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The Sunne in Splendour (1982)

av Sharon Kay Penman

Andra författare: Se under Andra författare.

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,401786,532 (4.45)383
Sharon Penman's sweeping, unforgettable novel vividly re-creates the dramatic life and times of Richard III, England's most controversial and colourful monarch. He was the last-born son of York and would become the last Plantagenet King of England. Born into an England ripped apart by the bloody and vicious Wars of the Roses, he was in awe of his eldest brother Edward, who snatched victory from the battlefield and claimed the crown for York. A man devoted to those he loved, Richard stayed loyal to his brother, forging a bond of blood that withstood war, treachery and even the malice of Edward's queen, Elizabeth. And loyal to Anne Neville, the daughter of the enemy, and the woman he adored with a passion that would last a lifetime. It was this loyalty that was his strength, and finally his undoing . . . The Sunne in Splendoursweeps away the myths to tell how one of the great sovereigns of England was betrayed by his allies, and then by history. But it is also the story of a man and his fight to win the woman he loves . . . Praise for Sharon Penman- 'The best kind of historical novel' Daily Telegraph 'A marvellous literary and historical achievement . . . impossible to put down' Boston Herald… (mer)
  1. 71
    En gammal skandal av Josephine Tey (LisaMaria_C)
    LisaMaria_C: For me The Daughter of Time and The Sunne in Splendour go hand in hand. The first is the classic mystery "solving" the mystery of the Two Princes in the Tower and the second a sympathetic biographical novel of Richard III which is well-researched and moving.… (mer)
  2. 00
    We Speak No Treason av Rosemary Hawley Jarman (Imprinted)

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» Se även 383 omnämnanden

Visa 1-5 av 78 (nästa | visa alla)
Loved this book, hated all the blasphemies. ( )
  tayadora1950 | May 21, 2024 |
Read a quarter of the 900 small-print pages & gave up. Too many battles and repetive back & forth power struggles. A slog. Which is a shame because some of the characters were well done.
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman was both interesting and well-written. I found it particularly interesting as it deals with a time frame I'm not very familiar with as most histories, biographies, and novels I've favoured previously have covered the Tudor period.

Obviously reading it for the first time in 2024 changes how I came to it as a reader. The de-villianisation of Richard III has been going strong for a few years now, but I can imagine this would have been a very different and interesting take when first published.

In conclusion, my short, very reductive review of this book is that I did not expect to finish it having the hots for Richard III, but here I am. ( )
  73pctGeek | Apr 5, 2024 |
Beautifully done. This sweeping historical novel about the Plantagenets and the War of the Roses provided a different look at the all to brief reign of England's Richard III and the earlier, longer reign of his older brother, Edward IV. Most of what has come down to us in history derives from the Tudors' "winner's history," but Ms. Penman has excavated contemporaneous writings from the period of the Plantagenet reign to give life to and a very different dimension to that family. ( )
  bschweiger | Feb 4, 2024 |
Well, I loved it in my teens! ( )
  mrsnickleby | Jan 18, 2024 |
Visa 1-5 av 78 (nästa | visa alla)
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To Julie McCaskey Wolff
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Richard did not become frightened until darkness began to settle over the woods.
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And what of those who didn't know him? What happens, too, when all who knew him are dead, when people know only what they've been told? What truth will we be talking about, then?
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Sharon Penman's sweeping, unforgettable novel vividly re-creates the dramatic life and times of Richard III, England's most controversial and colourful monarch. He was the last-born son of York and would become the last Plantagenet King of England. Born into an England ripped apart by the bloody and vicious Wars of the Roses, he was in awe of his eldest brother Edward, who snatched victory from the battlefield and claimed the crown for York. A man devoted to those he loved, Richard stayed loyal to his brother, forging a bond of blood that withstood war, treachery and even the malice of Edward's queen, Elizabeth. And loyal to Anne Neville, the daughter of the enemy, and the woman he adored with a passion that would last a lifetime. It was this loyalty that was his strength, and finally his undoing . . . The Sunne in Splendoursweeps away the myths to tell how one of the great sovereigns of England was betrayed by his allies, and then by history. But it is also the story of a man and his fight to win the woman he loves . . . Praise for Sharon Penman- 'The best kind of historical novel' Daily Telegraph 'A marvellous literary and historical achievement . . . impossible to put down' Boston Herald

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Sharon Kay Penman är en LibraryThing-författare, en författare som lägger upp sitt personliga bibliotek på LibraryThing.

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Sharon Kay Penman chattade med LibraryThing-medlemmar från Aug 10, 2009 till Aug 21, 2009. Läs chatten.

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Medelbetyg: (4.45)
1 5
2 5
2.5 5
3 48
3.5 14
4 161
4.5 31
5 351


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