Betty's (dudes22) 2019 Quilting Projects


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Betty's (dudes22) 2019 Quilting Projects

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Redigerat: sep 6, 2019, 7:15 am

Hi everyone – My name is Betty and I live in the smallest state – RI. I like reading and quilting so LT is perfect for me to keep track of both things.

Well I didn’t make as much progress as I had hoped last year completing some of my UFOs, so I’m going to bring them forward to this year. Some only need a binding or to be taken to the quilter’s, but I’ll be away for most of Jan and Feb so I don’t expect much progress til I get back. I also started cutting out pieces of fabric to take to Florida when we go in Jan for a hand piecing project. This is one that I expect will take a long time, but I’m hoping to work on it at night too.

So, I think a list is in order:

UFOs I’d like to finish:
Pink/Turquoise Quilt
Geometric (needs binding)
Scrap quilt
Darcy pattern
Blue/Yellow Star
Flag wall hanging
Mariner’s Compass

UFOs to work on:
Garden Applique
Halloween wall hanging

Projects to start: (and maybe finish)
Table Mat for John and Ruth
Nativity runner
La Passacaglia – hand piecing.
Black/Gray Geometric
New Darcy
Mariner’s Compass
Red-White Quilt
Off-Center Floral

I’ll be adding and subtracting from this list, I’m sure.

The picture at the top is the first quilt on my UFO list. It's all pinned together and just needs quilting and binding, so that will be the first one I tackle when we get back from Florida.

dec 31, 2018, 4:49 pm

Well you certainly have your work cut out for you, lol! Happy New Year, and enjoy your winter escape.

jan 3, 2019, 11:56 am

Looking forward to seeing your projects!

jan 3, 2019, 3:26 pm

Thanks, Meredith. Your cross-stitch projects bring back fond memories of when I still did that.

jan 5, 2019, 10:24 am

>1 dudes22: That quilt at the top of your thread has some really comforting/relaxing colors in it. I do like how you list everything out -- very ambitious of you. I would make a list like that and immediately rebel and do something entirely different, LOL. (same with my reading, the minute I try to control it, rebellion sets in).

jan 5, 2019, 2:48 pm

I have the same inclination when I make a list. That's why there are so many that were also on last year's list. haha. Actually, the pink and turquoise aren't my colors, but when I found that pattern I wanted to do it right away and they went with the print in the middle. Good for practice. Not sure if you remember, but I did the same pattern in a wall hanging for Christmas in red and green. I'm looking at it now hanging on the wall.

jan 7, 2019, 9:21 am

>6 dudes22: Oh, I didn't make that connection with the Christmas wall hanging, interesting!

jan 13, 2019, 3:02 pm

We've arrived in Florida for a few weeks and I decided to work on the hand piecing project I brought with me. I had started one of the rosettes (I guess that's what I'll call them) before I left home as a test, but I'm beginning to realize that I need to be more precise putting the fabric around the shapes and matching the points when I put them together. I'm finding it tough at the corners where there are points. I'm hoping as I do more, I'll get a better rhythm in how to put them together.

jan 14, 2019, 10:46 am

>8 dudes22: Hope your days are warm and sunny, Betty. Can't wait to see the rosettes pile up. It reminds me of when I was doing cathedral window pieces—I did get better at it as I did more. Hope you'll be able to post photos.

jan 15, 2019, 1:55 pm

Thanks, Lois. I'll try to post some pictures as I go along. I think the new security program I put on my computer is causing some problems when I want to post pictures and book covers here on LT. I end up having to change browsers and then I lose all my saved passwords. I'm going to try and get some help when I get back home to see how I can fix it. But, anyway, I will try and post some pictures as I go along.

My plan for now is to get the first three rows done on a bunch of the rosettes while I'm gone. Since they interlock starting at the 4th row on some and don't intersect at the same place for each rosette, I'll need to start trying to decide where they're going to go in order to know how many shapes I'll need on each row. There are 20 pieces just in the first 3 rows. I should probably have my head examined for starting this.

jan 17, 2019, 9:05 am

So these are the centers of the first three rosettes that I've done. All the rosettes have three center rows but then the number of pieces changes depending on how they intersect with other rosettes. So I'm just going to work on the centers while I'm gone and then when I get home, I'll put them on the design wall and see how I want them placed before I continue. Plus I forgot to bring any black fabric which is what I'm going to use in each block to tie it together. The black will be triangles that make a star in the next row. There are three bigger rosettes that I chose a cranberry for the triangles and it works so well with the blocks, I'd hate to change it to black. We'll see.

These blocks are also slightly concave/convex which I'm hoping is just that the papers are still in the back. I'm hoping it's not because I pulled then thread too tight to make sure you couldn't see it on the front. I'm not sure when I'll take the papers out. I could take out the first two rows just to see if it lies flatter, but I think I'll wait a bit. As you can see, I've been doing a bit of fussy cutting too.

jan 17, 2019, 4:08 pm

>11 dudes22: These look like One Block Wonders, though, clearly they aren't because the different fabrics. Still, it's the first thing I thought of when I saw such pretty piecing. :)

jan 19, 2019, 7:15 pm

>12 lesmel: - I guess I can see that. One pattern I haven't tried yet.

jan 22, 2019, 2:05 pm

So here's my dilemma. The next "row" in my rosettes is a bunch of triangles that form a star shape with smaller pentagons in the center and the diamond shapes from the center turned sideways between. I bought a quantity of black thinking I would use it for all the star shapes in all the blocks. I was thinking It would be a unifying color. In looking at other quilts that people have made with this pattern, some have used black, I've seen white/cream used and some use a variety of colors that blend with the rest of the rosette. I can't decide what to do. I worry that the black will make it too dark or will make it look "muddy". When I first started cutting shapes, I cut some cranberry triangles for one of the bigger rosettes in the quilt. And I liked how it went with the other colors in that rosette. So now I'm toying with the idea of using cranberry in all of them - dark but not black. Or using whatever to match the colors in each one. Another option would be to use batiks for the triangles, either all one fabric or ones to match the block. Any thoughts?

jan 23, 2019, 10:00 am

>14 dudes22: There is a school of thought that believes black used functionally (borders, outlines, bindings etc) detracts from colour work, being too stark a contrast and possibly deadening the colours. This same school of thought does agree that black looks wonderful against white, or in work within the white to black spectrum, where its function is to point out the differences.

In the world of wool, those who don't use black often overdye fabric aiming for the darkest of black watch, or espresso, or indigo, or berry colours to get that intense dark look, but one that works with the existing colours in their piece. Batiks might have the same effect in cottons.

That said, colour is one of the most personal ways of expressing ourselves, so if the author wants to use black, go for it.

In my colour world, I love your idea of using cranberry, which works with so many other colours without detracting from them.

Also, I think your fussy cutting is superb.

jan 23, 2019, 7:08 pm

>14 dudes22: Do you have an example you could link to of someone using black in the pattern? I would avoid black unless you really want to stop the action of your eye moving over the pieces. The cranberry sounds good...not sure mixing batiks with what you have already would be a good thing.

I agree with sassylassy: your fussy cutting is indeed superb!

jan 24, 2019, 6:40 am

Thanks Sassy and Lois for your comments on my fussy cutting. I'm having fun finding prints that lend themselves to it.

This pattern, by the way, is called "la passacaglia" and is from the book "Millifiore Quilts" by Wendy Hammerstein.

I looked through the pictures I had "pinned" over on Pintrest to see if I could find one that would show an example. Here are a few links that I think show what I'm talking about.

And here's one that I think uses a lot of black:

And here's one where the person uses random colors that work within the rosette:

And here are a couple of close-ups of rosettes using colors that match the block:

blue for the first triangles and gray for the second set:

I know that's a lot of links. Obviously if I was machine quilting I'd just do a couple of test blocks. But with hand-piecing it would be too much work to put in and then take out if I didn't like it.

I've also seen a couple that use white but I think my colors so far are too saturated to work with white.

jan 25, 2019, 8:13 am

Those are gorgeous, Betty! They remind me of a favorite pair of glass earrings I bought n Venice - small black glass circles with the colorful millifiore in the center. Sadly, I lost one of them :-(

You are ambitious! I'd be seriously tempted if I was doing more handwork.

jan 25, 2019, 9:12 am

Well, Lois, I've never done any hand piecing before so this was a leap for me. (And I'm not sure how I'll get it on a background) Necessitated by this trip to FL. I was originally thinking of dragging my smaller machine which is good enough for piecing with me, but I didn't think we were going to be away long enough to make it worth taking up room in the car.

