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Konstsilkesflickan (1932)

av Irmgard Keun

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4981450,322 (3.63)33
Before Sex and the City there was Bridget Jones. And before Bridget Jones was The Artificial Silk Girl. In 1931, a young woman writer living in Germany was inspired by Anita Loos's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes to describe pre-war Berlin and the age of cinematic glamour through the eyes of a woman. The resulting novel, The Artificial Silk Girl, became an acclaimed bestseller and a masterwork of German literature, in the tradition of Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories and Bertolt Brecht's Three Penny Opera. Like Isherwood and Brecht, Keun revealed the dark underside of Berlin's "golden twenties" with empathy and honesty. Unfortunately, a Nazi censorship board banned Keun's work in 1933 and destroyed all existing copies of The Artificial Silk Girl. Only one English translation was published, in Great Britain, before the book disappeared in the chaos of the ensuing war. Today, more than seven decades later, the story of this quintessential "material girl" remains as relevant as ever, as an accessible new translation brings this lost classic to light once more. Other Press is pleased to announce the republication of The Artificial Silk Girl, elegantly translated by noted Germanist Kathie von Ankum, and with a new introduction by Harvard professor Maria Tatar.… (mer)
  1. 00
    Moll Flanders av Daniel Defoe (EerierIdyllMeme)
    EerierIdyllMeme: Frank explorations of sex and its connections with society and economics.

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Het nawoord van redacteur Christoph Buchwald bij de nieuwste vertaalde druk uit 2023, geeft heel goed de sfeer van deze roman weer. "Het wonder van de juiste toon. De taal en de toon van de levenshongerige Doris zijn in de exilliteratuur ongekend. 'Eindelijk een vrouw met humeur!' schreef de dichter Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935) lovend (maar ook een beetje van bovenaf). Keun formuleert de dialogen in Het kunstzijden meisje en Doris' zelfreflectie echter zo dat, dankzij de woordkeuze en de intonatie, de tijdsgeest, de waanzin, de mores en geur van de jaren dertig heel dichtbij komen". Ik moest bij het lezen van de roman vaak denken aan 'Berlin Alexander Platz'. Dat blijkt niet zo'n vreemde gedachte, als ik het wikipedia lemma over haar lees. Ze begon in Keulen in 1921, op zestienjarige leeftijd aan een opleiding tot actrice. Een paar jaar later begon ze met schrijven en leerde Alfred Döblin kennen, die haar zou hebben gestimuleerd. Haar stroom van gedachten en ervaringen, doen me heel sterk aan de weergaloze verfilming van zijn werk denken. ( )
  timswings | Oct 22, 2023 |
A pretty grim tale of survival sex a need for human affection hard times everywhere. Not sure I got a whole lot out of this book, but it had its moments. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
My goodness, this was depressing. However, it was a very interesting look into the end of Weimar society from a point of view that would be suppressed during the Nazi regime, and it's a POV that still isn't very common into today's world. ( )
  Tikimoof | Feb 17, 2022 |
This book showed how progress and hope will lead to a worlds opportunities for every person despite backgrounds in play. Doris showed the world that the government may rule the world, but she rules her own life and controls her own destiny. Love finds its way, and internal growth is the most important growth that can be done. Overall, this story inspires and engages the audience to reflect on their own morals. ( )
  cloutbabyrian | Apr 6, 2020 |
Irmgard Keun, compagna del grande Joseph Roth, pubblica a 27 anni questo piccolo romanzo, scritto in forma di diario, che racconta un anno di vita di una bella ragazza di provincia, che vuole diventare una stella. Sullo sfondo della Berlino del 1931 (disoccupazione, conflitti sociali, antisemitismo), Doris cerca di realizzare i suoi desideri contando solo sulla sua bellezza, la sua disinibita capacità di manipolare e sedurre, e una pelliccia rubata che nasconde la sua povertà. Disillusa eppure sognatrice, cinica ma ingenua, candidamente amorale e opportunista, Doris è un personaggio complesso e affascinante, che intenerisce. Un bel libro, ancora molto attuale. Da leggere
  totocampobello | Mar 27, 2020 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Keun, Irmgardprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Adlerberth, Rolandmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Ankum, Katharina vonÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Raidt, GerdaIllustratörmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Tatar, MariaInledningmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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It must have been around twelve midnight last night that I felt something wonderful happening inside of me.
Das war gestern abend so um zwölf, da fühlte ich, daß etwas Großartiges in mir vorging.
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Before Sex and the City there was Bridget Jones. And before Bridget Jones was The Artificial Silk Girl. In 1931, a young woman writer living in Germany was inspired by Anita Loos's Gentlemen Prefer Blondes to describe pre-war Berlin and the age of cinematic glamour through the eyes of a woman. The resulting novel, The Artificial Silk Girl, became an acclaimed bestseller and a masterwork of German literature, in the tradition of Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories and Bertolt Brecht's Three Penny Opera. Like Isherwood and Brecht, Keun revealed the dark underside of Berlin's "golden twenties" with empathy and honesty. Unfortunately, a Nazi censorship board banned Keun's work in 1933 and destroyed all existing copies of The Artificial Silk Girl. Only one English translation was published, in Great Britain, before the book disappeared in the chaos of the ensuing war. Today, more than seven decades later, the story of this quintessential "material girl" remains as relevant as ever, as an accessible new translation brings this lost classic to light once more. Other Press is pleased to announce the republication of The Artificial Silk Girl, elegantly translated by noted Germanist Kathie von Ankum, and with a new introduction by Harvard professor Maria Tatar.

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Medelbetyg: (3.63)
0.5 1
1 4
1.5 1
2 5
2.5 3
3 18
3.5 7
4 36
4.5 3
5 17

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