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My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead (2008)

av Jeffrey Eugenides (Redaktör)

Andra författare: Isaac Babel (Bidragsgivare), David Bezmozgis (Bidragsgivare), Harold Brodkey (Bidragsgivare), Raymond Carver (Bidragsgivare), Eileen Chang (Bidragsgivare)21 till, Anton Chekhov (Bidragsgivare), Guy de Maupassant (Bidragsgivare), Stuart Dybek (Bidragsgivare), Deborah Eisenberg (Bidragsgivare), William Faulkner (Bidragsgivare), Richard Ford (Bidragsgivare), David Gates (Bidragsgivare), Denis Johnson (Bidragsgivare), James Joyce (Bidragsgivare), Miranda July (Bidragsgivare), Milan Kundera (Bidragsgivare), Bernard Malamud (Bidragsgivare), Lorrie Moore (Bidragsgivare), Alice Munro (Bidragsgivare), Robert Musil (Bidragsgivare), Vladimir Nabokov (Bidragsgivare), Grace Paley (Bidragsgivare), Mary Robison (Bidragsgivare), George Saunders (Bidragsgivare), Gilbert Sorrentino (Bidragsgivare), William Trevor (Bidragsgivare)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
7712029,721 (3.7)33
A collection of love story excerpts from classic literary works, culled by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Middlesex, includes selections by such writers as Alice Munro, William Faulkner, and Milan Kundera, in a volume published to benefit the McSweeney literacy project 826 Chicago.

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These aren't love stories that explore the beauty of love, but rather love stories that explore the hurt of love delayed or unfulfilled. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
I've already reviewed a couple of the stories in this collection, so I'll go ahead and offer up an opinion of the collection as a whole (which is more difficult).

Of course, I loved some stories and really didn't like others and was ambivalent about the rest. (Actually, Harold Brodkey was the only author with two stories in the book; they happened to be, respectively, one of my favorites and my absolute least favorite almost-didn't-get-through-it. What should I make of that?) Eugenides has done a fine job of curating a wide range of styles and viewpoints. In the introduction he emphasizes that his subject is not love but the love story, then goes on to offer us an array of evidence that proves him to be true to his mission.

I appreciate a collection like this that helps me discover authors I may not have found time for otherwise. For example, the inclusion of "Jon" by George Saunders has convinced me I want to read more by him. ( )
  rhowens | Nov 26, 2019 |
Birthday gift to myself! :)
  capriciousreader | Mar 20, 2018 |
Because Jeffrey Eugenides takes his sweet time between writing incredible novels, when I heard there was a short story compilation edited by him it was purchased on my amazon account and being shipped to my house as fast as my fingers could go.

After reading the first few stories I began to get worried. I didn't bother to read what the theme of the compilation was when I purchased--his name was enough for me. But the first few stories (by some of the 'classics'--Faulkner, Joyce...) had me terrified I had signed up for something I was not interested in at the least.

Thankfully, those stories were at the front of the book, and just like trudging down your veggies before you can have dessert, the book got way better.

I'm a completionist, I'm a person who needs o finish books, so I can't recommend skipping the first few stories...but if you can hold out it will be worth it! ( )
  csweder | Jul 8, 2014 |
Love this collection as it has many stories and authors I had yet to discover. Particularly liked Jon by George Saunders and Spring in Fialta by Nabokov. ( )
  cherry_red186 | Jul 5, 2010 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Eugenides, JeffreyRedaktörprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Babel, IsaacBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Bezmozgis, DavidBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Brodkey, HaroldBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Carver, RaymondBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Chang, EileenBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Chekhov, AntonBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
de Maupassant, GuyBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Dybek, StuartBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Eisenberg, DeborahBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Faulkner, WilliamBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Ford, RichardBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Gates, DavidBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Johnson, DenisBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Joyce, JamesBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
July, MirandaBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Kundera, MilanBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Malamud, BernardBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Moore, LorrieBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Munro, AliceBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Musil, RobertBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Nabokov, VladimirBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Paley, GraceBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Robison, MaryBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Saunders, GeorgeBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Sorrentino, GilbertBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Trevor, WilliamBidragsgivaremedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
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A collection of love story excerpts from classic literary works, culled by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Middlesex, includes selections by such writers as Alice Munro, William Faulkner, and Milan Kundera, in a volume published to benefit the McSweeney literacy project 826 Chicago.

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Medelbetyg: (3.7)
1.5 1
2 7
3 25
3.5 5
4 32
4.5 3
5 16

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