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Liseys berättelse

av Stephen King

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner / Omnämnanden
8,643198997 (3.59)1 / 246
Two years after losing her husband of twenty-five years, Lisey looks back at the sometimes frightening intimacy that marked their marriage, her husband's successes as a novelist, and his secretive nature that established Lisey's supernatural belief systems.
  1. 30
    Benrangel av Stephen King (sturlington)
    sturlington: Very similar themes.

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Consiglio: leggetelo in lingua originale! Credo sinceramente di aver perso qualcosa, se non molto, non essendo in grado di godermelo in inglese: è un libro anche sulle PAROLE.
Differente, non totalmente coinvolgente, dovrò lasciarlo "raffreddare" per essere certa del mio giudizio.
  Valek626 | Jun 17, 2024 |
Rated “Indifferent" in our old book database. ( )
  villemezbrown | May 28, 2024 |

The first half star aknowledges the fact that I felt compelled to finish reading this book.
Another half star, after the only one this novel may deserve, comes from the well devised three-level flashback. It really makes you feel the eternity of feelings.
The last half star keeping this book on this side of total failure is my affection to Stephen King flawed yet hypnotic prose.

The lack of the remaining stars is due to the inconsistency between the way this novel starts an what it becomes after few chapters, to the nauseating sameness of the characters with most of Stephen King's characters in other books, to the lacklustre final, to the eternal repetition of the same explanatory platitudes about families' secret languages, to some interesting narrative threads simply ignored.

Why do people keep writing that Stephen King builds three-dimensional characters? They come in batches: Lisa is Fran is Rachel etc. She does not even have a job, no personality other than the Great Writer's Eternal Wife, she had no dreams, no projects, no aspirations at all before meeting Him.
Scott is every writer Stephen King has ever written about.
And so on.

The plot starts with an interesting idea: the point of view of a VIP's half-invisible partner.


Then it (surprise...) twists towards horror/fantastic/supernatural. It's a pity that all is already openly stated in the first third of the narration. If I had known it, I would not have spent a couple of afternoons glued to my armchair, going nowhere.

Finally, and this IS A SERIOUS SPOILER,

if Amanda follows Scott's same behaviours patterns of self-mutilation and refuge in her own world, one would think that something "bad-gunky", or at least some abuse, has to come out from her own family's past too. All in the plot prepares for that revelation, that's what I was waiting for, glued to my smucking armchair, and... nothing. Nothing-nothing. Amanda is simply nuts for her own personal reasons, that's it.
So disappointing. Instead, that mellow final with the Story Tree, safe at night, and the re-statement of the already known through 'Lisey's Story' in the story. ( )
  Elanna76 | May 2, 2024 |
Dopo aver letto (fino in fondo...) e apprezzato tanti romanzi di King, devo confessare che qui l'ho mollato dopo 150 faticosissime pagine.
Sommando una trama prolissa, l'uso di un linguaggio che a voler essere buoni definirei "strano" e aggiungendo la solita fastidiosa traduzione di Dobner (Dio lo abbia in gloria...) per me è stata una completa delusione.
Ammiro chi lo definisce un capolavoro, ma personalmente mi associo ai tanti che hanno stroncato questo libro. ( )
  ginsengman | Jan 3, 2024 |
*All reviews are from online reviews*

Lisey Debusher Landon lost her husband, Scott, two years ago, after a twenty-five year marriage of the most profound and sometimes frightening intimacy. Scott was an award-winning, bestselling novelist and a very complicated man. Early in their relationship, before they married, Lisey had to learn from him about books and blood and bools. Later, she understood that there was a place Scott went--a place that both terrified and healed him, that could eat him alive or give him the ideas he needed in order to live. Now it's Lisey's turn to face Scott's demons, Lisey's turn to go to Boo'ya Moon. What begins as a widow's efforts to sort through the papers of her celebrated husband becomes a nearly fatal journey into the darkness he inhabited. Perhaps King's most personal and powerful novel, Lisey's Story is about the wellsprings of creativity, the temptations of madness, and the secret language of love.
  TeacherCarrieP | Aug 28, 2023 |
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Where do you go when you're lonely?

Where do you go when you're blue?

Where do you go when you're lonely?

I'll follow you

When the stars go blue.

-- Ryan Adams
"If I were the moon, I know here I would fall down."

-- D. H. Lawrence, The Rainbow
"She turned, and saw a great white moon looking at her over the hill. And her breast opened to it, she was cleaved like a transparent jewel to its light. She stood filled with the full moon, offering herself. Her two breasts opened to make way for it, her body opened wide like a quivering anemone, a soft, dilated invitation touched by the moon."

-- D. H. Lawrence, The Rainbow
"You are the call and I am the answer,

You are the wish, and I the fulfillment,

You are the night, and I the day.

What else? It is perfect enough.

It is perfectly complete,

You and I,

What more -- ?

Strange, how we suffer in spite of this!"

-- D. H. Lawrence, "Bei Hennef"
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For Tabby
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To the public eye, the spouses of well-known writers are all but invisible, and no one knew it better than Lisey Landon.
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In any case she might well have gone on until dawn's early light and it would have gotten her a lot of hot air in one hand and big pile of jack shit in the other.
I got to end all this ding-dong for the freesias.
Avslutande ord
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Förlagets redaktörer
På omslaget citeras
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Two years after losing her husband of twenty-five years, Lisey looks back at the sometimes frightening intimacy that marked their marriage, her husband's successes as a novelist, and his secretive nature that established Lisey's supernatural belief systems.

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Medelbetyg: (3.59)
0.5 7
1 61
1.5 14
2 164
2.5 27
3 385
3.5 97
4 520
4.5 46
5 338

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