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Peter and the Shadow Thieves (2006)

av Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson

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Serier: Starcatchers (2)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,751505,372 (4.07)38
Realizing that Molly and the other Starcatchers are in danger when the sinister being Lord Ombra visits the island and seems to control people through their shadows, Peter and Tinker Bell travel to England to help save the stardust.

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» Se även 38 omnämnanden

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Peter leaves the relative safety of Mollusk Island--along with his trusted companion Tinker Bell--for the cold, damp streets of London. On a difficult journey across the sea, he and Tink discover the dark and deadly, slithering part-man/part-creature Lord Ombra. It seems that the dreaded Ombra has a variety of mysterious powers including the ability to make shadows disappear. When Peter reaches London, he sets out to find the indomitable Molly. Together they must combat Ombra's terrible forces to both protect the Starcatchers and the treasured starstuff and most importantly to rescue Molly's mother from the clutches of evil.
  PlumfieldCH | Dec 15, 2023 |
An imaginative second book in the Peter Pan series. Peter sets out for London, following a ship filled with pirates and a mysterious stranger who plan to kidnap Molly and force her father to turn over the Starstuff. Lord Ombra, the evil shadow stealer, provides a terrific enemy to overcome. Loved this second book even more than the first. Can’t wait to read number three. ( )
  DebCushman | Aug 25, 2022 |
Like the first book, this really deserves 3 and a half stars. The characters are great, and Peter (and Hook) continue to get closer to the characters we all know and love. I loved the little appearance of J.M. Barrie. Tink was certainly my favorite in this book. Can't wait to read the next one. ( )
  banrions | Dec 7, 2021 |
#2 in the series did not disappoint. The story gets a little darker with higher stakes, but good triumphs. Clever clues and references to the original Peter Pan. Good family book -- great driving companion. ( )
  CarrieWuj | Oct 24, 2020 |
Its so wonderful to be able to go back to these books and re-read them. The story is so wonderful and my heart lifts each time I read it. ( )
  spellbindingstories | May 24, 2018 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Dave Barryprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Pearson, Ridleyhuvudförfattarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Call, GregIllustratörmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Dale, JimBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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We dedicate this book to our children--Paige, Storey, Rob and Sophie--and to all the children who read Peter and the Starcatchers, and asked us what happened next.
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A mango, thought Peter.
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Wikipedia på engelska (2)

Realizing that Molly and the other Starcatchers are in danger when the sinister being Lord Ombra visits the island and seems to control people through their shadows, Peter and Tinker Bell travel to England to help save the stardust.

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Medelbetyg: (4.07)
1 1
1.5 1
2 12
2.5 3
3 77
3.5 14
4 167
4.5 17
5 140

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