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Nero Wolfe försvinner

av Rex Stout

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Serier: Nero Wolfe: Arnold Zeck Trilogy (3), Nero Wolfe (17)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
9662122,217 (4.06)59
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:The aging millionairess has a problem: where is her young playboy husband getting all his money? To help find the answer, Archie infiltrates a party at her palatial estate. But her late-night murder ruins the festive mood . . . and a letter bomb from a powerful crime boss makes Nero Wolfe do the unthinkablerun for his life. Suddenly Archie finds himself on his own, trying to find a killer without the help of his old mentor. For to all appearances, Wolfe has vanished. The career of the worlds most famous detective has ended in cowardice and disgrace . . . or has it?

Introduction by Patricia Sprinkle
It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.The New York Times Book Review
A grand master of the form, Rex Stout is one of Americas greatest mystery writers, and his literary creation Nero Wolfe is one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time. Together, Stout and Wolfe have entertainedand puzzledmillions of mystery fans around the world. Now, with his perambulatory man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth is back in the original seventy-three cases of crime and detection written by the inimitable master himself, Rex Stout.
… (mer)

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Nero Wolfe's client is murdered and Wolfe, knowing crime lord is involved, disappears. Archie carries on and they triumph over crime lord and solve original murder.
  ritaer | Aug 23, 2023 |
I own Spanish edition so could finish the story there; meanwhile have read the sample in English; like it.
  lulaa | Dec 27, 2020 |
You have to love it when Wolfe spends three or four paragraphs excoriating someone for murdering a dog! ( )
  jviscosi | Dec 15, 2020 |
One of my favorite by Stout as it shows Wolfe and Archie out of their normal element. Wolfe, the detective who never leaves his house, disappears in the face of threats from some kind of mafia boss. Archie is, as ever, the stalwart trusty sidekick, who presses on despite feeling abandoned by Wolfe. His devotion and the lengths that Wolfe goes to to try to resolve things is truly remarkable. Archie's narration is filled with humor and his borderline transgressive attitude with the clients and the authorities makes this into a fun-filled romp. Archie shows us what it means to "not suffer fools." ( )
1 rösta dbsovereign | Jan 9, 2020 |
The final book involving Arnold Zeck. When, after ignoring another warning from Zeck, Archie discovers Wolfe's client's murdered body, he enters the strangest case of his career. Returning to the NY brownstone, he finds that Wolfe has disappeared and arrangements made for new jobs for Fritz and Theodore with the only message for Archie himself a command to not look for Wolfe.

It was nice to see a brief reappearance of Lily Rowan in this book. ( )
  leslie.98 | Aug 4, 2018 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Rex Stoutprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Ahmavaara, EeroÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Hallman, TomOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Prichard, MichaelBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Sprinkle, PatriciaInledningmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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It was nothing out of the ordinary that Mrs. Barry Rackham had made the appointment with her finger pressed to her lips.
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"Look, Theodore," I said, "I don't give a good goddam what you like or don't like. Mr Wolfe has always pampered you because you're the best orchid nurse alive. This is as good a time as any to tell you that you remind me of sour milk. I do not know where Mr Wolfe is nor if or when he's coming back. To you he sent his regards. To me he sent his very best regards and wishes. Now shut up."
"Your chief trouble," he said, not offensively, "is that you think you've got a sense of humor. It confuses people, and you ought to get over it. Things strike you as funny. You thought it would be funny to have a talk with Rackham, and it may be all right this time, but someday something that you think is funny will blow your goddam head right off your shoulders." Only after he had gone did it occur to me that that wouldn't prove it wasn't funny.
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The "of" sometimes found in both forms of the title appears to be an apocryphal hypercorrection.
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:The aging millionairess has a problem: where is her young playboy husband getting all his money? To help find the answer, Archie infiltrates a party at her palatial estate. But her late-night murder ruins the festive mood . . . and a letter bomb from a powerful crime boss makes Nero Wolfe do the unthinkablerun for his life. Suddenly Archie finds himself on his own, trying to find a killer without the help of his old mentor. For to all appearances, Wolfe has vanished. The career of the worlds most famous detective has ended in cowardice and disgrace . . . or has it?

Introduction by Patricia Sprinkle
It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.The New York Times Book Review
A grand master of the form, Rex Stout is one of Americas greatest mystery writers, and his literary creation Nero Wolfe is one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time. Together, Stout and Wolfe have entertainedand puzzledmillions of mystery fans around the world. Now, with his perambulatory man-about-town, Archie Goodwin, the arrogant, gourmandizing, sedentary sleuth is back in the original seventy-three cases of crime and detection written by the inimitable master himself, Rex Stout.

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Medelbetyg: (4.06)
2 6
2.5 1
3 34
3.5 5
4 78
4.5 9
5 56


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