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A New Age Now Begins: A People's History of the American Revolution

av Page Smith

Serier: People's History (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2441112,349 (3.75)8
A history of the United States from 1777 to 1783. From review: Page Smith's history of the United States is a phenomenal work, packed with details and eyewitness reports from all sides of both the small and larger events that shaped the path of the modern United States. Page Smith presents both side's opinions, attitudes and angst. In doing so I feel that he brings out the real humanity of British officers like Howe trying to solve or suppress the Rebellion. The incomprehension of a King who couldn't understand the motivations of his citizens, or the endless confusion and misunderstanding created by the Atlantic time lag and his orders. The colonials who had grievances both real and manufactured. Whom felt pushed into an action they didn't want to take and then under the most amazing leadership, that spanned the arc from inept to magnificent struggled to gain their interpretation of liberty and government. In all of this Page Smith takes you through month by month and in the case of moments of destiny or defeat almost minute by minute. He, unlike others, does not descend into jingoism, or hero worship. All the characters of this historical pageant are alive, some hopelessly flawed but still brave, some perceptive and farsighted but hindered by chance or support. In the end this is not a dry recitation of revisionist history, it is alive and Page Smith as any good historian takes you to the heart of the events. - Gregory House's Reviews on GoodReads.com, 2 Jul. 2011.… (mer)

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» Se även 8 omnämnanden

2494 A New Age Now Begins: Volume One, by Page Smith (read 28 Feb 1993) This work is footnoteless but it is clear the author has done a lot of original research. The book is very thoroughly done and this volume starts with a part on the time before 1763, setting the stage. Then there are two detailed parts on the events leading up to the war itself. The volume ends in early 1777. I think it is very well done and I am really enjoying it. The work is described as the first major work on the American Revolution in almost 100 years.

2495 A New Age Now Begins: Volume Two, by Page Smith (read 6 Mar 1993) This is an awesome work, and extremely well-done. This volume and volume one total 1838 pages, but it is not too long. The intricate account of some of the battles could not be too interesting, but the accounts of so many things I have heard of since I was in 4th grade I found fresh and fascinating. The author's thesis is that the Revolution could not have been lost because it was a revolution rather than a mere war. He is persuasive. His account of much was most moving. I am glad I own these two volumes and that I have taken the time to read them. Eminently worthwhile. ( )
  Schmerguls | Apr 22, 2008 |
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This is the complete set, whether in the original 2 volumes (McGraw-Hill or Penguin) or the later 4 volumes (Easton Press). Do not combine with individual volumes.
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A history of the United States from 1777 to 1783. From review: Page Smith's history of the United States is a phenomenal work, packed with details and eyewitness reports from all sides of both the small and larger events that shaped the path of the modern United States. Page Smith presents both side's opinions, attitudes and angst. In doing so I feel that he brings out the real humanity of British officers like Howe trying to solve or suppress the Rebellion. The incomprehension of a King who couldn't understand the motivations of his citizens, or the endless confusion and misunderstanding created by the Atlantic time lag and his orders. The colonials who had grievances both real and manufactured. Whom felt pushed into an action they didn't want to take and then under the most amazing leadership, that spanned the arc from inept to magnificent struggled to gain their interpretation of liberty and government. In all of this Page Smith takes you through month by month and in the case of moments of destiny or defeat almost minute by minute. He, unlike others, does not descend into jingoism, or hero worship. All the characters of this historical pageant are alive, some hopelessly flawed but still brave, some perceptive and farsighted but hindered by chance or support. In the end this is not a dry recitation of revisionist history, it is alive and Page Smith as any good historian takes you to the heart of the events. - Gregory House's Reviews on GoodReads.com, 2 Jul. 2011.

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Medelbetyg: (3.75)
1.5 1
2 1
3 6
4 6
4.5 1
5 5

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