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Dem Bones

av Bob Barner

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
5971440,644 (3.89)3
Juvenile Nonfiction. Science. Picture Book Nonfiction. HTML:

Shoulder bone connected to da neck boneNeck bone connected to da head boneDem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry BonesColorful torn paper collages bring to life this classic African American spiritual. The frolicking skeletons will captivate children and adults while they sing along with this well-known, catchy song. Accompanied by interesting, informative bone facts this book makes a wonderful addition to both home and classroom libraries and a fun treat for Halloween!

.… (mer)

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African American music
Human anatomy
Human body
  kmgerbig | Apr 5, 2023 |
Not only is this book appropriate for the Halloween season, it is perfect for teaching the name and function of different bones in the body. On one side, there is a silly sentence about “dem bones.” On the other side, the author writes a blurb about the name and function of a specific bone in the body. Through this book, students can learn about phalanges, tibia, humerus, and more. I like this book because the author has a sense of humor. I also like this book because it is written with a silly side and a serious side. Each silly part is accompanied with some information about anatomy. I would use this book as a read-aloud. I think it would offer a great introduction to what the different bones in our body are called. ( )
  UkulelesThatRead | Nov 2, 2019 |
I thought this book was cute for Halloween but also to help a lesson learning about the bones of the human body. I thought it would be also a good lesson to have the children learn how to place the bones in the correct spot.
  Galiana.Carranza | Sep 19, 2019 |
Sing along with a colorful skeleton band in this exuberant rendition of a traditional most-loved African-American spiritual, passed down by word of mouth for generations. Today, it's usually sung by children as a way to learn anatomy, rhyme, and language. With its vibrant paper collage illustrations and rollicking read-aloud verse, this perfect introduction to the human body makes a wonderful addition to both home and classroom libraries, and is a fun treat for Halloween! (amazon)
  zahanse1 | Nov 4, 2018 |
"Sing along with a colorful skeleton band in this exuberant rendition of a traditional most-loved African-American spiritual, passed down by word of mouth for generations. Today, it's usually sung by children as a way to learn anatomy, rhyme, and language. With its vibrant paper collage illustrations and rollicking read-aloud verse, this perfect introduction to the human body makes a wonderful addition to both home and classroom libraries, and is a fun treat for Halloween!" If you sing this book, the students get hooked a once.
  KimHoffmann | Jul 14, 2017 |
Visa 1-5 av 14 (nästa | visa alla)
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059011820X is the ISBN for this book and one version of The Three Bears (1985).
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Juvenile Nonfiction. Science. Picture Book Nonfiction. HTML:

Shoulder bone connected to da neck boneNeck bone connected to da head boneDem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry BonesColorful torn paper collages bring to life this classic African American spiritual. The frolicking skeletons will captivate children and adults while they sing along with this well-known, catchy song. Accompanied by interesting, informative bone facts this book makes a wonderful addition to both home and classroom libraries and a fun treat for Halloween!


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Medelbetyg: (3.89)
2 1
3 6
3.5 1
4 8
5 6

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