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Seinologi (1993)

av Jerry Seinfeld

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,6732310,736 (3.38)15
Seinfeld. For more than 33 million viewers, the Emmy Award-winning television show has become a Thursday night ritual. Even though the show has ended, Jerry Seinfeld's distinct brand of humor can still be yours. In his #1 New York Times bestselling book, SeinLanguage, Jerry Seinfeld has captured on the page his views on topics ranging from Raisinettes to relationships, from childhood to cop shows, and from parents to power suits. This must-have book for all fans--and who isn't a fan?--remains available in both paperback and hardcover.… (mer)

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I thought this was more of an autobiography, and maybe in its own strange way it was. But in reality it was just a compilation of a ton of short, paragraph length jokes kinda about a specific topic. Not really what I was hoping for, nor really interested in. A few made me chuckle out loud, but live comedy doesn’t come across that well in book form... ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
This book is a collection of material from the routine of stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld. To me, it's not at all funny in print. In fact, his observations about life are trivial and sophomoric, and reveal just how limited is the author's perspective and life experience. Jerry's schtick is to make clever observations about aspects of life that we all share. He apparently thinks we all live in little apartments in New York City, shop for food at a nearby neighborhood store, and seek short- term relationships with women. His material may work in smoke-filled comedy clubs where half- drunk singles are primed to laugh, but in book form it's not a success. For hard core fans only. ( )
1 rösta rybie2 | Jul 28, 2022 |
There was no funnier show than "Seinfeld" when the show finally found its rhythm and stride, but I've never thought Jerry's stand up material was all that original. Seeing it in writing only confirms that his strength isn't his material - these bits were covered more convincingly by Shandling and Reiser back in their hey-days.

I'll take "Seinfeld" seasons 4 & 5 over any of these predictable routines. ( )
  TommyHousworth | Feb 5, 2022 |
قد تضيع بعض فكاهة الكتاب على من لم يشاهد عروض ساينفيلد أو مسلسله التلفزيوني. فهو عبارة عن تشكيلة من النكات والطرائف التي اشتهر بها ساينفيلد أواخر القرن العشرين وأصبحت من كلاسيكيات الكوميديا الرصدية.
قراءة مسلية، لكن لم تزد على عروضه أي جديد ( )
1 rösta TonyDib | Jan 28, 2022 |
180 pages of slightly humerous observations / jokes that are each one or two paragaphs long ( )
  Mike_B | Oct 22, 2020 |
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Seinfeld. For more than 33 million viewers, the Emmy Award-winning television show has become a Thursday night ritual. Even though the show has ended, Jerry Seinfeld's distinct brand of humor can still be yours. In his #1 New York Times bestselling book, SeinLanguage, Jerry Seinfeld has captured on the page his views on topics ranging from Raisinettes to relationships, from childhood to cop shows, and from parents to power suits. This must-have book for all fans--and who isn't a fan?--remains available in both paperback and hardcover.

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Medelbetyg: (3.38)
0.5 1
1 5
1.5 4
2 34
2.5 9
3 93
3.5 16
4 77
4.5 2
5 38

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