As for your earing, I lost one of a pair that I really liked last year (red glass dangle) so I used the other one as a Christmas ornament on my tree this year.

So - what about my triangle color? What are your thoughts, Lois, after seeing those examples? Coincidentally, I got an email today from my favorite local fabric store (Rycos) and they have some new fabrics that might work if I go with the "not using all the same color". I could call and order some and it would be waiting when I get home or I could make a trip up there as soon as I get home (I have a Christmas gift cert I could use).

I could also wait til I get home and put my black fabric on the design wall with those centers that I have done and see how it looks. And then try some colors and see what I think of that. I just sort of want to go on to more than the centers and the triangle are next. (Ok - so I'm impatient)

jan 26, 2019, 2:32 pm

So here are three more centers that I've finished:

I think if I counted right on my spreadsheet I'm keeping, that I need 33 centers.

jan 26, 2019, 8:42 pm

Your first Pinterest example uses black and if you want some drama then black might be a good choice. Of the six rosettes shown they all have some blue in them, a navy? (Would also add drama but not as much as solid black would). A single color batik might work depending on how much movement is in the ink pattern of it—but come to think of it those triangles seem really tiny/skinny so perhaps pattern wouldn’t matter. Here’s where I tell you to to go with your gut😜

jan 28, 2019, 4:46 am

And I do hope you are doing more than sewing down there in the warmer climate...or are you sewing by a pool with the palm trees swaying above you...

jan 28, 2019, 6:54 am

We have been doing a few things, but it's not warm enough for the beach, really. We went one day but it was really windy. Hubby went fishing one day. But we have seen some friends that are down here and a few arts/crafts festivals. Yesterday it poured all day so lots of down time. The end of the week we head to Disney for a few days and then to South Carolina to visit friends before we head home. But definitely warmer than back home. Of course, I did find a couple of fabric stores to visit.

jan 28, 2019, 9:55 am

>23 dudes22: I'm trying to decide where I'm going during our Spring Break this year. It's far too early. I just want to take the cats and go somewhere for a few days. I might go somewhere with genealogy research facilities, or I may opt for just R & R with a little online research in evenings.

jan 28, 2019, 3:42 pm

>20 dudes22: Did you appliqué those hearts?

Love how you combine fabrics and all those roosters going in a circle.

jan 28, 2019, 7:41 pm

>24 thornton37814: - Sometimes there are just too many choices. Stitching while I'm away is nice especially if the weather doesn't co-operate.

>25 SassyLassy: - No - the hearts were printed on the fabric. That's more than I would attempt. The width of those rosettes is about the size of a dollar bill. I like those roosters too.

jan 30, 2019, 1:39 pm

So, I've been less than happy with the rosette I'm currently working on. When I bought the templates and the papers that go with them, I bought the ones for 1/4" seam allowance. Because this is my first attempt at hand piecing, I'm a little concerned that the fabric is going to fray when I take it off the papers. So I decided to go ahead and order the 3/8" seam allowance templates to give me a little more leeway. I still have some that are already cut, but once I get home, I'll use the new set.

jan 31, 2019, 9:19 am

>27 dudes22: This may sound odd, but instead of taking the fabric off the papers, try taking the papers off the fabric. It sometimes leaves tiny bits in your seams, but these can be teased out after. My first paper piecing was with 1/4" allowance, so I know that fear, but it worked well. Mind you, it was for a hanging, so doesn't get much wear and tear.

jan 31, 2019, 8:00 pm

>28 SassyLassy: - It's not paper piecing that I'm doing - it's English paper piecing where you put the fabric around the template shape cutout of cardboard. I used a fabric glue stick to keep the fabric attached. (You can also baste the seams down, but it takes a lot longer.) So I'll need to get the cardboard/paper shapes out.

feb 2, 2019, 6:07 am

I have not done English paper-piecing. Sounds, er, challenging to get the cardboard out. But, oh, how lovely the rosettes are!

feb 16, 2019, 9:29 am

So, Lois asked me to post pictures of the sewing area my husband make for me in the basement of our new house:

The top one is from the doorway and the bottom one is from the opposite corner. The purple wall in the second picture is the insulation that will become my design wall once I get some batting to cover it. It doesn't show well but he put in lots of light for me and I can adjust some of the tubes in the ceiling to get a little more heat.

feb 16, 2019, 1:27 pm

I'd like to borrow your husband for a few weeks, please. That room is lovely. Then again, I know me too well, and I'd fill it up instantly with items I could then trip over.

Seriously, it's really beautiful.

feb 16, 2019, 5:20 pm

That's fabulous. It's great that you have enough space to do this.

feb 17, 2019, 3:08 pm

>32 Lyndatrue: - Thanks, Lynda. Since you're all the way across the country, it's unlikely you can borrow him, although since we've moved, he's always looking for a project. I'm trying very hard to keep it neat and not let it get too messy,

>33 lauralkeet: - Thanks Laural. We're lucky in this part of the country most houses have basements, so it made it a little easier to find a place for it. (But no windows)

Redigerat: feb 20, 2019, 6:54 am

>31 dudes22: oh, Betty, that’s a lovely, spacious room! And that is going to be a great wall for a design wall! (I use the Kaffe Fassett gridded flannel yardage bought from Hancock’s at Paducah online, although batting would indeed provide a large, seamless canvas). Love the rug, too.

feb 20, 2019, 12:50 pm

Thanks, Lois. You know, I haven't really decided yet about batting or flannel. Maybe I'll checkout that gridded flannel. I can see how it might be helpful sometimes to have a grid.

feb 23, 2019, 4:57 pm

Hey, Betty, I picked up a notice at a quilt show advertising this quilt show.

How far are you from Amherst (MA)? I’m about an hour and a half, I’m guessing you are about the same. I thought it might be interesting but we could probably hold out for something closer, perhaps the 495 corridor?

feb 25, 2019, 6:18 am

I'm more like 2.5 hrs from Amherst. Kind of a long drive. Maybe we can find something closer. If it was only 1.5, I'd say ok.

feb 28, 2019, 5:53 am

>38 dudes22: Oh, that's further than I imagined (I don't think I have your new address). We should be able to find something closer; I'll check the quilt museum listings

feb 28, 2019, 2:00 pm

Yeah - We’re a bit farther from a major highway/interstate than we were before.

mar 8, 2019, 8:15 am

I've been away on vacation so not much to post lately. Somewhere warm luckily. Coming home to an a.m. the temp of 11. Yuck. I expect to spend today catching up (laundry/mail/bank/nails), but I'm hoping to spend some time sewing tomorrow.

mar 8, 2019, 11:58 am

>41 dudes22: That is New England mother nature shaking her finger at you. Did you do much further on your rosettes while you were away?

I looked again at your photos above of your studio and imagined you back in it sewing away....

mar 8, 2019, 3:59 pm

I didn't take them on this one. I'm thinking I'll get back to them soon. I need to cut out some more pieces and decide what to do about my triangles for the stars. I'm leaning toward not using black and using dark colors. I think I'll probably look for some more fabrics I can fussy cut.

>42 avaland: - My sewing room is kind of cool because it's in the basement so I think I'll set my smaller machine in the guest room for a little while.

mar 8, 2019, 9:21 pm

I love that rosette with the chicken heads in the middle!

We went from a week of 50s-60s temps and then snow and freezing weather after all the daffodils were up. So frustrating to have any flower seasons cut short.

mar 9, 2019, 9:32 am

>43 dudes22: If you lived closer I'd invite you over to look through all my stash/bins/buckets...etc.

I like the basement studios I've seen in the group, they are much more spacious than my studio which often requires rearranging and gets messy very quickly (it would help if I didn't have three projects going at a time --- I do that with books, too).

mar 9, 2019, 4:34 pm

>45 avaland: - Thanks for the offer. I think I have enough although I'm going to go to the Ryco sale next Sat (big ST Pat day sale) and spend my gift cert from Christmas. I think I'll probably get the batting to go on my design wall. My husband made me a piece to go on top of my ironing board that has a bigger space so I'll probably get some of the insulate stuff so I can finish that too,

I'm finally back to my hand stitching project. I have a bunch of rosette sets cut out and the paper on them so I'll work on those for a while. I'd like to try and do some of the triangles to see how hard it is to attach them because they are rather small.

