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Down by the Bay (1999)

av Raffi

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Serier: Raffi Songs to Read

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1,4321013,382 (3.9)1
In this song, two children imagine their mothers asking, "Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose, a fly wearing a tie, or llamas eating their pajamas down by the bay?"

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Wordplay- songs and verse
  HCC_Education_Dept | Aug 9, 2024 |
This story is a part of the Raffi “Songs to Read” collection. It is a short, rhyming picture book that can be accompanied w/ a CD for audio. The story is about 2 young children whose mother warns them not to go to the bay. Throughout the story we see many different animal characters such as a “goose kissing a moose” or a “whale w/ a polka dot tail”. Nadine Westcott illustrates this story perfectly and does a great job of capturing the emotion of the characters on each page. I enjoyed reading this picture book and think it would be fun to read to a child especially accompanied w/ the audio. ( )
  bhammant | Nov 27, 2018 |
rhyming lessons - pre-k - 1st ( )
  mew034 | Sep 4, 2015 |
Great book and song for preschool aged children. The song/book are silly and really keep the children's interest. A great way to introduce rhyming to young children.
  mscrisso | Dec 9, 2014 |
This song has many rhymes about what you might have seen down by the bay. I want to use this in my classroom because I have found that students love the silly nature of the song and it is a great song to use for rhyming practice and listening. I would use this with children up to 1st grade. I would use this as a tool to help my students practice rhyming. We would do the initial rhymes in the book then make up our own to put in the song.
  JeniseRedding | Dec 7, 2014 |
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In this song, two children imagine their mothers asking, "Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose, a fly wearing a tie, or llamas eating their pajamas down by the bay?"

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Medelbetyg: (3.9)
2 1
2.5 2
3 10
3.5 2
4 22
5 11

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