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Dog on It

av Spencer Quinn

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Serier: Chet and Bernie (1)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1,7841469,851 (3.81)247
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. Chet, the wise and lovable canine narrator of Dog on It, and Bernie, a down-on-his-luck private investigator, are quick to take a new case involving a frantic mother searching for her teenage daughter. This well-behaved and gifted student may or may not have been kidnapped, but she has definitely gotten mixed up with some very unsavory characters. With Chet's highly trained nose leading the way, their hunt for clues takes them into the desert to biker bars and other exotic locales-until the bad guys try to turn the tables and the resourceful duo lands in the paws of peril. Spencer Quinn's irresistible mystery kicks off a delightful new series that will have readers panting for more.… (mer)
  1. 10
    Enzo och konsten att köra fort i regn av Garth Stein (rxtheresa)
    rxtheresa: Written from dog's point of view
  2. 10
    Glennkill : en fårdeckare av Leonie Swann (Fourpawz2)
    Fourpawz2: More in the way of quirky animal detective(s) - sheep this time!

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Started strong but eventually felt like it dragged on too long very predictable. ( )
  pzhorton4 | Jul 13, 2024 |
I've never read a book written from the dog's point-of-view.

This was a delightful summer-time read. If I didn't have so many other things going on, it would have been a lazy afternoon's quick read.

I can't help but wonder if Quinn was actually a dog in a past life. Chet's (the dog's) comments about humans seem to be spot on. And his descriptions of what's going on in a dog's mind when it does the things it does are priceless. I'm going to look at Garvin (our dog) with different eyes now as he goes about his daily routine.

As one of the other reviewers said, I'm definitely going to get around to the rest of the series. ( )
  blakelylaw | May 19, 2024 |
Love all these books!
  JimandMary69 | Mar 28, 2024 |
I think the constant peril and injury of the dog was intentionally done as a tribute to white fang, but I found it a bit much. Liked the characters enough to give the next one a try, hoping it is a little less violent ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
The first book in the Chet and Bernie mystery series. Chet is a dog. Bernie is a divorced PI who is asked to look into a missing teen case. Her mother is worried as it is not her daughter's type of behavior. Her father is a jerk whose life is a house of cards. Bernie does not like the smell he's getting on the case, so he decides he has to find the girl. Chet is there is ride shot gun. Can they find the girl?

I enjoyed this story. It is told completely from Chet's POV. It was fun as Chet loses his train of thought a lot but he remembers smells. I cannot wait to hear some of Chet's stories about Bernie and past cases and past events in their lives. Kudos to Mr. Quinn for telling us all through Chet's eyes. That cannot have been easy. It makes it more difficult to solve the mystery although I did have part of it figured out before the explanation. Well, at least, the why. I did think a different reason was part of it though.

I loved Chet. I plan on reading the rest of the series. ( )
1 rösta Sheila1957 | Feb 8, 2024 |
Visa 1-5 av 146 (nästa | visa alla)
An exciting new mystery series debuts with this first Chet and Bernie novel. Chet the Jet is a dog who failed K-9 school (cats in the open country played a role in his demise), but now he is a dedicated PI and works with Bernie, owner of the Little Detective Agency. The story is told entirely from Chet’s point of view, which will delight dog-loving mystery readers, but the book is also an excellent PI tale, dogs aside, as Chet and Bernie investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl whose developer dad may be up to no good. Chet may not understand things like maps (he doesn’t need them, as he can sniff his way home), but he is a great sleuth who finds the girl and solves the case. The always upbeat Chet may well be one of the most appealing new detectives on the block, but conscientious, kind, and environmentally aware Bernie is a close runner-up. Excellent and fully fleshed primary and secondary characters, a consistently doggy view of the world, and a sprightly pace make this a not-to-be-missed debut. Essential for all mystery collections and for dog lovers everywhere.
tillagd av cmwilson101 | ändraBooklist, Jessica Moyer
Set in the Valley of an unnamed Western state, Quinn's winning debut introduces one smart canine detective and his partner, PI Bernie Little of the Little Detective Agency, who's pretty quick on the uptake himself. Chet, a lively mongrel with one white ear and one black ear, serves as the book's narrator, communicating with Bert via doggy methods that verge on the telepathic (I wagged my tail, that quick one-two wag meaning yes, not the over-the-top one that wags itself and can mean lots of things). Wealthy divorcée Cynthia Chambliss hires Bernie, a former cop, to find her missing 15-year-old daughter, Madison, whose father is a real estate developer who smells suspiciously of cat. (Chet's keen sense of smell comes in handy.) When Madison reappears and disappears again, her dad says she's just a runaway, though Bernie thinks otherwise. Chet must use all his superdog tricks to extricate Bernie from a mighty tight fix in a climax that fans of classic mysteries are sure to appreciate.
tillagd av cmwilson101 | ändraPublisher's Weekly

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Spencer Quinnprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
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Dorfman, AnnaOmslagsformgivaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Frangione, JimBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Herronen, AilaÖversättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Trood, DavidDesert cover photomedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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For Bailey, Gansett, Charlie, Clem, and Audrey, without whom this book would not have been possible.
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I could smell him--or rather the booze on his breath--before he even opened the door, but my sense of smell is pretty good, probably better than yours.
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Hands are the weirdest things about humans, and the best; you can find out just about everything you need to know by watching them. ~ Chet, the Jet
The confused human face is almost as ugly as the angry one. ~ Chet, the Jet
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. Chet, the wise and lovable canine narrator of Dog on It, and Bernie, a down-on-his-luck private investigator, are quick to take a new case involving a frantic mother searching for her teenage daughter. This well-behaved and gifted student may or may not have been kidnapped, but she has definitely gotten mixed up with some very unsavory characters. With Chet's highly trained nose leading the way, their hunt for clues takes them into the desert to biker bars and other exotic locales-until the bad guys try to turn the tables and the resourceful duo lands in the paws of peril. Spencer Quinn's irresistible mystery kicks off a delightful new series that will have readers panting for more.

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Medelbetyg: (3.81)
1 3
1.5 1
2 24
2.5 10
3 127
3.5 47
4 236
4.5 16
5 107

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