>44 mabith: - I think so far I like the one with the owls the best.

mar 13, 2019, 1:53 pm

Glad you have settled back at home and are back to your hand stitching project.

mar 16, 2019, 5:44 am

Today is National Quilting Day and I'm planning to spend the morning at a local fabric store which sells mostly cotton fabric for quilting and has their BIG yearly sale today.

mar 16, 2019, 7:09 am

>48 dudes22: Didn't know we had a holiday!

mar 17, 2019, 12:58 pm

So the fabric sale yesterday was incredibly crowed. Way more than in past years. I got some batting and some of that reflective stuff for my ironing board and - of course - some fabric. But the lines at the cutting tables got really long and the check out line was huge (even with 4 registers going) so I picked up some fat quarters and half yard pre-cuts and called it a day. Of course, when I got to the register I forgot all about the gift certificate. Guess I'll just need to go back.

mar 20, 2019, 5:57 pm

>50 dudes22: The cutting lines at Fabric Extravaganza were very long also, so the first
day I just went for the pre-cuts or scraps. I did get a couple of pieces cut the 2nd day I went.

Did you go back?

mar 20, 2019, 7:22 pm

It was only one day so it doesn't matter when I go. I'll wait to see what's on sale the next couple of weeks when I get the email.

I've decided that I should use the "leaders and enders" technique to get some pieces for another quilt done at the same time that I'm making another one. It's just that I need to organize so I can do it.

mar 21, 2019, 6:15 am

Sounds like a plan!

mar 27, 2019, 2:24 pm

I've decided to start another quilt. This one for me. I bought a pattern that shows the quilt as a scrappy quilt but I've decided that I would make myself a red and white quilt using lots of red and white -on-white fabrics. The pattern has different blocks of different sizes and some fillers and sashing. I've already decided that I'll press the seams open as pressing it to the dark with diagonals, etc won't always have seams that nest to each other. I'm finding that out on the first block I started. I'll post a picture in a couple of days when I finish it. The first block has 126 pieces and finishes at 12" square. I'm also going to cut 1/32-1/16"" larger strips/pieces (about the line width on my ruler) and use a scant 1/4" seam allowance and then trim. Whenever I make half square triangles or flying geese, the blocks always seem to be a little small (or wonkie) so I'm going to try and adjust. I'm a little worried that I didn't pre-wash the reds, but I like to quilt with the fabric with the finish in it and I didn't feel like washing and then starching the fabric. I have one white that I must have washed for some reason and I'm not crazy about working with it. That one I'll need to starch. As it is, I've decided to use Best Press (which I love) to help give the fabric a little more stiffness. I suppose I should do a test on the reds to see how bad they are.

mar 27, 2019, 8:21 pm

>54 dudes22: Glad you have decided to make a quilt for yourself! Will look forward to the picture. 126 pieces in a 12" block?! (and I thought I was crazy).

Redigerat: mar 28, 2019, 10:00 am

So this is the first block in my red/white quilt. Obviously hard to see in the picture but I am using multiple reds and whites. I've decided that I'm also going to try and clean up loose threads on the back before I stash it away. I hate doing that when I finish a quilt. And I might block the squares before I put them all together. The pieces are so small that I think it could really get distorted if I'm not careful. One of the other blocks is a "trip around the world" block made up of 1 1/2" squares, so I've decided to put some pairs together as my leaders and enders when I can. Need to cut a bunch of 1 1/2" squares first. There are other squares where I might do something similar.

mar 28, 2019, 5:21 pm

Wow, I love that block pattern. It's really striking in the white and red as well.

mar 29, 2019, 7:09 am

>57 mabith: what she said. The pattern looks great and the red really pops.

mar 29, 2019, 10:09 am

>57 mabith: - >58 lauralkeet: - Thanks you both. I'm really happy with how that block turned out.

I worked on a different block yesterday and did the two that are in the quilt. There are a number of blocks that use half square triangles of a fairly small size and with lots of them. So I've been looking at various ways to make them that don't require making a line on the back of the fabric. I saw one on utube that I liked but I'm always afraid I'll waste fabric. And there are a couple of blocks that I don't like so I'm going to try and find blocks I like to substitute.

mar 30, 2019, 8:37 pm

>56 dudes22: I like that dramatic red!

Yipes! 1 1/2 inch squares....

mar 31, 2019, 6:06 am

>60 avaland: - Yes, Lois, there are a lot of 1 1/2" squares in this quilt. And HSTs that finish at 1 1/2".

apr 7, 2019, 1:19 pm

Red/White quilt weekly update:

I've decided to post once a week on the progress I'm making on my red & white quilt. I had a busy week and didn't get as much done as I wanted, still I made some progress. I made 4 of what I'm calling half log cabin blocks - a square with strips on two sides. I also started working on some churn dash blocks - I need 21 3" blocks. After I had made 4 1/2 blocks, I realized that the center squares were the wrong color. So I had to do some ripping out and now I'll try to fix things. That's it for this week.

apr 8, 2019, 5:19 am

Will you be exclusively working on the R&W quilt, or dabbling in other things?

apr 8, 2019, 7:18 am

Well - I do have a couple of things I'd like to get done besides the R&W. And our charity sewing group at church has a few things in the works. And my hand quilting project in the evenings while I'm sitting. I have a short attention span so no - not exclusively.

apr 14, 2019, 8:25 pm

Red/White Progress: Not too much this week. I worked on some more of the churn dash blocks. But Lois was right - I couldn't stick to just this project. Our pastor is retiring and I decided to make a small tablemat for them to remember the beach. Made the top and will post a picture soon.

apr 28, 2019, 8:59 am

Over the past couple of weeks I've made some progress on the red/white quilt. I've finished the 21 churn dash smaller blocks but haven't yet assembled them into the larger blocks. I'm a little worried about those points. I've started a trip around the world block of 1 1/2" squares. Promise I'll post some pictures soon.

I had a bit of a problem with the quilting on the table mat. I quilted the center and then realized that 2 of the half square triangles near the outside were going in the wrong direction. So I had to stop and pick apart a few seams to fix. Luckily it went pretty well although it took some time. All quilted and I just need to put the binding on it. So a picture of this will be coming soon too.

I've been thinking about assigning different projects to different days of the week. That way I think I won't get burnt out on one project and can still work on old UFOs or new projects too. I do have a bunch of charity baby quilts that need quilting. I noticed that I don't have anything crossed off from my list in post #1 so I need to do something to start finishing some projects. Or it may just mean more unfinished projects (LOL).

apr 28, 2019, 4:00 pm

Working on my rows for the trip around the world block, I find that each row is 1/2" larger than it should be (14" vs 13.5"). So I guess I'll be checking each block in the row and taking seams out if the block is more than 1" and resewing. When there are 13 blocks in a row, just a little bit can make a difference in the end. I considered putting the rows together and trimming after but I'm afraid it would be too noticeable.

apr 30, 2019, 2:58 pm

I've been promising pictures so here are a couple.

This is the tablemat that I made for the pastor and his wife (he's retiring and they're moving):

And here are a few of the red and white churn dash blocks:

I like the tablemat enough that I'm going to substitute that block for one of the blocks in the pattern that I'm not that crazy about.

apr 30, 2019, 3:08 pm

>66 dudes22: That idea of a different project for different days of the week has a certain appeal, in my case for a different kind of work each day. Well actually I don't do enough different things to fill a week, but a rotation of knitting, quilting, rug hooking and so on would be interesting, if only I had the room to leave each spread out until the next go round! Still thinking.

>68 dudes22: Really like your table mat. As for the churn dash, it always amazes me how different the combinations can appear from the same two colours. How will you arrange them?

Redigerat: maj 1, 2019, 6:15 am

>68 dudes22: Very nice, Betty!! Great job on the tablemat, nice points!

