January 2012: Georgette Heyer

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January 2012: Georgette Heyer

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Redigerat: dec 14, 2011, 1:08 am

Georgette Heyer
Born in Wimbledon, London on 16 August 1902; died on 4 July 1974 in London
Lived mainly in England but at the beginning of first marriage she spent a few years in Tanganyika and Macedonia

(List from wiki with verification on other sites- will update/change if needed)
Georgian & Regency novels

* The Black Moth (1921)
* The Transformation of Philip Jettan (1923) (later republished as Powder and Patch) (1930)
* These Old Shades (1926) - Alastair Trilogy #1
* The Masqueraders (1928)
* Devil's Cub (1932) - Alastair Trilogy #2
* The Convenient Marriage (1934)
* Regency Buck (1935)
* The Talisman Ring (1936)
* An Infamous Army (1937) - Alastair Trilogy #3
* The Spanish Bride (1940)
* The Corinthian (1940)
* Faro's Daughter (1941)
* Friday's Child (1944)
* The Reluctant Widow (1946)
* The Foundling (1948)
* Arabella (1949)
* The Grand Sophy (1950)
* The Quiet Gentleman (1951)
* Cotillion (1953)
* The Toll-Gate (1954)
* Bath Tangle (1955)
* Sprig Muslin (1956)
* April Lady (1957)
* Sylvester, or the Wicked Uncle (1957)
* Venetia (1958)
* The Unknown Ajax (1959)
* A Civil Contract (1961)
* The Nonesuch (1962)
* False Colours (1963)
* Frederica (1965)
* Black Sheep (1966)
* Cousin Kate (1968)
* Charity Girl (1970)
* Lady of Quality (1972)

Historical novels

* The Great Roxhythe (1923)
* Simon the Coldheart (1925)
* Beauvallet (1929)
* The Conqueror (1931)
* Royal Escape (1938)
* My Lord John (1975)

Contemporary Novels

* Instead of the Thorn (1923)
* Helen (1928)
* Pastel (1929)
* Barren Corn (1930)

Contemporary Thrillers

* Footsteps in the Dark (1932)
* Why Shoot a Butler? (1933)
* The Unfinished Clue (1934)
* Penhallow (1942)

Inspector Hannasyde
* Death in the Stocks (1935)
* Behold, Here's Poison (1936)
* They Found Him Dead (1937)
* A Blunt Instrument (1938)

Inspector Hemingway
* No Wind of Blame (1939)
* Envious Casca (1941)
* Duplicate Death (1951)
* Detection Unlimited (1953)

Short story collections

Pistols for Two and other stories (1960)

Books about her:
The Private World of Georgette Heyer by Jane Aiken Hodge
Georgette Heyer's Regency England by Teresa Chris
Georgette Heyer's Regency World by Jennifer Kloester

Happy holidays everyone :) What will you be reading when the new year starts with Heyer? :)

Never read anything by her? Click here: http://www.georgette-heyer.com/general.html or http://www.georgette-heyer.com/mysteries.html and click on a title to read a page or so. :)

dec 21, 2011, 2:46 pm

I am planning to read several from her mystery series. Death in the Stocks, which is the first Inspector Hannasyde
mystery, and No Wind of Blame, which is the first Inspector Hemingway mystery.

jan 11, 2012, 3:08 pm

I've already read Bath Tangle. Have started Black Sheep. Just purchased The Toll-gate. All are re-reads. I'm envious of folks just discovering her...

jan 14, 2012, 8:55 pm

I'm late to the party, but started The Masqueraders last night. Took a while to work out what was happening, and a bit of a re-read, but I think I've got a handle on it now.

jan 16, 2012, 11:40 am

So far this year I have read Friday's child and

The Nonesuch

jan 16, 2012, 2:24 pm

I read Behold, Here's Poison — my first book of the new year! What a set of thoroughly unlikeable characters.

jan 16, 2012, 6:32 pm

I've almost finished The Masqueraders and it is a delightful piece of fun. A great summer read!

jan 30, 2012, 2:30 am

The foundling is my third Heyer for the month/year.

jan 30, 2012, 2:36 am

I have Death in the Stocks waiting for me -- probably will read it tomorrow at airports/planes...

jan 30, 2012, 10:54 am

jan 30, 2012, 11:04 am

jan 30, 2012, 11:35 am

It was a re-read. I think it is my favorite. Certainly top 5.

jan 30, 2012, 4:49 pm

Sophie is right up there with Frederika.

mar 19, 2012, 12:50 am

Detta konto har stängts av för spammande.