Any Good Reccomendations?

DiskuteraThe Green Dragon

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Any Good Reccomendations?

feb 3, 8:46 am

Okay so I LOVE sci fi, especially ones that explore other worlds or have a Cyberpunk esque feel to it. I also like Fantasy if it revolves around knights because oh my gosh I love warriors in shining armor, but it's hard for me to find ones I can stick with. Is there anything with a Holly Black kinda feel to it that's set in the future? I've read her Rules to be a Successful Intergalactic Smuggler short story and my God do I wish she wrote more to it, but if there's anything close to that I'd love to hear it!

feb 3, 9:45 am

>1 -Bones: Hello, and welcome to LibraryThing and The Green Dragon. There are a bunch of features on the site that will help you find books that are similar to ones you've already enjoyed. You can look through other books by an author you like, or books/novellas that you've enjoyed. Just type those names into the search bar, and scroll down and look at the recommendations. Or you can check here to see what books other people have tagged Cyberpunk.

feb 3, 7:02 pm

Holly Black -- Touchstone for the sake of seeing Holly's other works, in case that helps.