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Blankets (2003)

av Craig Thompson

Andra författare: Se under Andra författare.

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
5,2972462,082 (4.07)273
Loosely based on the author's life, chronicling his journey from childhood to adulthood, exploring the people, experiences, and beliefs that he encountered along the way.
  1. 100
    Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic av Alison Bechdel (McMinty, 2810michael)
  2. 100
    Persepolis. D. 1-4 av Marjane Satrapi (Hibou8)
    Hibou8: Two very good graphic novels that deal with coming of age.
  3. 30
    Stitches: A Memoir av David Small (teelgee)
  4. 10
    American Jesus - Book One: Chosen av Mark Millar (Percevan)
    Percevan: Both comic books are about coming of age and a boy's relationship to Christianity. They are both thought-provoking, but in different ways.
  5. 10
    Days of the Bagnold Summer av Joff Winterhart (kinsey_m)
  6. 00
    Born Again av Kelly Kerney (Percevan)
    Percevan: Both books deal with coming of age of after rigid fundamentalist christian upbringing, but in different formats: a girl's thought provoking fictional story in a novel (Born again) and a beautiful graphic novel with the autobiographical story of a boy (Blankets).… (mer)
  7. 00
    Underdogs av Markus Zusak (MarcusH)
    MarcusH: While The Underdogs is not a graphic novel, Markus Zusak does create a series of somewhat autobiographical coming of age tales similar to the story told in Blankets. Zusak's prose is poetic and creates images through words as Thompson creates actual images.
  8. 11
    Asterios Polyp av David Mazzucchelli (Percevan)
  9. 00
    Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood av Marjane Satrapi (Hibou8)
  10. 00
    Ghost World av Daniel Clowes (hazzabamboo)
  11. 00
    Moonshadow av J. M. DeMatteis (apokoliptian)
  12. 01
    Black hole av Charles Burns (2810michael)

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If you're looking for a graphic novel that delves deep into the complexities of love and emotional turmoil, "Blankets" by Craig Thompson is a must-read. While I typically don't gravitate towards romance, this story is far from your typical love tale. It captures the painful reality of families breaking apart and the inner battles of two teenagers grappling with their emotions in a world quick to judge.
Thompson masterfully takes readers on an emotional journey, exploring the narrow lanes of our feelings often trampled by others. Despite being a graphic novel, the raw pain and vulnerability in the author's voice are palpable, making it a perfect read for fans of tragic romance. This book undoubtedly deserves a 5-star rating. ( )
  Sucharita1986 | Aug 29, 2024 |
This is a coming of age story, about losing religion, but re- examining what faith and your place in the universe is. Isn't this what most people go through as teens and young adults? In one form or another, we meet people who help us figure out who we are, and its a powerful journey. ( )
  Pepperwings | Aug 27, 2024 |

Child sexual assault/abuse right at the start and heavy on the religion - I am not the reader for this.
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
I read this nearly 600-page book in one sitting--the coming-of-age story is beautiful, sad, funny, intelligent and haunting. I loved the illustrations. Quite an accomplishment for Craig Thompson. ( )
  prairiemage | May 29, 2024 |
Blankets è il secondo libro che leggo di Craig Thompson, quindi posso affermare con cognizione di causa che, al di là del suo talento, ha un modo di raffigurare le donne che mi mette tremendamente a disagio e mi impedisce di simpatizzare con le sue storie.

È un aspetto che ho trovato molto più marcato in Habibi – l’altra opera di Thompson che ho letto – ma anche Blankets non scherza: Raina, l’interesse amoroso adolescenziale dell’autore, viene spesso raffigurata in pose conturbanti oppure come una sorta di angelo pronta a mostrare una via verso la purezza alternativa a quella predicata in chiesa.

Sono abbastanza convinta che queste raffigurazioni siano proprio il frutto dell’educazione fortemente cristiana e sessuofobica ricevuta da Thompson (e che in parte ci viene raccontata proprio in Blankets), ma nessun ragionamento razionale riesce a scacciare via il senso di disagio causatomi dal vedere il corpo di Raina disegnato in quel modo.

So di essere in netta minoranza, visto quanto è piaciuto e piace questo libro, data anche la sua capacità di raccontare i turbamenti adolescenziali e la classica storia triste di chi cresce in un ambiente fondamentalista, ma Blankets non ha proprio colpito niente in me. Sono però contenta che alla fine Thompson si sia allontanato da quell’ambiente tossico e abbia trovato la sua strada. Anche se disegna i corpi femminili in maniera inquietante. ( )
  lasiepedimore | Jan 12, 2024 |
Visa 1-5 av 246 (nästa | visa alla)
Blankets is an attempt to rejuvenate such well-trod themes as social isolation, religious guilt, and first love; the vitality of which has become too frequently obscured by countless hackneyed dramas and endless clichés. Toward the very end of this “illustrated novel,” Craig notes, while walking in snow, how “satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface.” In Blankets, Thompson does just this: through daring leaps of visual storytelling, he makes wonderfully fresh marks upon a surface long worn blank.
tillagd av stephmo | ändraThe Modern World, Ismo Santala (Nov 18, 2003)
In telling his story, which includes beautifully rendered memories of the small brutalities that parents inflict upon their children and siblings upon each other, Thompson describes the ecstasy and ache of obsession (with a lover, with God) and is unafraid to suggest the ways that obsession can consume itself and evaporate.
tillagd av stephmo | ändraNew York Times, Ken Tucker (Sep 13, 2003)
...credit writer-artist Craig Thompson, 27, for infusing his bittersweet tale of childhood psyche bruising, junior Christian angst, and adolescent first love with a lyricism so engaging, the pages fly right by.
I would be unlikely to share Blankets with someone who told me they wanted to understand comix. Instead, I would give it to anyone who told me they wanted to read a book that made them feel transcendent, sad, generous, hopeful — but above all, to truly feel something.
tillagd av stephmo | ändraPowells.com, Chris Bolton (Aug 23, 2003)
Part teen romance novel, part coming-of-age novel, part faith-in-crisis novel and all comix, "Blankets" is a great American novel.
tillagd av stephmo | ändraTIME, Andrew Arnold (Jul 11, 2003)

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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Thompson, Craigprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Assis, ÉricoÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
David, AlainTraductionmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Dohmen, ToonÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Fliege, Claudiamedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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For my family, with love.
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When we were young, my little brother Phil and I shared the same bed.
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Loosely based on the author's life, chronicling his journey from childhood to adulthood, exploring the people, experiences, and beliefs that he encountered along the way.

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Medelbetyg: (4.07)
0.5 1
1 20
1.5 5
2 72
2.5 20
3 310
3.5 69
4 654
4.5 107
5 678

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