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Summer Blowout

av Claire Cook

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
3388278,755 (3.41)21
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Bella Shaughnessy is addicted to lipstick with names like My Chihuahua Bites and Kiss My Lips, an occupational hazard, since she works as a stylist and makeup artist for her family's small chain of beauty salons in Marshbury, Massachusetts, along with her four half-brothers and -sisters. The owner is her father, Lucky Shaughnessy, a gregarious, three-times-divorced charmer with Donald Trump hair, who is obsessed with all things Italian and still carries a torch for his first wife, Bella's mother. After Bella's own marriage flames out spectacularly when her half-sister runs off with her husband, Bella decides she has seen enough of the damage love can do. She makes a vow: no more men.

Then Bella meets a cute entrepreneur at a college fair, and despite their bickering, they can't seem to stay away from each other. He also gives her a brilliant business idea, one that just might allow her to share her makeup expertise with the world. A small, well-tressed dog finds her way into her life, and her heart, and she decides to chance that, too. When the whole clan heads to Atlanta for a big Southern wedding, sparks fly—in a summer blowout no one will ever forget.

This hilarious, rambunctious novel is pure Claire Cook: full of juicy conflict and unconditional love.

… (mer)

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» Se även 21 omnämnanden

Cute quick beachy read. ( )
  cubsfan3410 | Sep 1, 2018 |
Great story despite the detailed descriptions of makeup and hairstyling every other paragraph. It was short on romance and more about family drama. ( )
  ig3514 | May 20, 2018 |
A quick, fun, fluffy summer beach read. Which is appropriate since I actually read it at the beach :) The conversations were witty and made me chuckle more than once. My one criticism is I didn't care for the product placements. ( )
  janb37 | Feb 13, 2017 |
easy,funny light read with likable characters ( )
  micahmom2002 | Jan 25, 2016 |
easy,funny light read with likable characters ( )
  micahmom2002 | Jan 25, 2016 |
inga recensioner | lägg till en recension
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Bella Shaughnessy is addicted to lipstick with names like My Chihuahua Bites and Kiss My Lips, an occupational hazard, since she works as a stylist and makeup artist for her family's small chain of beauty salons in Marshbury, Massachusetts, along with her four half-brothers and -sisters. The owner is her father, Lucky Shaughnessy, a gregarious, three-times-divorced charmer with Donald Trump hair, who is obsessed with all things Italian and still carries a torch for his first wife, Bella's mother. After Bella's own marriage flames out spectacularly when her half-sister runs off with her husband, Bella decides she has seen enough of the damage love can do. She makes a vow: no more men.

Then Bella meets a cute entrepreneur at a college fair, and despite their bickering, they can't seem to stay away from each other. He also gives her a brilliant business idea, one that just might allow her to share her makeup expertise with the world. A small, well-tressed dog finds her way into her life, and her heart, and she decides to chance that, too. When the whole clan heads to Atlanta for a big Southern wedding, sparks fly—in a summer blowout no one will ever forget.

This hilarious, rambunctious novel is pure Claire Cook: full of juicy conflict and unconditional love.


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Medelbetyg: (3.41)
1 4
1.5 1
2 6
2.5 5
3 47
3.5 17
4 35
4.5 4
5 11

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