>69 SassyLassy: I have not be successful in organizing my differing projects at any time in my life. I work mostly according to mood, with some exceptions. And I'm sure if I tried to structure it, I'd soon feel the need to rebel:-)

maj 1, 2019, 8:43 am

>70 avaland: I'm sure if I tried to structure it, I'd soon feel the need to rebel:-)

That's exactly what I'm afraid of - I know that spirit would soon emerge and then... chaos (even more that the usual quota1)

maj 1, 2019, 1:14 pm

>69 SassyLassy: - There are 21 small churn dash blocks that are arranged in two larger blocks one with 12 and one with 9. (4x3 and 3x3)

>70 avaland: - Thanks. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to use this block for one of the ones I don't like that much in the red/white quilt. I need to resize it though. The blue one is 16" and I think I need to size it to 12". Not too hard - just need to write it down.

RE: different days/different projects. I'm not sure it will work for me either, but I'm going to give it a try so I can finish some projects while I'm obsessed with the red/white quilt. I have quite a few baby-size charity quilts that I should finish up. I suppose I could use it as a chance to practice my free motion quilting too.

maj 3, 2019, 6:48 pm

I had convinced my husband to make me a "board" to sit over my ironing board to give me more ironing room. I finally went and got the reflective cloth and we finished it yesterday. It's still a little wobbly so now I'm thinking of getting a second-hand dresser to use as a base. I had the quilt in the picture at the top quilted and it's been here for a while but I was waiting for the ironing board so I could give it a good press before I trim and bind.

So here's my tale of woe. I saw a quilt on Pintrest that I thought I could figure out how to make. Really it's pretty simple. A square in the center with small blocks at opposite corners and white sashing then set on point. I had just gotten some Moda fabrics and thought they would look nice in the pattern. When I cut them out I cut the sashing and small blocks the wrong size (too big) and put a bunch if them together before I realized it. Not the whole block, just some of the sashing units. I also forgot the small squares were on opposite corners and not all four and cut out more small blocks and sewed some of them in. So I had to cut out more sashings since they were longer with only one square and cut some of the corner blocks smaller. I should have paid more attention. The hardest thing I'm trying to decide is how to press. I usually press toward the dark, but I'm thinking I might end up with seams that don't "nest" between blocks and that would give me large lumps.

maj 6, 2019, 10:45 am

>73 dudes22: How does the pressing after quilting work out? Never heard of anyone doing that.

I have one of those cutting tables which came from Jo-Ann's, I think. I bought the ironing pad for it and every now and again I use the table for ironing tops. The table is a bit wobbly these days, the hex screws can't be tightened any more.

I sympathize over your challenges with the Pinterest-inspired project. I had problems with that puzzle quilt top and I thought I had come up with consistent way of pressing the seams, but it still was screwed up. It still hangs on the design board waiting for a few seams to be pressed.

maj 6, 2019, 12:57 pm

Even though the top comes back from the quilters with basting along the edges, I like to give it a press before I cut off the excess and put on the binding. Just to make sure there are no wrinkles along the edge.

I did a block mock-up and notes about cutting,etc in excel. I suppose I could print it out and draw some lines to indicate pressing, but I might just put the blocks up not completely put together and figure out the pressing as I go. It will take longer, but probably give me more peace of mind. And probably will still not all work out.

oh - and BTW - The quilt that needs the binding is not the one in post #1. That one is still on a shelf. It's one I took a class in I think 2 years ago.

maj 8, 2019, 7:19 am

>75 dudes22: I get it, now. No gardens at the new house to take you away from sewing?

maj 9, 2019, 6:07 am

The gardens here are much smaller. The front had one in front of the porch and one under the dining room window and I have a small one on the side of the deck. I brought some perennials with me and I use a little of the space near the deck for two towers of green beans. But I went to my favorite greenhouse on Tues and bought a bunch of stuff for some pots. That's enough for me now.

Redigerat: maj 13, 2019, 3:52 pm

These are the fabrics I'm using on my newest quilt. Still can't see the pattern on the white-on-white, but I like it so much that I think I might go buy some more.

maj 15, 2019, 6:49 am

>78 dudes22: Those are lovely colors. Go with what you love. (Do you think the black check will stand out too much against all the others?)

maj 15, 2019, 6:50 am

There are 365 members of this group and just you and me here having a conversation, LOL.

maj 15, 2019, 11:51 am

>80 avaland: I lurk therefore I am...sewing vicariously. ;)

maj 15, 2019, 12:16 pm

>80 avaland: What lesmel said. :-}

maj 15, 2019, 7:24 pm

The bee fabric behind the black check has some black in it, so I think it will be alright. We'll see when I get it on the design wall. If it's too dark, I'll see if I have a medium or dark gray that will work.

maj 17, 2019, 8:07 am

>81 lesmel:, >82 Lyndatrue: What! We are not alone! :-)

>82 Lyndatrue: What would we do without our design board/walls? I have come to be cautious around red and blacks; sometimes they are fine, sometimes not. I should not worry as you have plenty of experience.

I left you a private note, but here also I will thank you for your generous gift of brown scraps. I've never tried to count the number of different fabrics that go into one of these random scrappy quilts, because most of them are out of my four scraps buckets, but I have to actually manufacture scraps for the less-than-random ones. I want the random look but in a specific palette (and it takes quite a lot of fabrics to pull that off). So, thank you.

maj 17, 2019, 9:42 am

>84 avaland: - You’re welcome. Let me know if there’s a particular one you’d like more of. Some were the last of what I had (reduce my stash) but some I have more of.

Redigerat: maj 23, 2019, 6:47 am

Up in post #31, you can see how I have two tables set up with my machine on one and my cutting mat on the other. Unfortunately, that means I tend to accumulate fabric in that corner instead of putting it away when I'm done. So my goal today is to get it cleaned up so I can finally sew that binding on that quilt I've been talking about forever. Besides - I can't find a pattern I bought and want to cut some pieces from the fabrics in #78 (and others) before I put them away.

maj 23, 2019, 6:49 am

Found the pattern. Looked through the fabrics to try and decide which colors I wanted to use. That was it. Now that the weather here is finally (!) getting nice, I want to be outside - either reading on the deck or playing in the dirt.

maj 24, 2019, 3:26 pm

>86 dudes22: I have a similar problem. The other day I spent some time trying to bring order to the mess I made of the fabric stacks and the accumulation of fabric on the other end of the cutting table. Compulsive quilters, we are (and I'm a messy creative type).

Glad you found the pattern. I spent some of yesterday on the screened porch on the back of the house off the kitchen watching (with a pair of binoculars) a beautiful, blue, barn swallow take up residence in my bluebird box. Today I dragged out the potting soil and played in the dirt before the sun drove me in. 'Tis the season.

maj 24, 2019, 6:25 pm

Well - that's nice. There's still so much construction around here that we don't see too many birds yet. We are getting hummingbirds and there are some bank swallows on the edges of the pond.

I'm hoping to get a lot of my plants that I've bought planted this weekend. I think the temp is supposed to be good.

maj 28, 2019, 1:51 pm

>89 dudes22: Did you get your plants in?

maj 28, 2019, 4:35 pm

I got some in but decided I needed more plants of the flowering type so bought two more tray of stuff yesterday. It's chilly and rainy here today and sporadic showers for the next couple of days so I don't know when I'll get to finish.

maj 29, 2019, 6:00 am

>91 dudes22: Rainy here yesterday, also. I have a few coleus to put somewhere, and some nasturtiums seedlings I started, but that may be it. Picked up a lovely decorated ceramic pot at the "still-good" area at the dump yesterday, but I need to drill a hole in the bottom for drainage. Now, if I didn't have to worry about the darn ticks....

maj 29, 2019, 7:18 am

Ah yes - ticks. I bought a bunch of coleus this year (well almost every year). One of the places I buy my plants has so many nice ones of such variety that I usually can't resist. Put a bunch of them around the birch tree out front of the house. I'll try to remember to take a picture once they start to fill in.

maj 29, 2019, 5:32 pm

>93 dudes22: The neighbor just sent us a note that "the" bear was back. I haven't seen it yet. Seems late in the season. Something ate one of my sunflower plants that was about a foot high.

maj 29, 2019, 6:54 pm

There were a couple of bear sightings here too. in fact, the one yesterday was a friend of my SIL that I know. She was one the news and said it tried to get into her car (which she was in at the time) and she had to struggle to keep the door closed until she could manage to lock it. Not a place where I would expect a bear to be.

maj 31, 2019, 5:32 am

>95 dudes22: Seems weird behavior for a bear unless she had groceries with her, or had a bag of donuts in her hand. They are usually just scavenging for food.

maj 31, 2019, 7:34 am

Not sure.

jun 2, 2019, 12:09 pm

The bear showed up in our neighborhood this a.m. Our street is a "U" shape with room in the center for two houses back to back with a little green area in-between. (so you have an idea of how close.) We live on the outside of the U down near the bend on one side. The bear was in the back yard of the house opposite us on the other outside of the "U" up against some woods. The lady in that house took a picture of it trying to get at her suet feeder. I suppose it will be on the news tonight. I heard that when the cops showed up to the area in #95 above, the bear was sitting on the hood of her car.

