Biblical injunction to mentor younger women in Christ, this pastor's wife sets aside each Tuesday afternoon for the young women of Hickory Corners, Ohio. During "Tea with Mrs. T," the ladies do personal sewing or hold a quilting bee while Mrs. Tidewell reads aloud from the Scriptures. Discussion, tea, and sweet conversation round out each afternoon. These special get- togethers could have far-reaching effects on four young ladies. When Elsa's plans and dreams are overturned like Tumbling Blocks, can Mrs. T help her battle an enemy with kindness - and perhaps recognize true love? Can Mrs. T's example and words of wisdom help clarify one Old Maid's Choice between a loving man's proposal and the siblings who need her? Will Samantha embrace Mrs. T's words about renewing the soul and clumb down Jacob's Ladder into the arms of genuine love? As the group begins to quilt in the Four Hearts pattern, will Diana open herself up to the friendship of the circle - and the love of a curious observer? Relax along the banks of the historic Ohio River and watch four searching young women transform into stable servants of the Lord. Their stories will warm your heart and inspire your soul.… (mer)

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The story of four young women who belong to a sewing circle. Each one finds a husband. A good clean book with Christian leanings. I enjoyed this book. ( )
  rphalliburton | Sep 7, 2009 |
Tumbling Blocks/
Old Maid's Choice*
Four Hearts*
Jacob's Ladder x ( )
  fancifulgirl | Apr 20, 2020 |
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Andrea Boeshaarprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Hake, Cathy MarieBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Laity, SallyBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Tracy, Pamela KayeBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat

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Stories in anthology:

Tumbling Blocks by Andrea Boeshaar
Old Maid's Choice by Cathy Marie Hake
Jacob's Ladder by Pamela Kaye Tracy
Four Hearts by Sally Laity

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Kanonisk DDC/MDS
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Edna Tidewell is a Titus woman. Following the Biblical injunction to mentor younger women in Christ, this pastor's wife sets aside each Tuesday afternoon for the young women of Hickory Corners, Ohio. During "Tea with Mrs. T," the ladies do personal sewing or hold a quilting bee while Mrs. Tidewell reads aloud from the Scriptures. Discussion, tea, and sweet conversation round out each afternoon. These special get- togethers could have far-reaching effects on four young ladies. When Elsa's plans and dreams are overturned like Tumbling Blocks, can Mrs. T help her battle an enemy with kindness - and perhaps recognize true love? Can Mrs. T's example and words of wisdom help clarify one Old Maid's Choice between a loving man's proposal and the siblings who need her? Will Samantha embrace Mrs. T's words about renewing the soul and clumb down Jacob's Ladder into the arms of genuine love? As the group begins to quilt in the Four Hearts pattern, will Diana open herself up to the friendship of the circle - and the love of a curious observer? Relax along the banks of the historic Ohio River and watch four searching young women transform into stable servants of the Lord. Their stories will warm your heart and inspire your soul.

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