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The Cat Who Played Post Office (1987)

av Lilian Jackson Braun

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Serier: The Cat Who... (6)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,4762112,698 (3.67)41
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:In this mystery in the bestselling Cat Who series, Jim Qwilleran and his cats, Koko and Yum Yum, are living the high lifeuntil things take a deadly turn...
Inheriting unexpected millions has left reporter Jim Qwilleran looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. While his two Siamese cats, Koko and Yum Yum, adjust to being fat cats in an enormous mansion, Qwill samples the lifestyles of the rich and famous by hiring a staff of eccentric servants. A missing housemaid and a shocking murder soon show Qwilleran the unsavory side of the upper crust. But its Kokos purr-fect propensity for finding clues amid the caviar and champagne that gives Qwill pause to evaluate the most unlikely suspectsbefore his taste for the good life turns into his last meal...… (mer)

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Now that he's inherited more money than he could possibly spend, former crime reporter Jim Qwilleran sets to work figuring out how not to let it ruin his life. As he settles into the mansion full of antiques and hires some staff to make his life easier, he begins to uncover some secrets about a former employee of the manor. Is the maid missing, or did something more sinister happen to her? Could it be a coincidence that other people connected to her are starting to die?

Another great installment of the series, this book is a good example of how this series doesn't necessarily follow the mystery format of: crime happens, investigation happens. You can get through a good amount of the book before really understanding that Qwill has been investigating a possible crime the whole time. While he's settling in to his new home, meeting his lawyers and the local interior designer, and learning how the local diner crowd provides a lot of (mostly useless) gossip, he's bringing to light a mystery that had been swept under the rug. Of course, this ruffles some feathers and causes some problems by the time it's clear whether or not he's really uncovered something important.

I loved the way the cats would play with the mail pouring through the slot, hiding some and bringing some directly to Qwill. Other antics of Koko's were fun to see come into play too. I'm still really enjoying this series and would recommend this book for fans of the classic whodunit & cozy mystery genres. ( )
  Kristi_D | Sep 22, 2023 |
I actually paid good money (well, $4.50) for this paperback, just to fill in some of the story line, and because my library failed me. The usual story, but Mr. Q is getting more deeply enmeshed in the town of Pickax. ( )
  ffortsa | Jun 17, 2023 |
In the opening of the book, Qwill is suffering from amnesia following a bicycle accident. This provides a good opening and sets the stage for the book.

Qwill has inherited a lot of money, if he can live in the mansion in Pickaxe City for five years. While swearing that he doesn’t want the money and likes the simple life, he spends a lot of his time hiring staff, having a lavish party and feeding his cats caviar and other fine foods. While taking inventory of his new home, Koko shows him clues to a missing girl.

The newspaper investigator in him cannot let it go, he investigates the girl while trying to manage a large estate. Archie, Qwill’s former boss, tries to convince him to stop investigating as it appears someone my be trying to kill him. Then a random murder happens, is it tourists? If Qwill dies the money goes to a company in New Jersey, would they stoop to murder? Although Qwill continues his investigation, it is Koko who has the answers, if only Qwill would listen.

The book is fun in the typical style of the author but it had two disappointing parts. The accident at the beginning of the book happened before his investigation began. And the denouement came through a secondary character, not Qwill, although Koko had the information he needed. It is still a good story.
  Nodosaurus | Jun 7, 2023 |
Jackson Braun manages to mix luxury with down-to-earth rural zest which creates a wonderfully unique environment where simple folk and rich snobs live together in a small village full of secrets and unsavoury dealings.
I figured out the culprit - or close to - without too much trouble, but I enjoyed the style and Koko's antics, a cat too savvy to be believable but a terrific character for cat-lovers.
A light entertaining read. ( )
  Cecilturtle | Dec 9, 2022 |
Book on CD performed by George Guidall

Another charming episode in the life of journalist James Qwilleran (known simply as Qwill) and his precocious Siamese, Koko.

Qwill has inherited a sizeable fortune and must move to the estate in the “way up there” part of the state in order to collect the funds. Seems not everyone in town is happy to have him there, however. The story starts out with Qwill in the hospital, after having “fallen off” his bicycle and suffering a concussion. As he slowly begins to regain his memory, the story moves back in time to his arrival in town and his curiosity about a former houseworker on the estate who disappeared.

I like the series because I like Qwill. He’s a confirmed bachelor (having failed at marriage more than once already), but a gentleman. His work as a journalist gives him a reason to poke his nose in where it doesn’t belong. If he doesn’t immediately pick up on the significance of a clue, well trust that Koko will point him in the right direction with a yip, yowl or repeated scratching at a seemingly ordinary box.

I read this one out of order (inadvertently) … so I need to go back and find out how he came to inherit this estate.

George Guidall does a fine job of performing the audio. I like the voice he uses for Qwill – AND for Koko! He has a naturally deep voice, but he doesn’t a respectable job of voicing the female characters as well. ( )
  BookConcierge | Nov 29, 2022 |
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Lilian Jackson Braunprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Lax, LidiaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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A caucasian male-- fiftyish, six-feet-two, weight two-twenty, graying hair, bushy moustache-- opened his eyes and found himself in a strange bed in a strange room.
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Wikipedia på engelska (2)

Fiction. Mystery. HTML:In this mystery in the bestselling Cat Who series, Jim Qwilleran and his cats, Koko and Yum Yum, are living the high lifeuntil things take a deadly turn...
Inheriting unexpected millions has left reporter Jim Qwilleran looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. While his two Siamese cats, Koko and Yum Yum, adjust to being fat cats in an enormous mansion, Qwill samples the lifestyles of the rich and famous by hiring a staff of eccentric servants. A missing housemaid and a shocking murder soon show Qwilleran the unsavory side of the upper crust. But its Kokos purr-fect propensity for finding clues amid the caviar and champagne that gives Qwill pause to evaluate the most unlikely suspectsbefore his taste for the good life turns into his last meal...

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Medelbetyg: (3.67)
1 3
1.5 2
2 14
2.5 4
3 95
3.5 14
4 93
4.5 5
5 53

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