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Feb 21, 2007
Om mitt bibliotek
I have always been a lover of fantasy books, ever since my childhood and love the whole concept of dragons and elves, travelling by horse or on foot with just your trusty bow, sword and magic abilities to get you by - and not a mechanical device in sight!! (I think in reality I would miss my gadgets though). Recently my reading material has changed and as the readers who know me have stated I have now turned to crime, although in the past I have read everything from sagas to books on the holocaust and death camps.
Om mig
Hi, I grew up a Tomboy so for the first few years of my life I didn't do much reading or had any interest in books! This all changed when I started school and had a wonderful teacher named Mr Bell, before we would go home at the end of the day he would read stories to us i.e. Stig of the Dump and The Hobbit, ever since then I have been hooked and now cannot read enough. I am married with 2 children, who both love books and my daughter is now starting to read books that we can both share and enjoy.

I have worked in a library for the past 15 years and every morning I love getting up and going to work to be surrounded by all the new reading potential my job provides!!
Shropshire, England
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