So I've been having some trouble with my trip-around-the-world block for my red/white quilt. Most of the rows ended up being longer than they were supposed to be by enough that I couldn't fudge. So I took out some seams and resewed but a lot are still too big. I thought afterwards that I should have been measuring as I went instead of waiting to the end of each row. I've kind of decided that it won't take too much effort to just start over. I find it a lot harder to work with these smaller pieces. There's not much room for error.

Redigerat: jun 3, 2019, 6:38 am

>98 dudes22: OMG, too funny. Seems they must be more domesticated down in RI? What is she doing with suet feeders out this time of year? I have out in an open feeder only a hot pepper "cake" of larger seeds. The person at the bird store, who happens to live perhaps a mile from me as the crow flies, recommended it because bears and squirrels won't touch it. The birds do indeed love it (one has to wear gloves when handling it) It also comes in bags with a pour spout, but it's pricey)

jun 3, 2019, 8:15 am

I'm not sure about the suet feeders. may have been just a rumor. I'll be seeing her at mahjong today so I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation.

Feeling better about the trip-around-the world block. Starting over was definitely the way to go. I've been doing a lot more measuring as I go; like from one seam line to make sure what's left is block size plus 1/4". Seems to be working out better.

jun 3, 2019, 4:31 pm

>100 dudes22: Interesting. My next door neighbor has a mahjong group, too.

Glad you are more comfy with trip-around-the-world block. I think you are more a perfectionist than I. Sometimes I wish I were more a perfectionist, sometimes not.

Redigerat: jun 3, 2019, 8:00 pm

I'm afraid if I'm not careful it won't all go together when I get the blocks done. There are 13 pieces 1 1/2" in a row, so even if I'm only off 1/8" each seam, you can see how it could get out of control.

jun 4, 2019, 3:35 pm

jun 14, 2019, 9:07 am

Finished the trip-around-the-world block finally. Also spent part of yesterday using excel to create a diagram of how all the
blocks fit so I can substitute some blocks for ones that I don't like.

jun 14, 2019, 9:28 am

Oh, very nicely done! Huh, not sure I would have thought about using Excel that way; you must know it far better than I.

jun 14, 2019, 10:20 am

That’s really nice Betty. I like the block pattern and the red/white contrast is really striking.

jun 14, 2019, 12:55 pm

Thanks, Lois. I think I'm going to try and find a new pressing mat with grids so I "block" some of the blocks to size before I put the whole thing together. With such small squares (1" finished), doing it in smaller groups and measuring definitely made it better. As an accountant, I used excel all the time when I was working. I mostly just put borders around groups of squares and wrote in one cell which block it was. I still use fairly basic formatting. But I can also use color so I know which blocks I've finished. And see where the substitution blocks go and what's around them.

Thanks, Laural. I've wanted to do a red/white quilt for a while now and although the overall pattern is shown as a scappy quilt, I liked a more "refined" palette for mine.

jun 14, 2019, 1:01 pm

As I was looking through some of the quilts and blocks I have "pinned", I realized that I wasn't sure about doing a large quilt of some of them. I have a blank wall on one side of the hallway with an air return in the middle. So I decided I'd try a bunch of blocks as just a single block quilt and create a display wall. I decided that this might be a good project to take to Fla next winter since it doesn't require a lot of fabric. So I've been choosing and cutting and setting aside some stuff for next winter. I know if I wait, I'll get so busy with the holidays that I'll run out of time.

jun 16, 2019, 6:05 am

>107 dudes22: An accountant! That explains things :-) I use Excel, and various products for Apple, mostly for lists. Immigrant ancestors (about 1100 now), work done on the house, quilts made....etc

I have one of those canvas-covered, gridded ironing mats that I use for ironing while sitting at the sewing machine, but I have seldom used the grid.

>108 dudes22: Now that's thinking ahead!

jun 18, 2019, 1:02 pm

The weather is rainy here today so I spent some time making some more blocks for my red/white quilt. There are 9 of these cornerstone blocks in the quilt. This time I made all the white the same and just varied the reds. I also learned from the "trip" block and I squared each block every round. Sometimes it was just a few threads and sometimes around 1/16"or 1/32". Each block will finish at 5". I did 6 this morning and will finish the other 3 after lunch.

jun 18, 2019, 3:26 pm

OOPs - those are courthouse steps blocks.

jun 19, 2019, 8:52 am

>111 dudes22: You are so diligent squaring and all....

jun 19, 2019, 5:52 pm

>112 avaland: - I had to. With such small pieces, I realized that it's so easy to end up with nothing fitting together or matching. Not usual for me, I'll admit.

jun 20, 2019, 11:00 am

I laid out the blocks that I made from the fabrics in #78 and Lois was right - the black is too dark. The original quilt that was the picture I was working from, had some dark squares. But there were multiple prints some of which had a little bit of dark in the background, which is probably why it worked. So I'm going to take out the black squares and either add more of some of the other fabrics or - probably- I'm going to introduce a couple more fabrics. So that goes on the back burner and I'll work some more on the red/white. I need a ton of HSTs so I'll probably work on that. It's rainy here again today, in case you couldn't tell.

jun 21, 2019, 6:33 am

I'm sure you will find the perfect substitute.

jun 25, 2019, 10:56 am

So I've finished the half-square triangle blocks. Each is slightly different. Overall, I'm happy with how all the blocks are coming out. Still plenty to do.

HST Block #1 - 14" x 10" - 2" finished hst

HST Block #2 - 12" x 12" - 2" finished hst

HST Block #3 - 12" x 12" - 1.5" finished hst

jun 25, 2019, 12:17 pm

Beautiful! How many blocks are in the quilt altogether?

jun 25, 2019, 3:11 pm

Those are FABULOUS! and so perfectly done! It's going to be a great quilt. (hmm, making I should do a sample quilt with scraps....)

jun 25, 2019, 3:52 pm

>117 lauralkeet: - It's hard to say, Laural. I could say that there are only thirteen blocks, plus some plain sashing and some sashing that is like a checkerboard. But some of the blocks are made up of multiple smaller blocks. Like the block in post #110 above shows 2 of three blocks. But they're all put together to make just one bigger block. And there are a few larger blocks that I don't care for and so I may substitute other blocks I like better. Let's just say it's fluid right now. And I still have quite a ways to go.

>118 avaland: - Thanks, Lois. I'm going to set this aside for a couple of weeks. I'm going to take my machine in for a good cleaning. So I'll work on other stuff with my machine in the sewing room while it's gone. This pattern that I bought is actually shown as a scrap quilt, but I thought it was so busy looking that the patterns didn't show well. Could have been the photography. I'm thinking I might do another one that is scrap but with a restricted palette of colors - I'm thinking green, blue, peach and yellow. We'll see.

jun 25, 2019, 5:21 pm

I had my husband dropped my machine off yesterday :-)

jun 25, 2019, 6:50 pm

>119 dudes22: Interesting. It's fun watching it come together.

jun 27, 2019, 11:27 am

So this is the other quilt I've been working on: it should be longways.

I took out the black check and put in a dark grey and added the dark green square on the bottom, but I'm still not happy with it. So I think I'll take out the dark grey, add at least one more dark green and I found another print that I think will work. I might take out/substitute some of the pink/salmon colors as there might be too many and one of them might be too dark. I also haven't cut the white setting triangles yet.

jun 28, 2019, 2:31 pm

Ok so I switched out some fabrics and I think this is a little more balanced. I just think I'm going to switch the yellow bee fabric in the center with the yellow square two up to the northeast. I just noticed that I do have three prints in a row going down the right side. I may see if I can move something else.

jul 2, 2019, 9:19 am

>123 dudes22: Oh, I love this! Agree about taking the black out. It looks great on point, is that how you will be doing it?

