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Den glade brevbäraren och sagofigurernas hemliga post (1986)

av Janet Ahlberg, Allan Ahlberg

Serier: The Jolly Postman (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,527496,037 (4.52)34
A Jolly Postman delivers letters to several famous fairy-tale characters such as the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella, and the Three Bears. Each letter may be removed from its envelope page and read separately.

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Det finns inga diskussioner på LibraryThing om den här boken.

» Se även 34 omnämnanden

"La sacoche du gentil facteur est remplie de vraies lettres adressées à des célébrités : une lettre d'excuse de Boucle d'or pour les Trois Ours, un extrait du catalogue des magasins Farfadjin pour la méchante sorcière, une carte postale de Jack pour le Géant, et bien d'autres encore...) 4e de couverture
  marievictoire | Apr 15, 2023 |
Assim como todo mundo, os contos de fadas gostam de mandar e receber cartas. João, por exemplo, mal tem tempo de agradecer o gigante pelas ótimas férias que sua galinha de ovos de ouro lhe proporcionou. Cachinhos Dourados aproveita para se desculpar com a família Urso por ter causado confusão na casa. E o que seria da bruxa sem o catálogo de ofertas do Empório da Bruxaria, que esse mês oferece uma promoção especial de mistura para torta Menino Fofo? Por isso, quando o carteiro chega é sempre uma festa, e todo mundo o convida para entrar. Mas às vezes - especialmente em caso de Lobo Mau - ele prefere recusar o chazinho e dar no pé o mais rápido possível. O livro, que é todo contado em rimas, vem cheio de cartas de verdade, postais, livrinhos e convites, com envelope e tudo.
  FranklinJRibeiro | Jan 13, 2023 |
My two grade-school grand-daughters loved playing with this book together, sending each other the detachable messages.
The story is a rhymed expostion of the Nursery Rhymes Postman's journeys carrying letters between the denizens of Nursery Rhyme Land.

(Dates for most recent reading.
Surprisingly, I still have all the letters!) ( )
  librisissimo | Jun 26, 2021 |
This book has letters that can be removed as they are written between characters from stories such as Mother Goose, Goldilocks and the bears and the wicked witch. Beautiful illustrations.
  HeidiSki | Jul 12, 2019 |
This book is the cutest book I have read in a long time. My favorite book as a child was Felix and the Flying Suitcase and it was one of my favorite books because it had letters that could be removed and read just like this book. I was smiling from the first letter in the book, and I am so excited that I ended up picking it off of the shelf to read. The irony and humor in this book are in subtle little marks like the heading of the letters and who it was sent from. Any child would love reading this book, even if they had not read all of the fairytale stories that are included in the book. Children who know the fairytale stories would enjoy the irony and humor that is throughout the book. ( )
  oleger | Apr 25, 2019 |
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Ahlberg, Janetprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Ahlberg, Allanhuvudförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
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Once upon a bicycle, so they say, a Jolly Postman came one day from over the hills and far away...with a letter for the Three Bears.
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Wikipedia på engelska (2)

A Jolly Postman delivers letters to several famous fairy-tale characters such as the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella, and the Three Bears. Each letter may be removed from its envelope page and read separately.

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Medelbetyg: (4.52)
1 1
2 4
3 18
3.5 3
4 65
4.5 13
5 162

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