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Poppy (1995)

av Avi

Andra författare: Brian Floca (Illustratör)

Serier: Tales of Dimwood Forest (1), Tales of Dimwood Forest/Poppy Stories Chron. (3)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
2,705515,499 (3.89)17
Poppy the deer mouse urges her family to move next to a field of corn big enough to feed them all forever, but Mr. Ocax, a terrifying owl, has other ideas.

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Poppy knew she was taking a risk following her beloved Ragweed to Bannock Hill, but a night of dancing with the handsome golden mouse was just too tempting. So when Ragweed is scooped up by the sinister owl, Mr. Ocax, who rules over Dimwood forest, she's devastated. Her whole life she was warned of Mr. Ocax's evil ways...how could she have been so foolish to put herself and Ragweed at risk?

To make matters worse, when Poppy attempts to move with her family to a different part of the woods where the food supply is richer, Mr. Ocax refuses to let them go. Despite what she's been led to believe for years, Mr. Ocax is not as strong as he wants the mice to think he is. Armed with the bravery, gumption, and wit of a hero, Poppy embarks on a dangerous quest--joined by the irascible but lovable porcupine, Ereth--to defeat Mr. Ocax and lead her family to a better home.
  PlumfieldCH | Dec 18, 2023 |
In this captivating story, Poppy, a deer mouse, will find herself on a quest after Mr. Ocax, the owl ruler of Dimwood, eats her fiancé, Ragweed, and denies her father permission to move part of their large family from Gray House to New House. The plot flows smoothly and is engaging as Poppy moves along her quest to clear her name with her family and to figure out what Mr. Ocax is hiding about New House. The author uses vivid descriptions of the woods and the characters to enrich what you picture in your mind. This book has drama, humor, suspense and an air of mystery. Poppy must summon courage and perseverance, as well as, rely on her sense of duty to her family and the memory of Ragweed to see her adventure through. This is an engaging example of Modern Animal Fantasy to share with students. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.
  DeborahMc | Jul 20, 2023 |
very good - Ruthie
  hcs_admin | Sep 21, 2022 |
I could barely keep my eyes open. Also now I have to listen to my kindergartener repeat all the insults the characters say to each other. Thanks a lot, Avi. ( )
  readingjag | Nov 29, 2021 |
Poppy the deer mouse wants to move the family next to a corn field, but an owl terrifies them.
  BLTSbraille | Oct 21, 2021 |
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A thin crescent moon, high in the sky, shed faint white light over Dimwood Forest
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"Poppy-that's your name, right?-quills are hair. Barbed hair. I can't shoot my quills, though they fall out easy enough. The only way a quill gets into you is because I slap you. Which I'll do if you mess with me. Mind, when a quill gets into you, it swells. Flex your muscles to get it out, and the barbs draw it in deeper. Hurts like the red-hots."
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Poppy the deer mouse urges her family to move next to a field of corn big enough to feed them all forever, but Mr. Ocax, a terrifying owl, has other ideas.

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Medelbetyg: (3.89)
1 6
2 10
2.5 3
3 44
3.5 16
4 73
4.5 11
5 64

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