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Den osynlige (1990)

av Patricia Cornwell

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Serier: Kay Scarpetta (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
7,2311101,296 (3.69)110
Fiction. Mystery. Four young women have been found murdered-tortured and strangled in their own beds-all victims of the same brilliant monster. Using a skilled hand and the latest technology in forensic medicine, Kay Scarpetta begins the process of gathering the microscopic clues the latest battered body has to give.… (mer)

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I was entertained. ( )
  auldhouse | Jun 4, 2024 |
Postmortem was Patricia Cornwell's first novel featuring Kay Scarpetta, the fierce coroner with a lion's share of beauty, intelligence, skill, and a mental bent for solving puzzles: how did this person die?, and who is killing women in Richmond? That's what's happening this year: a monster of a murderer is ritualistically slaying powerful women in the Richmond, VA area, and is doing so with careful calculation and the ability to remove all the clues of his presence. DNA evidence is in its early days, so Scarpetta and her team need to use all their talents to put a net around the killer. Of course, Scarpetta's involvement, and her resemblance to the other murdered women puts her in the killer's sights.

Postmortem was an excellent first novel, and I think that it's the finest one that Cornwell ever wrote, which is why this is probably my third or fourth reading of the book. ( )
  ahef1963 | May 8, 2024 |
In Richmond, Virginia chief medical examiner Dr. Kay Scarpetta uncovers brutal rapes and murders of four unlucky women. Each one is different from the other, except for the fact that they each live alone. With the help of new forensic research, her "partner" Marino, and other specialists, she uncovers the killer and how he picks his victims. She has to be careful though, there is sabotage within the company and a killer is after her.

Postmortem is a very enjoyable read. It is the first book in the Dr. Kay Scarpetta series that Patricia Cornwell wrote. The book has to do with forensic science, a couple of main character, a very intense plot, and an overwhelming mystery that is powerful and that keeps you looking for clues. For the first book that Patricia Cornwell has written it is good, however if you do not like the book I recommend you read some other books in the Dr. Kay Scarpetta series. As the series progress the books get better and better. When compared to the other books that she has written this book is average. It is intense yet it does not have that bang like the other books have. I also do not like the dialogue that is in this book. It is a little fake for me, and after reading the other books in the series it does not compare. However, Postmortem keeps you on the edge of your seat, it is a great thriller that will keep you interested and wanting more. I would recommend this book and the series to anyone who enjoys a great thriller and mystery.

The book Postmortem deals with death and forensic science. With these two factors combined a mystery is solved by science and technology. When someone is murder in this book an autopsy is performed. A collection of samples is taken from the victim, which includes fibers and hairs. The specimens are taken to be compared, and technological instruments are used to show microscopic specimens. Throughout this book science and technology are being used to find the killer of the four women. DNA comparison is used to compare the killers semen to what was found on the bodies, a laser was used to light up the substances on all of the victim's bodies, and lab tests were done to ensure the results of what was expected. Science and technology was also used to nab the person who was sabotaging Dr. Kay Scarpetta, though I will not tell you how and who it is. Science and technology play a role in the book Postmortem. Most mystery books have some technology and science incorporated throughout, but the Dr. Kay Scarpetta series is based on science and technology. Forensic science and technology is used mainly in this book to catch the killer.

Postmortem is a forensic mystery. It is an intense read and a book that will keep you wanting more. Throughout the book science and technology is what the concentration is on. This is what gets the killer behind bars. It is a hard book to put down, ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
More of the same..... ( )
  Hello9876 | Jan 6, 2024 |
After sleeping on it, I give this a 4.5 star rounded up.

I really, really enjoyed this. It will not be for everyone, but it made my forensic loving heart happy. There were parts I wasn't a fan of, but finding a perfect book is few and far between. I can't wait to keep reading this series!!! ( )
  Danielle.Desrochers | Oct 10, 2023 |
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Cornwell, Patriciaprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Amante, MarcoÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Beltran, CarlosOmslagsformgivaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Gudmundsen, Per KristianÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Huzly, DanielaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Zeelenberg, AnnetteÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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It was raining in Richmond on Friday, June 6.
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Wikipedia på engelska (3)

Fiction. Mystery. Four young women have been found murdered-tortured and strangled in their own beds-all victims of the same brilliant monster. Using a skilled hand and the latest technology in forensic medicine, Kay Scarpetta begins the process of gathering the microscopic clues the latest battered body has to give.

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Medelbetyg: (3.69)
1 23
1.5 11
2 111
2.5 22
3 426
3.5 91
4 606
4.5 16
5 307

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