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Lord Valentine's Castle

av Robert Silverberg

Andra författare: Se under Andra författare.

Serier: Majipoor: Publication (1980), Majipoor: Lord Valentine (1), Majipoor (01), Majipoor: Chronological (05)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner / Omnämnanden
2,386356,666 (3.84)2 / 67
Set in a world teeming with alien races and fantastic, almost magical, machinery, Valentine, an itinerant juggler, wakes up one morning with only a vague and troubled idea of who he is. He gradually discovers, through dreams and portents, that he is in fact his namesake: Lord Valentine, the Coronal, his body and throne stolen by a usurper.… (mer)
  1. 53
    Arrakis - ökenplaneten av Frank Herbert (corporate_clone)
    corporate_clone: Both books are a subtle blend of science fiction and fantasy while being truly epic stories. Although Dune remains a superior literary achievement in my view, Silverberg's Majipoor series is a credible alternative.
  2. 00
    Vika's Avenger av Lawrence Watt-Evans (PMaranci)
    PMaranci: Shares a feeling of mystery and depth in the setting, rich and complex culture without being TOO complex, and an eminently readable mystery and adventure story. One of the rare SF books with a fantasy feel, and it really works well.
  3. 01
    Tales of the Dying Earth av Jack Vance (LamontCranston)

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» Se även 67 omnämnanden

engelska (31)  franska (2)  spanska (1)  nederländska (1)  Alla språk (35)
Visa 1-5 av 35 (nästa | visa alla)
An exciting read, a well created world, all the creative genius Silverberg is so well known for. A dangerous journey with a person who has no idea who he is or knowledge of his life prior to where the story begins. As he wanders looking for clues about himself, he picks up a small band of followers who help him in his search for his true identity. The group becomes completely taken by the amnesiac's intelligence and warm manner. The outcome is easily guessed at, but the journey raises question for our protagonists to work through and dangers they face, holds the reader's attention for the length of the book. Loved it ( )
  thosgpetri | Jan 2, 2024 |
This was a lovely book, a picaresque adventure through an incredibly rich and wonder-filled world, played absolutely straight. It took me a while to read because it is so very linear—the characters are likable but uncomplicated, and there's this storybook certainty to the narrative that everything will come out right in the end, despite momentary setbacks.

I will note that certain details of the plot seem to make no sense, but this is definitely not a book that requires a logical plot. Additionally, Silverberg's female characters, while much better written than I expected, have a couple of WTF moments, and I would have liked to see more gender balance overall.

Nevertheless, a really exceptional adventure tale and not to be missed. ( )
  raschneid | Dec 19, 2023 |
Miles de años después de nuestra era, en el planeta Majipur existe un arcaico imperio feudal en el que, no obstante persisten restos de una avanzada tecnología. En este marco Valentine, un juglar itinerante, descubre a través de sueños y portentos su verdadera identidad: él es Lord Valentine, la Corona, su cuerpo y su trono han sido ocupados por un usurpador.
  Natt90 | Jan 4, 2023 |
Lord Valentine’s Castle - Silverberg
Audio performance by Stephan Rudniki
5 stars

I read and reread this book several times during the ‘80’s. I loved the diverse human and alien characters, the adventurous quest, and the endlessly exotic settings of massive Majipoor. This is the sort of book that makes me want to start right back at the beginning after I read the final page. It had been at least 20 years since my last reread. This audio performance was a great way to revisit Majipoor. I’d forgotten enough that at least parts of it felt like a new journey. ( )
  msjudy | Aug 11, 2021 |
Another classic that I appear to re-read every decade. Delightful.

11/27/2023 The opening sequence is a favorite of mine and the complete journey an epic of self discovery. This has to be my third or fourth read thru. ( )
  aeceyton | Dec 26, 2020 |
Visa 1-5 av 35 (nästa | visa alla)
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Silverberg, Robertprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Burns, JimOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Kirby, JoshOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Schlück, ThomasÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Walotsky, RonOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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for David Hartwell, Page Cuddy, John Bush - they pushed very gently.
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And then, after walking all day through a golden haze of humid warmth that gathered about him like fine wet fleece, Valentine came to a great ridge of outcropping white stone overlooking the city of Pidruid.
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Hänvisningar till detta verk hos externa resurser.

Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Set in a world teeming with alien races and fantastic, almost magical, machinery, Valentine, an itinerant juggler, wakes up one morning with only a vague and troubled idea of who he is. He gradually discovers, through dreams and portents, that he is in fact his namesake: Lord Valentine, the Coronal, his body and throne stolen by a usurper.

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Populära omslag



Medelbetyg: (3.84)
0.5 1
1 3
1.5 2
2 26
2.5 8
3 89
3.5 23
4 173
4.5 27
5 97

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