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av Kate Hawthorne

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Serier: Vino and Veritas (12)

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336751,276 (3.42)Ingen/inga
Liam Luckett is on an adventure. He's dropped out of his master's program without telling his overbearing parents and set off on a road trip across the country. Armed with little more than his guitar, he's looking for his best life. He never expected his car to break down in the middle of nowhere Vermont with a huge storm pending, leaving him stranded and at the mercy of a hunky local mechanic. Jasper Cunningham is in a holding pattern. Three years after the death of his husband, he still hasn't moved on. A hot, younger stranded tourist is exactly the sort of complication this mechanic has been avoiding. But he also can't leave him in the snow. He brings Liam home and lets him sleep on the couch. The air is heavy with more than snow, and when the power goes out, the two men become closer than either of them expects. Every silken note Liam sings on that guitar thaws Jasper's heart a little. Suddenly, Liam's itchy feet aren't so eager to move on. When their feelings get too big to ignore, the bond they've formed is tested. Will daybreak leave them going their separate ways? Contains mature themes.… (mer)

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Yay for 'grumpy' Jasper's story ...well he has reason to be down n grumpy but sparkly Liam brings him back to feeling alive. I've been waiting for Jasper's story since his character was first introduced.

Kate has crafted a wonderful story with Jasper and Liam and the choices and life that's happened to bring them to now with love and happiness.

This is a great addition to the V n V series ( )
  SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
I started out just not really connecting with the characters, but it actually grew into a dislike. They were just such fools, and they spent almost the entire book seemingly purposely standing in their own way. And they really don't share much with each other emotionally, like they actively shut down any sort of halfway meaningful communication 95% of the time, but then we're supposed to buy that they're in love and meant to be or something by the end. It just all felt ridiculous. I really just didn't like any of it, and that's an unusual reaction for me. ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Jul 21, 2023 |
I like audio books, but my mind tends to wander too much when I listen, so I don't do as many of them as print books, but that was the only format that Hoopla had it in and it was being read by two of my favorite narrators, Kale Willaims and Kirt Graves. I liked the characters a lot, but I felt like I missed the reasons they fell in love, other than need and proximity. I became frustrated with both characters fairly early in the story. Laim was an adult...he didn't have to get the degree his father wanted or go into politics if he didn't want to or go back to California. Jasper was into the third year of his husband's death and was trying to put his life back together and he obviously wanted Liam as part of it, so why didn't they just sit down and have the discussion and work out the kinks? I guess it would have made for a really short book if they had followed my suggestions. The two guys drew a breath of fresh air and worked on a promise of a future together, so that was really all that mattered. The books in this series are all written by a different M/M Romance author, and they are supposed to tell a story without a lot of drama and this one met the criteria, and I did enjoy it. ( )
  Carol420 | Oct 18, 2022 |
Well this was a dud for me. I was looking forward to Jasper’s story after seeing him in a previous book in the series, but unfortunately there wasn’t much going on with him or Liam. It was difficult to get through the massive melancholy which permeates the book, and I didn’t really see how these two managed to fall for each other at all (because we didn’t really get to understand either of them very well even while in their heads). ( )
  spinsterrevival | Aug 6, 2022 |
Finally a HEA for Jasper. Liam doesn’t mean to knock holes in Jasper’s carefully constructed emotional walls, but the lost younger man is just what Jasper needs right at the time he needs it. He is a breath of fresh air and a promise of a future. His music and heart-on-sleeve approach to life drags Jasper back into the land of the living. ( )
  Ireadwhatuwrite | Jun 23, 2022 |
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Kate Hawthorneprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Graves, KirtBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Williams, KaleBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat

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Liam Luckett is on an adventure. He's dropped out of his master's program without telling his overbearing parents and set off on a road trip across the country. Armed with little more than his guitar, he's looking for his best life. He never expected his car to break down in the middle of nowhere Vermont with a huge storm pending, leaving him stranded and at the mercy of a hunky local mechanic. Jasper Cunningham is in a holding pattern. Three years after the death of his husband, he still hasn't moved on. A hot, younger stranded tourist is exactly the sort of complication this mechanic has been avoiding. But he also can't leave him in the snow. He brings Liam home and lets him sleep on the couch. The air is heavy with more than snow, and when the power goes out, the two men become closer than either of them expects. Every silken note Liam sings on that guitar thaws Jasper's heart a little. Suddenly, Liam's itchy feet aren't so eager to move on. When their feelings get too big to ignore, the bond they've formed is tested. Will daybreak leave them going their separate ways? Contains mature themes.

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