
Wendy Reakes

Författare till The Song of the Underground

5 verk 15 medlemmar 2 recensioner

Verk av Wendy Reakes


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Book needs both a good editor and a proof reader. Author should also have used a spell-checker (e.g. p1 "idilyc"). A key character even has a surname change for Chapter 75.
Weak stereotypical characters, stilted conversation, reasonable plot
Vorobyey | Sep 6, 2023 |
Wendy Reakes, Sinkhole

1) Book Title 10 of 10
Sinkhole: Just When You Thought It Was Safe.
It is a title that says what it is…and then some. And the idea behind a good title for a book of this nature which is to get people to wonder about that ‘...and then some.’ It’s that ‘…and then some’ that really got to me. I’ve always been a sucker for phrases like just when you thought it was safe ever since seeing movies like Jaws and Alien back in the 70s. For this review, there is no better magnet to draw me into a story than wondering ‘what happened to make it so unsafe?’

2) Book Cover 10 of 10
Again, I have to give this aspect of the story a 10 because there is something very ominous about seeing those lovely houses perched so precariously on the edge of a perfectly round, black as pitch at its center hole. The nothingness of that image makes the potential reader wonder but what was there before the hole? A park? A school? An empty field? Each of which could hold any number of people at certain times of the day. Imagine if it were a school there and the hole opened up at midday? What if it was a park and there were children running about with their parents watching them play? What if it was an empty field—was it really empty? Yes…that’s a very powerful cover!

3) First 500... 10 of 10
The first 500 (actually, I’ll say the first chapter) of Sinkhole: Just when you thought it was safe starts out calm and tranquil…a small child named, Honesty, is visiting the parish priest, Matthew Divine, seeking a little advice regarding her temperamental (and somewhat ‘off’) mother. There isn’t so much as a hint as to what is about to happen. In fact in that first chapter, for the most part it’s about the reader being introduced to two characters with whom they can feel an almost instant bond. And then…from out of nowhere…in the very last sentence of the chapter the reader is left with the knowledge that something utterly horrible has happened…and it isn’t what they’re expecting…not at all!

That’s the sort of twisty, turny opening that I, as a reader, love to come across.

4) Is the age recommendation accurate? 10 of 10
It’s listed as appropriate for ages 14 and up and agree 100% with her assignment. (Of course, as a mother and a person who lives in an area where falling rock and sinkholes aren’t unheard of…I think there ought to be a ‘Nervous Nelly warning affixed to it, too!)

5) Presentation & Format 9 of 10

**Please note there were some issues with the ‘technical formatting of the book’ as its coding was transferred from its original publications site at BookRix.com over to the Amazon.com/Kindle site where I purchased the book. It is my understanding that these issues have been resolved**

It took me quite a few chapters to figure out ‘where’ the action was taking place because I didn’t realize that aside from the standard labeling of ‘Chapter 1’, ‘Chapter 2’, etc…I had to also pay attention to whether or not the word ‘UP’ or ‘DOWN’ was used to let me know where the action was taking place. That seemed a bit clunky to me.

I did rather enjoy the way the book was divided into unique sections that each started with a Bible verse which, for the most part, gave the reader a bit of insight into the direction the part of the story they were about to read was headed. It’s a rather unique way to divide up a book…almost like episodes in a television show!

6) Theme and Originality 10 of 10
On this point, the author deserves a huge round of applause. I knew the story was about sinkholes and the chaos they cause…that was evident from the cover and title. But the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ sort of feeling the story had to it as well as the thought she had to put into the ingenious ways the characters who were suddenly (and quite literally) in the ‘DOWN’ of the town had to find ways to survive was outstanding. I don’t think I’ve ever read a story with up/down concept. Sure, I’ve read stories with folks who are in a subterranean world. And I’ve read survival stories. I’ve also read ‘what with the town do now’ stories. But I don’t think I’ve read one where all these elements are thrown together in such a way and with so many characters and subplots. So, this one truly deserves 10 points.

7) Description & Enhancement 9 of 10
I’m going to be a stick in the mud and give this one only 9 points because…I wanted to know more about the subterranean space they were stuck in. It wasn’t until very far into the book that we’re made privy to the fact that there were stalactite and stalagmite structures in the cavern.

Also, we learn there were fish in the stream…but what about the other little critters that like to live in big, dark, open spaces? Spaces we, mere humans, might not easily see access to but where other things like moles, roaches, and bats can easily spot… (Yes, I’m saying a few little creepy crawlies would have really added that extra ‘eeewwwhh’ factor!)

8) Intrigue 8 of 10
This is a book that is definitely filled with some wonderful intrigue. Of course, there are several places where there are lulls in the action that I found myself sort of skimming through simply to get to back to the excitement which, by the way, happened in both the UP world and the DOWN world. I’d hate for potential readers to think that the ‘real’ story is all in the cavern…it isn’t. There are some great dynamics that happen topside, too. And in the last 15 or so chapters when a rescue attempt is made…I was so anxious to get to the next page. (Trust me, if you should choose to read this book, you’ll find yourself immediately sucked into the place that is neither UP NOR DOWN. It’s a concept that is very well crafted by the author)

9) Mechanics 6 of 10
Aside from the technical issue that had to do with the actual formatting of the book, this is the only area where I find any cause for alarm as I counted many spots where there were simple (easy to overlook – especially if you’ve read it a 1000 times as I’m sure the author had) errors that were made. They do NOT affect the heart and soul of the story. However, as an editor, I tend to find that it’s hard for me to turn off that part of my brain when I’m reading as I am sure it must be for other writer/editors. And for that reason, I went back and counted all the little missteps and came up with an average that suggested I take 4 points off for this specific aspect of the review.

10) Overall Impression 10 of 10
I truly enjoyed this book. I can only hope there will be a sequel to it. Because I was left hanging wondering what was to become of the people who are stuck in that subterranean tomb – or is it?

Will they find their way out? It’s one of those books I could easily see being turned into a survival movie.
… (mer)
L_Avery_Brown | Sep 3, 2013 |


½ 3.3