looking for new books :)

DiskuteraTattered but still lovely

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looking for new books :)

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maj 25, 2016, 5:10 am

I'm looking for TBSL books set in the country, or in country houses. I have most of Stevenson cataloged, and Austen.

Also looking for books with these themes: masquerades, the stage, balls, vintage baking books, world war I romance, either edwardian upper class or domestic servants (fiction or non), books set in cottages, on farms, in villages, about woodland animals, vintage tea party and etiquette books, taking place in mansions or manors, comedy of manners, and large casts of characters.

I prefer books older than 1980s, and especially available in the public domain.

maj 25, 2016, 5:29 am

In a few days LT will have recommendations for you.

In the meantime you can search LT on those themes, using tags. Search page, left column.

Or you can check the recommendation on the work page of any book you enjoyed.

maj 26, 2016, 3:56 pm

I see you have The Warden. There are plenty more by Trollope!

Project Gutenberg has Hemmet, by Fredrika Bremer. In Little Women there's a remark about "Petrea's nose." It puzzled me until I read this old-fashioned family story. :)