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Memory in Death (2006)

av J. D. Robb

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Serier: In Death (22)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,720395,466 (4.03)60
Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Suspense. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author J. D. Robb presents a memorable tale of suspense set in 2059 New York City, as Lieutenant Eve Dallas walks a tightrope between her professional duties and her private demons.

Eve Dallas is one tough cop. It should take more than a seemingly ordinary middle-aged lady to make her fall apart. But when that lady is Trudy Lombard, all bets are off. Just seeing Trudy at the station plunges Eve back to the days when she was a vulnerable, traumatized young girl—and trapped in foster care with the twisted woman who now sits smiling in front of her.

Trudy claims she came all the way to New York just to see how Eve is doing. But Eve’s fiercely protective husband, Roarke, suspects otherwise—and a blackmail attempt by Trudy proves his suspicion correct. Eve and Roarke just want the woman out of their lives. But someone else wants her dead. And when her murder comes to pass, Eve and Roarke will follow a circuitous and dangerous path to find out who turned the victimizer into a victim.
… (mer)

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Det finns inga diskussioner på LibraryThing om den här boken.

» Se även 60 omnämnanden

MEMORY IN DEATH is the first book in the In Death series where I solved the murder mystery well before Eve reveals the killer. In fact, I had the killer pegged from the first introduction. I’m proud of myself and yet slightly disappointed that it wasn’t more of a challenge. Still, I enjoyed Eve’s frustrations at her lack of leads and answers.

MEMORY IN DEATH also includes Eve and Roarke’s second Christmas together, a scene that is a highlight of the book. They are such a great couple, and I love how Eve is finally getting the hang of gift-giving and the holidays.

I also appreciate how Ms. Robb references previous cases/books in the series. While I do think each book could stand on its own, these little nods to past events are like little presents for fans. How can you not enjoy that? ( )
  jmchshannon | Apr 23, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
It's nearly Christmas in NYC and Eve's day starts with a man dressing as Santa Claus as he dives out of a window killing himself and the innocent guy he landed on. Things get worse when Trudy Lombard ambushes her at work loudly proclaiming that she's Eve's mother.

Trudy Lombard was the first foster parent Eve had after escaping from her abusive father. She was a nasty woman who also abused Eve by bathing her in cold water, denying food, locking her in a dark room and verbally abusing her. How she's in New York with her son Bobby and Babby's new wife Zana and she wants compensation for her care of Eve.

Eve has an intense physical reaction to Trudy as she flashes back to her abused childhood but manages to sent Trudy on her way. Then Trudy tries to blackmail Roarke for $2 million with threats to expose Eve's files to the public. He puts on scary Roarke and sends her on her way.

When Eve and Roarke go to see her so that Eve can confront her, they find her dead in her hotel room after what looks like a physical altercation. Despite how much Eve is involved, she is given the case. This is the first time she is standing for a victim that she does not empathize with. She learns that Trudy's blackmail attempt isn't her first. She's kept illegal records of all of her fosters and is blackmailing a number of them.

As she is solving the case, she's also confronting her very difficult past and getting through it with the help of her friends and her beloved Roarke. ( )
  kmartin802 | Feb 3, 2024 |
Memory in Death

When a woman from Eve's past appears with a nefarious agenda, Eve and Roarke decide to confront the threat head on only to be forced to investigate when she turns up dead.

The identity of the killer is fairly obvious from the start as is the motivation. That said, there is an additional twist at the end that comes as a complete surprise. Robb always manages to pull one out of the hat at the last minute.

The character development is compelling as always. As more details about Eve's childhood emerge, it is impossible not to respect and admire her considering that trauma she not only managed to survive but overcome as well.

Roarke is amazing as always and this book shows once again that he is not a man to be trifled with when it comes to the woman he adores.

In sum, an enjoyable addition to the series with an interesting albeit predictable mystery and the additional bonus of extra information concerning Eve's past. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
It's nearly Christmas in NYC and Eve's day starts with a man dressing as Santa Claus as he dives out of a window killing himself and the innocent guy he landed on. Things get worse when Trudy Lombard ambushes her at work loudly proclaiming that she's Eve's mother.

Trudy Lombard was the first foster parent Eve had after escaping from her abusive father. She was a nasty woman who also abused Eve by bathing her in cold water, denying food, locking her in a dark room and verbally abusing her. How she's in New York with her son Bobby and Babby's new wife Zana and she wants compensation for her care of Eve.

Eve has an intense physical reaction to Trudy as she flashes back to her abused childhood but manages to sent Trudy on her way. Then Trudy tries to blackmail Roarke for $2 million with threats to expose Eve's files to the public. He puts on scary Roarke and sends her on her way.

When Eve and Roarke go to see her so that Eve can confront her, they find her dead in her hotel room after what looks like a physical altercation. Despite how much Eve is involved, she is given the case. This is the first time she is standing for a victim that she does not empathize with. She learns that Trudy's blackmail attempt isn't her first. She's kept illegal records of all of her fosters and is blackmailing a number of them.

As she is solving the case, she's also confronting her very difficult past and getting through it with the help of her friends and her beloved Roarke. ( )
  kmartin802 | Mar 15, 2023 |
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J. D. Robbprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Ericksen, SusanBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Wikipedia på engelska (2)

Fiction. Mystery. Romance. Suspense. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author J. D. Robb presents a memorable tale of suspense set in 2059 New York City, as Lieutenant Eve Dallas walks a tightrope between her professional duties and her private demons.

Eve Dallas is one tough cop. It should take more than a seemingly ordinary middle-aged lady to make her fall apart. But when that lady is Trudy Lombard, all bets are off. Just seeing Trudy at the station plunges Eve back to the days when she was a vulnerable, traumatized young girl—and trapped in foster care with the twisted woman who now sits smiling in front of her.

Trudy claims she came all the way to New York just to see how Eve is doing. But Eve’s fiercely protective husband, Roarke, suspects otherwise—and a blackmail attempt by Trudy proves his suspicion correct. Eve and Roarke just want the woman out of their lives. But someone else wants her dead. And when her murder comes to pass, Eve and Roarke will follow a circuitous and dangerous path to find out who turned the victimizer into a victim.

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Medelbetyg: (4.03)
1 3
2 10
2.5 6
3 106
3.5 15
4 200
4.5 9
5 162

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