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Tommyland (2004)

av Tommy Lee

Andra författare: Anthony Bozza

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
326481,671 (3.61)4
A memoir by the famous drummer for M otley Cr ue describes the misbehavior that marked his early childhood, his successes with his heavy metal band, his marriages to Heather Locklear and Pamela Anderson, and his experiences in jail.

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This was good - not great. Not a lot of smut, more like "a day in the life of Tommy Lee".

Motley Crue was my favorite band for a couple years - between Def Leppard and Metallica. But once I got into thrash I never went back to listening to them. I still love the old music though and now I'm interested in hearing some of Tommy's new solo stuff.

Overall Tommy sounds like a big kid. Really. He sounds about 17 throughout the entire book. Even when he's talking about deep topics. That got a little annoying but he ALWAYS seemed really sincere. It was way better than most of the musician's autobiographies I've read where they seem to focus on doing drugs all the time - that is REALLY annoying.

I liked the jail chapter the best. I also felt really bad for him about all the intrusions into his privacy and getting sued all the time. ( )
  ragwaine | Oct 5, 2012 |
Hilarious. Tommy has long been one of the funniest members of Motley Crue and this book is no exception. I do have to say though that some of the funniest bits are Pam Anderson or their kids. ( )
  RockStarNinja | Feb 20, 2011 |
This Was a fun book. I like the hollywood gossip and it gives him a chance to tell his side of the story. I read Pam Anderson's book too. ( )
  Talymac2 | May 16, 2008 |
A bit annoying as it is written in Tommy-talk, but full of gossip and sex nonetheless. ( )
  worm | Oct 2, 2006 |
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Bozza, Anthonymedförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
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Wikipedia på engelska (3)

A memoir by the famous drummer for M otley Cr ue describes the misbehavior that marked his early childhood, his successes with his heavy metal band, his marriages to Heather Locklear and Pamela Anderson, and his experiences in jail.

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Medelbetyg: (3.61)
1 1
1.5 1
2 6
3 25
3.5 4
4 20
5 16

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