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The Forgotten Man (2005)

av Robert Crais

Andra författare: Se under Andra författare.

Serier: Elvis Cole (10)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,5803011,580 (3.68)24
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“[A] riveting novel with a vivid sense of place . . . Anyone who enjoys a well-written, fast-paced, noirish thriller with a great aha! moment shouldn’t miss The Forgotten Man.”—The Boston Globe

In an alleyway in Los Angeles, an old man, clutching faded newspaper clippings and gasping his last words to a cop, lies dying of a gunshot wound. The victim claims to be P.I. Elvis Cole’s long-lost father—a stranger who has always haunted his son.

As a teenager, Cole searched desperately for his father. As a man, he faces the frightening possibility that this murder victim was himself a killer. Caught in limbo between a broken love affair and way too much publicity over his last case, Cole at first resists getting involved with this new case. Then it consumes him. Now a stranger’s terrifying secrets—and a hunt for his killer—give Cole a frightening glimpse into his own past. And he can’t tell if it’s forgiveness or a bullet that’s coming next. . . . 

“Robert Crais is a crime writer of incredible talent—his novels are not only suspenseful and deeply atmospheric but very hard to put down.”—Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code

“A brutal but exhilarating climax.”—USA Today.
… (mer)

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» Se även 24 omnämnanden

I thoroughly enjoyed reading "The Forgotten Man" by Robert Crais. This is the first novel that I have read by this author and it certainly will not be the last! "The Forgotten Man" follows the life of Elvis Cole, a private investigator who is well known for solving crimes. The plot starts off with an elder man that is found murdered in a Los Angeles alleyway. According to the first police officer on the scene, the old man claims to be looking for his long-lost son, Elvis Cole. The victim is clutching old newspaper clippings of articles featuring Elvis. Elvis has been searching for his father since he was a young child. Can his search finally be over? Mr. Crais has a unique talent of keeping his readers engrossed from the first page to the last of this never ending novel full of twists and turns. Loved the ending! ( )
  AndreaHelena | Jul 4, 2023 |
Again, reviewing this one way too late after I read the book. Still the characters we know and love, interesting peek deeper into Elvis's past, a little awkward at the same time, but still very enjoyable. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
I don't know who wrote this but it wasn't Crais. Awful book. Full of self pity and way too much navel gazing. Just miserable all around. ( )
  bradcharles | Apr 3, 2023 |
This installment of the Elvis Cole series is a darker one then the previous 9 installment. Not dark in story but dark in tone because Elvis has lost a lot of his humor because of losing his love Lucy. And that darker narrative held my interest and I found that I miss the free fun and humor of Elvis and hope he returns cause I hate to see him in pain like that.

( )
  linusnc | Feb 18, 2023 |
3 1/2 stars, but rounded up because I like the series so much that I was interested in this background on the main character.

This one was disappointing in that the usual humor I like so much was lacking. The story was fairly interesting, I suppose, but the villain was completely crazy and delusional, so it was hard to take him seriously.

Add in a lot of soap opera action, with his old girlfriend coming around, and a new woman who is in love with him but he doesn't seem to care. Blend in some Joe Pike at the end getting all sentimental and holding hands with Elvis at one point, and you have a non-typical Elvis Cole mystery. If you're not a fan, this probably won't get you hooked, but if you are, you may like learning more about the characters. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
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Robert Craisprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Bonomelli, RexOmslagsformgivaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“[A] riveting novel with a vivid sense of place . . . Anyone who enjoys a well-written, fast-paced, noirish thriller with a great aha! moment shouldn’t miss The Forgotten Man.”—The Boston Globe

In an alleyway in Los Angeles, an old man, clutching faded newspaper clippings and gasping his last words to a cop, lies dying of a gunshot wound. The victim claims to be P.I. Elvis Cole’s long-lost father—a stranger who has always haunted his son.

As a teenager, Cole searched desperately for his father. As a man, he faces the frightening possibility that this murder victim was himself a killer. Caught in limbo between a broken love affair and way too much publicity over his last case, Cole at first resists getting involved with this new case. Then it consumes him. Now a stranger’s terrifying secrets—and a hunt for his killer—give Cole a frightening glimpse into his own past. And he can’t tell if it’s forgiveness or a bullet that’s coming next. . . . 

“Robert Crais is a crime writer of incredible talent—his novels are not only suspenseful and deeply atmospheric but very hard to put down.”—Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code

“A brutal but exhilarating climax.”—USA Today.

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Medelbetyg: (3.68)
1 8
2 18
2.5 4
3 80
3.5 28
4 152
4.5 8
5 45

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