My daughter thinks the yellows in my pineapple-in-progress aren't quilt right, so I told her yes, they read lighter than the other colors but that I didn't care as none of my quilts are meant to hang on a wall, and in one's lap they will be fine.

jul 2, 2019, 4:02 pm

Yes - I am going to do it on point. I've attached all the setting triangles and have started to put the rows together. (of course I ran out of bobbin thread. You'd think I'd learn to check first. So I quit for today.) I was planning on just binding it like that, then I saw a cute border treatment that I want to try. So I'll have to decide whether or not to add borders. it may depend on if I have enough batting or need to buy some. And now I have a bunch of blocks left over. I'll have to see how many I end up with and see if I can use them in another quilt. (or maybe a pillow)

jul 3, 2019, 9:16 am

>124 avaland: "...aren't quilt right" --- Love it!

jul 3, 2019, 10:57 am

>126 SassyLassy: LOL!

Betty, does your machine have a bobbin winder? Omg, I wind 10 or so when I need one (one after the other), because I hate running out in the middle of a good run of sewing.

jul 3, 2019, 7:26 pm

>127 avaland: - I know - I thought I had more bobbins, but they were either upstairs or I was out (not sure which). I had even said to myself to check before I started putting the rows together. oh well … and there's a bobbin winder but on the top.

jul 5, 2019, 3:28 pm

I just do not understand why I have such problems with pictures. When I go to grab a photo from my photo library, I can see that the picture is right side up, but when it uploads to my junk drawer, it's upside down. SO annoying. I've got one more thing I'm going to try tomorrow.

Anyway, I got all my rows put together. Then I had 11 blocks left over from the ones I switched out. I found some floral with a black background that I had used for a backing so I'm going to make some HSTs and maybe make a tablemat or something. I'll have to make some more of the blocks from the quilt because most of what I had was black and dark gray but I think I'll do one like the bottom picture in post #116. We'll have to see what it looks like when I get some more HSTs done.

jul 5, 2019, 4:38 pm

>129 dudes22: Betty, I've found that sometimes I need to edit the photo and do something minor like rotate it and then rotate it back, and save. And then when I upload to LT it's fine. I know that makes no sense, but it's worked for me on multiple occasions. I hope you're successful so we can see your marvelous work!

Redigerat: jul 5, 2019, 6:14 pm

>130 lauralkeet: - Hey - I'll try it. Any help is appreciated.

ETA: You're a genius. I also tried to enhance the photo which I think helps too.

jul 5, 2019, 6:23 pm

So here are the pictures, thanks to laurel. I took a close-up of a part of the quilt to give you an idea of the prints. And the last one is the blocks I'm going to make with the left-over blocks.
I obviously did it get it pinned exactly straight.

jul 5, 2019, 7:06 pm

>132 dudes22: It's really turned out well, and I love the close up photograph.

jul 5, 2019, 7:55 pm

Hurray! I'm glad the photo fiddling worked for you. And the quilt looks fab!

jul 6, 2019, 6:29 am

>129 dudes22: I've found that the photos I have to rotate are the ones taken on my iPhone, not my camera. I usually have to tweak the color in the iPhone pics, too.

>132 dudes22: I love it! I love the effect of the tiny squares. They create a kind of downward movement, like rain. How big are the central squares?

jul 6, 2019, 11:13 am

>133 Lyndatrue: - Thanks, Lynda

>134 lauralkeet: - I never would have thought that did it. Thanks for the help.

>135 avaland: - I took those with my Ipad. I thought the last time it worked just fine. I cut the middle square 4 1/2" and the sashing 1 1/2 " so I ended up with an unfinished size of 6 1/2". I'll need to trim the new blocks to 5 1/2" but I got two squares from one, so not so bad.

I was thinking last night about how to use the new blocks and how many more I'll need to make. And how many blocks I can get out of that floral. I think I'll need to go figure that out first.

jul 7, 2019, 2:01 pm

So I have enough floral to get 48 HSTs which would be 6x8 squares and would finish at 30x40 without any borders. I'll have to lay them out and see what I can do with them.

jul 8, 2019, 7:10 am

When I started to trim some of the HSTs, I found that I could trim them to a 6" square. So that will make the size 33x44. Kind of an odd size.

jul 8, 2019, 10:56 pm

>138 dudes22: Certainly small, but I'm sure you'll come up with some idea.

jul 23, 2019, 11:13 am

So this is the quilt I made with some of the blocks left over from the quilt in post #132. I had to make more blocks so I added in some new fabrics. I think I'm just going to use a skinny green border and then bind it with the black check ( if I have enough).

jul 23, 2019, 2:32 pm

>140 dudes22: Wow, I really like that! I would never have thought to mix the two -- it's kind of like "today" meets "yesterday" (or modern meets traditional). Very clever, Betty (and striking).

jul 25, 2019, 3:07 pm

Thanks Lois. I still have a couple of blocks and half-triangles left over that I think I'll try to put on the back somehow.

Anyway - I got my other machine back today. So I'll be going back to my red and white blocks, I think. I was considering making a quilt like the one in post #132 in Christmas fabrics, but maybe I'll wait.

jul 25, 2019, 6:37 pm

>142 dudes22: If you should take up scrappy quilting, one would slice through the leftover blocks two or three times and throw them into the scrap pile :-)

I think holiday fabrics would look fabulous in that pattern! If you need some prints, I have quite of collection, from elegant to novelty (in fact, I was just searching through them to see if I had any holiday florals suitable for the small center of the pineapple blocks).

jul 26, 2019, 6:19 am

>143 avaland: - Thanks for the offer, Lois, but I'm pretty sure I have more than enough. I'm going to hold off anyway and work some more on the red/white quilt. And maybe try to finish a few charity quilts. I picked up some batting while I was getting my machine.

jul 26, 2019, 4:30 pm

>142 dudes22: Agreeing with avaland that the quilt in >132 dudes22: looks like a perfect pattern for Christmas fabrics. They would look like strings of ornaments.

I do love red and white quilts too though.

jul 28, 2019, 10:38 am

>144 dudes22: Sounds like a plan. I'd like to finish up another charity quilt or two over the next couple of months as they will be appreciated for the winter.

aug 3, 2019, 2:30 pm

So I finished the first of the 16 pineapple blocks I need for the red&white quilt I'm working on. I'll need a group of 9 blocks, one of 4 blocks, and one group of 3 blocks. I think I'll make the 3-block group this way and see if I can figure something different for the other two groups. The block has 37 pieces and will finish at 5". The individual strips finish at .5". I used the freezer paper method for this rather than paper-piecing it. I think time-wise it's probably a toss-up, but I was afraid with such small pieces that taking the paper off might distort the block.

aug 4, 2019, 6:24 am

>147 dudes22: My gawd! and to think that I thought making a 45 piece 10" block was a pain. It' s lovely (and small!)

aug 4, 2019, 8:01 am

5" ! 37 pieces! Oh my goodness. That must require considerable dexterity and patience. It looks gorgeous.

aug 4, 2019, 1:30 pm

>148 avaland: - Thanks, Lois.

>149 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laurel. It didn't start off well. I cut a bunch of pieces the size they said in the pattern. (1" wide") But after sewing the first round, I realized that I would be better off cutting them a little bigger and then trimming. (so I went to 1.5" wide) More waste, but less stress.

aug 7, 2019, 12:13 pm

>150 dudes22: That's interesting about the cutting. More or less you are doing what I do with the scraps, which are only roughly trimmed before sewing (the rough trim would be to salvage any of the piece for future projects but my tolerance for scrap size can vary on my mood). Still, you sound like a much saner quilter than I :-)

aug 8, 2019, 8:44 am

>151 avaland: - I usually do what you do when I do paper piecing. In this case, I had some strip scraps from the other blocks and I'll need strips for the other blocks so it was just easier to use strips.

aug 12, 2019, 6:50 am

Betty, I just put one of your photos up on the group page. Change was due. Will have to get Laura to post something in a few months.

aug 12, 2019, 12:46 pm

I noticed. It reminds me I need to get some batting so I can get it finished.

aug 17, 2019, 10:10 am

This is my finished quilt that I started 2 1/2 yrs ago (or maybe 3 1/2) in a class on the wall in my guest room. Finished size is @ 76x65. I'm not usually a pastelly person, but because of the # of fabrics I needed, I went with colors similar to the sample.

