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I mördarens rum

av P. D. James

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Serier: Adam Dalgliesh (12)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
3,573683,647 (3.74)100
Murders present meet murders past in P.D. James's latest harrowing, thought-provoking thriller. Life imitates art. The redoubtable Commander Adam Dalgliesh is on the trail of a murderer whose MO mimics a museum exhibit. The Dupayne, a small London museum devoted to the interwar years 1919-1939, is in turmoil. As its trustees argue over whether it should be closed, one of them is murdered. Yet even as Dalgliesh investigates this mysterious killing, a second corpse is discovered. Thus paired, the two murders look uncannily similar to the crimes in the museum's "Murder Room" gallery. As Dalgliesh attempts to unravel this increasingly urgent puzzle, its complications impinge more and more upon the relationship he is developing with Emma Lavenham. And as he moves closer to a solution, he grows further from commitment to Emma.… (mer)

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P D James beskriver personer och miljöer på ett fantastiskt sätt. Det är som en roman med ett brott invävt i historien. Den är typisk engelsk deckare. För mig saknas lite drivet och spänningsmomentet för att den ska nå de allra bästa deckarna men den höjer sig ändå över alla standard deckare som ges ut idag. Läsvärd! ( )
  Mats_Sigfridsson | Mar 8, 2014 |
The éminence grise of British detective fiction, James delivers another ruminative puzzler, generous in character, graceful in prose.
James writes with such ease and juggles her plots and characters with such control that none of this gets out of hand. . . Alas, James's efforts to inject suspense into Dalgliesh's romantic life are less effective. . .
There is no mistaking P. D. James's latest mystery for the work of a younger writer. . . Her characters are confused by euros and annoyed by mobile phones. . . Despite her elegiac frame of mind, Ms. James has not lost her taste for a good throttling.
It's a general rule of fiction that authors are happiest creating characters closest to their own age. This is because all fiction is broadly autobiographical. Male novelists in their early 20s create wincingly convincing teenagers but - by their 60s - are sketching adolescents who are merely embarrassing sexual fantasies. As an octogenarian novelist, James is showing similar difficulties of characterisation. . .
tillagd av christiguc | ändraThe Guardian, Mark Lawson (Jul 5, 2003)
I've never really got Dalgleish. His combination of policing skill and artistic sensibility - he's an acclaimed poet - has always struck a false note for me, especially given that he's so emotionally constrained. . . In The Murder Room, even his detective skills are more assumed than demonstrated. Several people, Dalgleish included, comment on his ability to get people to tell him things. Yet in this book, you have no idea why. All he seems to do is enter a room, ask a question and the admissions come thick and fast. . . Once she does begin, though, she doesn't relent until the genuinely chilling climax. Patrician, eccentric, but still a delight.

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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
P. D. Jamesprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Danielsson, UllaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Demange, OdileÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Holleman, WimÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Keating, CharlesBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Seibicke, Christa E.Översättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Weyman, DanielBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Information från den engelska sidan med allmänna fakta. Redigera om du vill anpassa till ditt språk.
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
T. S. Eliot, Burnt Norton
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To my two sons-in-law
Lyn Flook
Peter Duncan McLeod
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On Friday 25 October, exactly one week before the first body was discovered at the Dupayne Museum, Adam Dalgliesh visited the museum for the first time.
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Hänvisningar till detta verk hos externa resurser.

Wikipedia på engelska (2)

Murders present meet murders past in P.D. James's latest harrowing, thought-provoking thriller. Life imitates art. The redoubtable Commander Adam Dalgliesh is on the trail of a murderer whose MO mimics a museum exhibit. The Dupayne, a small London museum devoted to the interwar years 1919-1939, is in turmoil. As its trustees argue over whether it should be closed, one of them is murdered. Yet even as Dalgliesh investigates this mysterious killing, a second corpse is discovered. Thus paired, the two murders look uncannily similar to the crimes in the museum's "Murder Room" gallery. As Dalgliesh attempts to unravel this increasingly urgent puzzle, its complications impinge more and more upon the relationship he is developing with Emma Lavenham. And as he moves closer to a solution, he grows further from commitment to Emma.

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Medelbetyg: (3.74)
0.5 1
1 8
1.5 2
2 21
2.5 12
3 171
3.5 41
4 249
4.5 23
5 108

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