Margaret Coel, author of The Spider's Web (A Wind River Reservation Myste) (Sep 20-27)

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Margaret Coel, author of The Spider's Web (A Wind River Reservation Myste) (Sep 20-27)

sep 20, 2010, 12:18 pm

Please welcome Margaret Coel, author of The Spider's Web (A Wind River Reservation Myste). Margaret will be chatting on LibraryThing until September 27th.

sep 20, 2010, 1:40 pm

Welcome! And thank you for your work--I've enjoyed several of the Wind River novels, especially The Girl with the Braided Hair. Do you have a favorite among the books in the series?

sep 20, 2010, 6:00 pm

I own The Girl With the Braided Hair too! I find your characters engaging and they tend to stay with me when the book is done. I'll wait for your answer to the above question while I think of some fascinating questions of my own!

sep 23, 2010, 5:34 pm

That is a frequently asked question. Usually my favorite is the novel I'm writing at the time. It fills my head and consumes me. Once it is finished and out in the world, I move on to the next novel.

sep 23, 2010, 5:35 pm

Ask me anything! I'm here through the end of the week. It's always a pleasure to chat with book lovers. Margaret

sep 23, 2010, 8:22 pm

Wouldn't you know? Right now I'm not home.

I live in the wilds of Sandhills Nebraska, and there are no public libraries for miles around. Thursday nights I hold Open Library at the high school library for those adults that want to come in and check out books. It works nicely.

sep 23, 2010, 8:28 pm

I am also a big fan of Tony Hillerman's Navajo mysteries. How does reservation life on Wind River compare with the Big Rez? I know the tribes and beliefs are different, but are the problems different also? Does the internal government of the Arapaho tribe work the same - and do they have the same troubles with jurisdiction?

I have read nearly all Hillerman's body of work, and I'm just getting started with yours, so I haven't gotten a feel for that aspect of Arapaho life.

sep 24, 2010, 11:59 am

Can you give us some idea of how you work? That is, do you stick to a schedule? What is your work space like? Do you have music or other noise in the background? Furry companions keeping you company?

sep 26, 2010, 12:29 am

I absolutely love your work. I have read all of your books, al least all of the ones I am aware of. Since, reading all of them, I will hold off on reading your newest addition for a time, when I really need a pick me up, so that I can savor it. No question at this time just wanted to let you know your work is appreciated and how it helps some people. Thanks!

sep 26, 2010, 8:45 pm

This is kind of out of the blue: do you plan on writing any more Arapaho history, in the non-fiction genre? I finished Chief Left Hand recently, and learned so much from it, I wondered if you had ever considered tackling other eras that you've researched in the course of your writing the Wind River series?

I have enjoyed the Wind River series immensely (current favorite is The Story Teller), and I can see how much the echos of history keep coming back into the modern-day narratives you tell. Are there any eras that your readers haven't seen yet that you're eager to put into your narratives?