Redigerat: aug 17, 2019, 2:53 pm

>155 dudes22: I love this quilt. The pattern is amazing, and the color choices are perfect.

I did have to read the first sentence about three times, though. It's a quilt that you started in a class; it is now on the wall in your guest room.

It's just lovely.

aug 17, 2019, 2:53 pm

Ooh, that's really pretty! I love the geometric design.

aug 18, 2019, 10:01 am

>155 dudes22: Oh, I love this one, Betty! And it looks great on the wall. Are the fabrics solids? batiks? small prints? I can't tell from the photo.

aug 18, 2019, 1:21 pm

>156 Lyndatrue: - oh, Lynda, that's funny. I knew it didn't sound right when I wrote it.

>157 lauralkeet: - Thanks, Laural. I liked the geometry of it which is why I took the class.

>158 avaland: - Thanks, Lois. There are a couple of small prints. Most are tone-on-tone prints. Want me to try a close-up?

aug 18, 2019, 3:11 pm

>155 dudes22: >156 Lyndatrue: I got a chuckle out of that too - oh for classes on the wall of my guest room!

Beautiful quilt with the illusion of depth.

aug 19, 2019, 2:39 pm

>159 dudes22: Not necessary, but thanks for offering!

aug 20, 2019, 12:16 pm

I had some friends over yesterday afternoon to celebrate my husband's birthday (a big one). He didn't want anything but I convinced him to let me at least invite the guys he walks with/spouses/ and a few others for cocktails and snacks. Everyone liked my new quilt. It was supposed to be humid yesterday, but by the late afternoon there was a lite breeze and very pleasant on the deck.

I've offered one of my small baby tops to a friend for a new baby. So that will probably be my next project in addition to working some more on the red/white quilt.

aug 22, 2019, 5:37 am

>162 dudes22: I'm glad hubby relented and allowed a celebration. It sounds like you had a nice event and decent weather (we had the humidity, thunderstorms north of you).

aug 22, 2019, 6:12 am

We got rain about 15 minutes after I had everything cleaned up. Whew!

aug 23, 2019, 7:23 am

So I have some exciting news. My husband's cousin recently moved from Alabama to Houston to be closer to her kids. And when she sent my husband a birthday message this week, she thinks we need to come for a visit. So I'm going to be going to Houston at the time of the Houston Quilt Festival (SQUEEL!!!). I've been thinking for years of a way to get there without boring my husband. So his cousin and I can go to the show (she quilts and embroiders too) and my husband and hers can go do something else. Oh - and barbeque! Making our plane reservations later this morning.

aug 23, 2019, 9:40 am

>165 dudes22: ooh! That sounds like a lot of fun and a win-win for you and the hubby!

aug 24, 2019, 9:04 pm

>165 dudes22: Ooooo, great idea (did you arrange it that way?) When is the trip?

aug 25, 2019, 7:12 am

The Festival is Oct 31-Nov 3 with classes starting on the 28th (which I don't think I'll do). We're planning to do at least 2 days at the festival. I figure one for viewing the quilts and one for shopping the vendors. I've seen pictures of how BIG it is - maybe we'll need a third. Hubby's sister ahs some things she wants to send to Brenda, so I think we'll be taking an extra suitcase - so lots of room to bring things home.

aug 25, 2019, 10:34 am

>168 dudes22: ha ha, I get the two-day plans. Hard to concentrate on the quilts when you know there are likely some juicy items calling your name from the vendor pavilion. Agree about sthe extra suitcase. Wise move.

I see that the Concord (MA) Piecemakers are having their bi-annual show the first weekend in Oct. If I'm free I may go, as it just a hop and a skip south of here (they hold it in Acton). It was a fun local show the last time I went (although not too much in the way of vendors, if I remember correctly).

aug 25, 2019, 1:33 pm

That would be a 2 hour drive for me, so not likely to go.

aug 26, 2019, 6:44 am

>170 dudes22: Recently, I checked and we are about 114 miles from each other and that Worcester is the roughly the halfway point or at least the most notable in that vicinity. Or near the MA/RI border. Just something for us to keep in mind for possible future meet-ups.

aug 26, 2019, 7:30 am

Oh - Ok. Too bad they moved that show that we went to last time.

aug 27, 2019, 10:11 am

I've finished the first 3 pineapple blocks for my red/white quilt which go in a row. They're all similar to the block in post #147. The next group is a group of 4 in a square and I'd like to figure out some arrangement of colors that is a little different. Then I'll need a group of 9 in a square. I'll worry about later. I've been trolling through Pinterest looking for ideas.

I'd also like to figure out how to resize the quilt in post #1 to a block size. I'll have to find where I put the pattern and the put my math hat on.

aug 27, 2019, 5:20 pm

>173 dudes22: That should be fairly easy, don't you think?

aug 27, 2019, 6:19 pm

I'm not sure. The pieces around the square are 2 large rectangles that have been cut at an angle after you measure up on one side and down on the other and then connect them. I think they were 28x40 (?) before cutting. I can't remember if the angle was 45 or not. As I said - I need to pull out the pattern and check it out.

aug 28, 2019, 2:24 pm

Lost the post I just wrote....

Short version. The angle for the half rectangle that meets the corner of the center square is 90º so the other two angles are 45º. Technically, it's only a rectangle because it has to add for seam allowances. Seems the simplest way is to redraw it the size you want and take measurements. Or, take the pattern diagram to Staples and have them enlarge to roughly what you want.

aug 28, 2019, 4:42 pm

Ok - I found the directions. The two blue sections were a rectangle 28 x40. Then you measure up 6" on one side and down 6" on the other side and connect them to cut (I agree that it's probably a 45 angle.) Then once you spin them and attach them to the sides of the small square, you end up trimming a point off each side to create the square. I want to make the pattern to be a smaller square, maybe something between 6-10 inches. I think that would mean that the strips in the rectangle would end up being pretty small, so maybe not a good idea. Oh well - I have plenty of other ideas of things to do.

aug 29, 2019, 8:02 am

>177 dudes22: Oh, I was thinking you were trying to enlarge the pattern not make it smaller. What if you used a striped fabric instead of pieced strips?

aug 29, 2019, 12:47 pm

That's a thought.

Redigerat: sep 11, 2019, 1:58 pm

So an update on my red/white quilt:

Back in post#147, I showed you the first of the pineapple blocks that I needed to make. (I need a group of 3, one of 4, and one of 9) So I made a group of three that will look like this in the quilt:

Then I made a group of 4 that will be this block:

The top one is not put together because it would be bigger than the container I'm keeping the parts in. But I did put together the bottom one. It's a 10.5" square and has 148 pieces.

Now I need to figure out the 9 block square. With only two colors, (well three if you consider the red& white fabric as a separate color which I am) it's difficult to get a pattern. I might do alternating colors around the center of each block. I suppose I'll have to try a block and see how I like it.

