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Summer of '49 (2006)

av David Halberstam

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,0922019,002 (3.98)26
David Halberstam's classic chronicle of baseball's most magnificent season, as seen through the battle royal between Joe DiMaggio's Yankees and Ted Williams's Red Sox for the hearts of a nation. The year was 1949, and a war-wearied nation turned from the battlefields to the ball fields in search of new heroes. It was a summer that marked the beginning of a sports rivalry unequaled in the annals of athletic competition. The awesome New York Yankees and the indomitable Boston Red Sox were fighting for supremacy of baseball's American League and an aging Joe DiMaggio and a brash, headstrong hitting phenomenon named Ted Williams led their respective teams in a classic pennant duel of almost mythic proportions-one that would be decided in an explosive head-to-head confrontation on the last day of the season. With incredible skill, passion and insight, Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Halberstam returns us to that miraculous summer-and to a glorious time when the dreams of a now almost forgotten America rested on the crack of a bat.… (mer)

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» Se även 26 omnämnanden

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The book that I was reading when Leonard died.... ( )
  Charles_R._Cowherd | Jul 10, 2021 |
The summer of 1949: It was baseball's Golden Age and the year Joe DiMaggio's New York Yankees were locked in a soon-to-be classic battle with Ted Williams's Boston Red Sox for the American League pennant.
  JRCornell | Oct 28, 2018 |
If you're a big baseball fan, especially from the northeast part of the United States, then you will probably love this book. There are lots of stories about baseball characters and some baseball history. However, this is very much a big collection of anecdotes centered around the author's childhood focus on the rivalry between the New York Yankees, especially Joe DiMaggio, and the Boston Red Sox, especially Ted Williams. Roughly a half-dozen other players from each of those teams is given somewhat less emphasis with other players and other teams barely mentioned at all. This extends all the way to the World Series with the Brooklyn Dodgers where only one player for that team gets much of any attention and it isn't Jackie Robinson. The best parts of the book are really the analysis of how major league baseball was managed back then, and the realization of how much it has changed to the huge business it is today. Other than that, imagine you're sitting around with similarly-minded baseball fans with nothing particularly meaningful to accomplish except be nostalgic for those good old days we keep hearing about. ( )
  larryerick | Apr 26, 2018 |
Narrative of the Red Sox/Yankee season of 1949 ( )
  JackSweeney | Jan 9, 2017 |
Two Halberstams in my top 10 baseball book list. This is a fantastic account of the 49 season, written by a true journalist, not a sportswriter. ( )
  BooksForDinner | Feb 2, 2016 |
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David Halberstam's classic chronicle of baseball's most magnificent season, as seen through the battle royal between Joe DiMaggio's Yankees and Ted Williams's Red Sox for the hearts of a nation. The year was 1949, and a war-wearied nation turned from the battlefields to the ball fields in search of new heroes. It was a summer that marked the beginning of a sports rivalry unequaled in the annals of athletic competition. The awesome New York Yankees and the indomitable Boston Red Sox were fighting for supremacy of baseball's American League and an aging Joe DiMaggio and a brash, headstrong hitting phenomenon named Ted Williams led their respective teams in a classic pennant duel of almost mythic proportions-one that would be decided in an explosive head-to-head confrontation on the last day of the season. With incredible skill, passion and insight, Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Halberstam returns us to that miraculous summer-and to a glorious time when the dreams of a now almost forgotten America rested on the crack of a bat.

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Medelbetyg: (3.98)
1 2
2 4
2.5 5
3 37
3.5 8
4 80
4.5 13
5 52

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