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The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (1995)

av James McBride

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MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
6,1911161,628 (3.99)235
Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Who was Ruth McBride Jordan? Not even her son knew the answer to that question until he embarked on a twelve-year journey that changed himself and his family forever. Born Rachel Deborah Shilsky, she began life as the daughter of an angry, failed orthodox Jewish rabbi in the South. To escape her unhappy childhood, Ruth ran away to Harlem, married a black man, became Baptist and started an all-black church. Her son James tells of growing up with inner confusions, chaos, and financial hardships; of his own flirtation with drugs and violence; of the love and faith his mother gave her twelve children; and of his belated coming to terms with her Jewish heritage. The result is a powerful portrait of growing up, a meditation on race and identity, and a poignant, beautifully crafted hymn from a son to his mother.

.… (mer)
  1. 00
    Off-White: a memoir av Laurie Gunst (Manthepark)
    Manthepark: An interesting coming-of-age story of a Jewish girl’s connections with the African-American and white communities in Richmond, Virginia, and how those connections carried forward into her adult life.

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I think this one deserves a reread from me, just to take it all in. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
McBride's ode to his mother. Beautiful. Strong. ( )
  ben_r47 | Feb 22, 2024 |
Ruth McBride Jordan was a fierce woman. She was born a Polish Jew, emigrated to the US, and changed her name 2x to disassociate herself from her past. She also fell in love with, and married 2 black men, which caused her to be shunned by her family. Along with her husband, Dennis McBride, she had 8 children, converted to Christianity, and began a church. She then married Hunter Jordan, and had more children. All her children grew to be successful.
This is an amazing story told by her son, James, and is interspersed with Ruth telling her life story to him, while he weaves the tales into his own life.
I loved it. I thought it was remarkable the way Ruth forged her own path, and although naive at times, was able to make it through. Moving story. ( )
1 rösta rmarcin | Feb 21, 2024 |
Excellent, amazing documentation of a journey of two generations of a multi-racial family. ( )
  empress49 | Dec 29, 2023 |
This book is essentially two memoirs in one - both the author's and his mother's.

Some very sad moments, as well as funny stories, are recounted. I found it really interesting how scared McBride was for his white mother's safety, when he was growing up.

The ending was a little anticlimactic and disappointing, though I can't quite put my finger on the reason for that.

There was some profanity and a couple of vulgar comments that I really wish had been edited out. ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
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Wie fatal die entschlossene Weigerung dieser Frau, irgend etwas anderes zu sein als sie selbst, sich auf die nächste Generation überträgt, macht den Leser schier atemlos. Wie erfolgreich sie und ihre Kinder andererseits Teil des amerikanischen Traumes werden, nicht minder. James McBride liefert mit seinem Debut nicht nur eine Familiengeschichte ab, sondern ebenso ein Sittenbild des amerikanischen Südens der 40er Jahre und New Yorks in der Mitte dieses Jahrhunderts. Und dieses Bild ist alles andere als schwarzweiß.

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James McBrideprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Denaker, SusanBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Jackson, J. D.Berättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Schmalz, MonikaÜbersetzermedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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I wrote this book for my mother, and her mother, and mothers everywhere.
In memory of Hudis Shilsky, Rev. Andrew D. McBride, and Hunter L. Jordan, Sr.
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As a boy, I never knew where my mother was from -- where she was born, who her parents were.
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Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Who was Ruth McBride Jordan? Not even her son knew the answer to that question until he embarked on a twelve-year journey that changed himself and his family forever. Born Rachel Deborah Shilsky, she began life as the daughter of an angry, failed orthodox Jewish rabbi in the South. To escape her unhappy childhood, Ruth ran away to Harlem, married a black man, became Baptist and started an all-black church. Her son James tells of growing up with inner confusions, chaos, and financial hardships; of his own flirtation with drugs and violence; of the love and faith his mother gave her twelve children; and of his belated coming to terms with her Jewish heritage. The result is a powerful portrait of growing up, a meditation on race and identity, and a poignant, beautifully crafted hymn from a son to his mother.


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Medelbetyg: (3.99)
0.5 2
1 15
1.5 3
2 43
2.5 15
3 233
3.5 68
4 484
4.5 57
5 395

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