ETA: Actually, I guess I have 4 colors: whites, solid reds, red with a little white, and white with a little red. I'll have to see what I can figure out.

sep 11, 2019, 2:27 pm

I love the red and white! It's such a sharp contrast that isn't overwhelming.

sep 12, 2019, 5:33 am

>180 dudes22: That's looking gorgeous so far!

sep 12, 2019, 7:25 am

>180 dudes22: absolutely fabulous. I love the different geometric / kaleidoscope patterns that you can make depending on how you put the pieces together.

sep 13, 2019, 6:44 am

>180 dudes22: Stunning!

sep 13, 2019, 7:24 am

Thank you all. I think I've found a pattern to make for the 9 block block. of course I won't know till I finish it how successful it is.

okt 28, 2019, 7:18 pm

Here are a couple of pictures of a baby quilt I just finished for a friend to give to a friend. The alphabet fabric is a flannel on the back. I was pushing to finish it before we go to Houston on Wed. I'll be taking some pictures there at the Quilt Festival and will post some inspirations on the kitchen thread.

okt 29, 2019, 5:41 am

Oh, that's lovely! The colors are wonderful, and I love that backing fabric!

okt 29, 2019, 8:05 am

What a perfect quilt for a baby. Very nice, Betty.

okt 29, 2019, 3:36 pm

Love the brightness and also a big fan of the backing fabric.

okt 29, 2019, 7:10 pm

Thank you all. I've been saving that backing for a while and this seemed like a good time to use it.

okt 31, 2019, 6:52 am

Back in posts #173-178, Lois and I were discussing how to resize the quilt in post #1 (which is one large block) into smaller blocks for a quilt. Well I saw a post on Pintrest last week where someone had done that in various block sizes. So now I can plan a quilt made of smaller blocks. Yet another project.

nov 1, 2019, 10:51 am

Oh, that's a lovely, colorful baby quilt (and warm!). They will love it.

>191 dudes22: I sympathize about the curse(?) of "too many projects".

dec 11, 2019, 5:22 pm

Hey, Betty, how's it going? Are you working on anything? I am not. There has just been too much going on for over a month now. I did manage to make use of "Cyber Monday" ...I took advantage of 20% off stuff at Backside Fabrics (picked up two backing pieces and 3 smaller battings). Very seasonal, LOL.

dec 11, 2019, 6:22 pm

Hey, Lois - I haven't been working on anything either. I added borders to one of the baby quilts that our sewing group at church is working on but that's the only thing I've done in a while. Christmas cookie making has been taking up a lot of my time. I took a trip up to Ryco's for small business Saturday and bought a few jelly rolls for a quilt that I have the pattern for. I could have cut strips myself, but there are so many, I decided to take the easy way and buy pre-cut. I'll still need to cut down one set to 1.5" strips, but at least some cutting is done. I don't think I'll take it when we go to Fla because there isn't a good place for sewing something big. I did cut out a bunch of fabric for single blocks that I want to try while I'm gone and will probably make a sample wall in my hallway. And I decided to replace my 24x36 mat and a smaller one I have that also warped that I want to take with me.

How's your renovation going? I assume that's what's been keeping you from quilting.

dec 12, 2019, 8:28 pm

The wood flooring is all done, all furniture and stuff was back in place by Thanksgiving weekend. We were exhausted going into the holiday weekend. Then of course we had 26" of snow...which now because of rain is down to about a third of that thankfully. We entertained my cousin's 14 yr old son for last weekend while she was away, and there was a tree to put up, holiday shopping, some annoying health issues...and so on. I think I'm doing cookies this again season; I did breads last year.

At least you have plans...I've got nothing in my head at the moment.

However, today was another quilt documentation day at the New England Quilt Museum, so I spent the day again helping with that. It's always interesting to see what comes in. A man bought in a large box of six old quilts in great shape (they only document pre-1950s). One was made entirely of 1/2" squares. It was something like 155x130 tiny squares, all hand sewn & quilted.

dec 13, 2019, 5:44 am

Oh my Gosh! That's amazing. I have one quilt I'd like to get some information on, but it will have to wait until spring sometime.

I've been baking and freezing cookies for a few weeks now. I've done 15 different kinds so far - some I bake, then freeze, others I freeze first and bake later. Also a dozen small cranberry breads and 7 small fruitcakes. I give a lot of food gifts as well as being the family cookie baker. I'm not sure if I'm done or not. I might do a couple more vegan ones if I have time. I sent my one package that has to be mailed yesterday and the line wasn't that bad. Considering the time is so short this year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm really doing well this year.

dec 13, 2019, 7:03 am

I have been the family pie maker, but sadly, the family is not very adventurous and are stuck on a few basic favorites (apple, chocolate & sawdust). I did get to make my first sweet potato pie though (a request of friends).

Holy baked goods! And I thought I was overdoing it! I'd be interested in a list of what cookies you make. Just curiosity. I've made about 8 different ones in the past, but you are a cookie-making machine!

dec 13, 2019, 5:20 pm

OK - Here goes -

Almond biscotti
cranberry-pistachio biscotti
chocolate biscotti
chocolate crinkles
gingerbread (trees this year)
jelly thumbprints
2 kinds of jello sugar cookies (black cherry for red, and lime for green) these are mostly for the kids
lemon crinkles
peppermint hershey kiss cookies
eggnog snickerdoodles
pecan snowballs

Vegan -
apple pie cookies
maple walnut cookies
date nut balls
red velvet crinkles

I don't always make the same kinds although some are standards. I've been trying to add more vegan cookies. When I was still working, a tray of cookies was my gift to my co-workers as I didn't want to have to buy something they may or may not like. So even now I do a bunch of cookie trays as gifts ( nail tech, hair dresser, mailperson, friends). Gives me an excuse to make them. Once I make up the trays next week, I'll take a picture of a tray.

dec 13, 2019, 9:43 pm

LOL, coworkers at the bookstore got boxes of homemade cookies from me. I also do a box for the mail carrier, the people who work at the town transfer station, friends and a couple of neighbors. I’ll give you my list of standards tomorrow. Would love to see your photo.

dec 14, 2019, 3:36 pm

One of my problems is I keep seeing new recipes that I want to try. (I just saw one using Ferrero Rocher candies that I want to try) Then I have to decide what not to make from the previous year. I just remembered that the first batch of spritz dough I did the other day didn't come out of the press well (tried a new recipe). I hate to waste so I gathered it into a disk and put it in the fridge. I'm going to try and roll it out and use a new embossing rolling pin I bought.

dec 18, 2019, 3:14 am

>200 dudes22: Oooo, you picked up an embossing rolling pin...I've seen a few of those I've been tempted to buy. I think I have finalized my list but time seems short and things keep coming up....

dec 19, 2019, 12:51 pm

Ok, I hope to make:
*Macaroon “kiss” cookies
*Dates balls
*Fudge type cookies (fudgey cookies with the cracked conf. Sugar coating
*Pistachio bars (I’m not sure what these have to do with pistachios). A bit more labor intensive so still thinking about this one. But they are yummy.
*Chocolate Rice Krispie bars

There are alternates in case I flag...

dec 19, 2019, 4:43 pm

That's a great selection. Hermits were one of the ones I dropped this year. You can do it. I have one small disk of dough in the fridge I may rollout and cut. Maybe.

dec 20, 2019, 11:33 am

Have switched the pistachio bars for “luscious apricot bars” which are in the oven as I write. There was a crisis with the hermits: someone who shall not be named ate down the raisin supply (he has been sent out for more)😂 I want to be done by the end of the weekend.

dec 20, 2019, 2:50 pm

That's funny. I realized I actually do still have a little baking left. I usually make my friend's husband mincemeat tarts because she doesn't like them. And I have a bunch of nuts left so I might do some pecan pie tarts too.

dec 20, 2019, 3:28 pm

I'm impressed with your cookie baking, Betty. I enjoy baking but only do enough to satisfy my nuclear family, and it's all done rather last minute otherwise my own "someone who shall not be named" would wolf them down too soon. Our traditional favorites are chocolate crinkle cookies, russian tea cakes, and peanut butter blossoms.

dec 21, 2019, 7:08 am

>206 lauralkeet: - Every year I think I'll cut back, but I don't. I also do sugared pecans are less work, but still appreciated.

dec 21, 2019, 7:12 am

>206 lauralkeet: - I probably should have cut back a while ago, but I like all the different kinds. I also make sugared pecans which are less work but still appreciated. Makes a nice little thing to bring to a party.

dec 24, 2019, 5:03 am

>207 dudes22: I swear this is the last year....

Redigerat: dec 24, 2019, 5:50 am

Hubby managed to throw his back out yesterday (pulling open a dresser draw, if you can imagine) so it looks like I'll be adding cookie deliveries to my list today.

So if I don't make it back here later - Merry Christmas (or your chosen holiday). Time to start thinking of next year's projects.

dec 25, 2019, 5:34 pm

>210 dudes22: Mine did the deliveries, thankfully. Hope the hubby has a quick recovery.

dec 26, 2019, 7:11 am

Thanks, Lois. He seems to be a lot better. I'd hate to think of driving to Fla with him hurting.

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