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Leader of the Pack

av Karen MacInerney

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
1957143,861 (3.81)6
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

"The funniest, savviest werewolf story I've ever read."

. "A swift-paced, fun romp.". HTML:


On the outside, Sophie Garou is living every woman's dream: she has beauty, brains, and a big-time position in Austin's most respected accounting firm (not to mention a very sexy, very successful new boyfriend). But there's one Sophie would rather keep under wraps: she is a werewolf.

Sophie's life gets a little more hairy when her long-estranged father, Luc, arrives in the Live Music Capital to attend the werewolves' annual Howl and reconnect with his daughter. But Luc's plans fall apart after he's accused of murder and arrested by his archrival, Wolfgang, leader of the Houston pack (and one notoriously dirty dog). Wolfgang drools at the thought of Luc's impending execution, but Sophie won't let her father die without a fight. Determined to prove his innocence, she and her friends set out to find the real killer. Along the way, Sophie must deal with taboo attractions, Machiavellian intrigues, sinister agendas, and hair-raising betrayals.

From the Paperback edition.

.… (mer)

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From the back 'On the outside, Sophie Garou is living every woman's dream: She has beauty, brains and a big-time position in Austin's most respected accounting firm(not to mention a very sexy, very successful new boyfriend). But there's one thing Sophie would rather keep under wraps: She's a werewolf. Sophie's life gets a little more hairy when her long-estranged father, Luc, arrives in the Live Music Capital to attend the werewolves' annual Howl and reconnect with his daughter. But Luc's plans fall apart after he's accused of murder and arrested by his archrival, Wolfgang, leader of the Houston pack (and one notoriously dirty dog). Wolfgang drools at the thought of Luc's impending execution, but Sophie won't let her father die without a fight. Determined to prove her innocence, she and her friends set out to find the real killer. Along the way, Sophie must deal with taboo attractions, Machiavellian intrigues, sinister agendas, and hair-raising betrayals.'

Well this is the third in the series and you can't say it was boring! This one turns Sophie's world completely upside down, no part of her life is left untouched. Saying that, both Heath and Lindsey's lives are changed too. Secrets are aired and declarations made, plus there is new love, old love and plenty of lust (as well as blood).

After Luc's ambitions for Sophie are realised, I'm not sure how Sophie is going to cope with her new life after this but I really really hope that Tom stays in Austin to help her after everything that takes place in this book, it was one of the few questions left unanswered by the end.

As for Mark, well we knew he was something completely different through his actions in ON THE PROWL so I guess it wasn't too big of a surprise when we find out what he is. I can't say anything more on him without revealing too much.

The only thing I was a bit unsure of was how well Heath took Sophie's being a werewolf and what he was willing to do for her and her father. I'm not sure whether he or Lindsey took things seriously enough until the end even though they were given a way out. You'll understand what I mean if you read it.

Overall the story was excellent and the ending was happy. It sort of reminds me of the progression in Carrie Vaughn's Kitty Norville series. ( )
  Cynical_Ames | Sep 23, 2014 |
Had it really been that long since I read the last book? It took me a little while to come up to speed in this one. But once I caught on I fell in love with these characters all over again! Sophie Garou has found herself tangled up with one of clients and she finds him absolutely irresistable. And next thing ya know her life is turned upside down because her long-lost father (sire) has come for a visit. Things get really interesting from this point as her father is then accused of murder and then a huge mystery unfolds around her as she tries to save her fathers life. Werewolves are coming up dead and she falls right into the fray. Upon being in this strange world, she learns an awful lot of being a werewolf. But she is in for quite the surprise when she finds out exactly what her boyfriend really is. And it's not a very nice thought.

The characters really come alive in this book, because Sophie is faced with the truth and reality that she is a werewolf and she has a lot to learn especially with that happens at the end of the book. She can't hide her feelings towards Tom any longer either, because he is what she is and there is no denying that the tension between these two can be felt vibrating off of the paper of the book.

I look forward to reading more with this series and seeing what comes next with Sophie and Tom. Will he or won't he.....I dunno.....but I can't wait to read the next book! ( )
  RuthiesBookReviews | Apr 1, 2011 |
Eh. It's no Mercy Thompson or Kitty Norville book. It's eh ( )
  leFroo | Mar 18, 2011 |
One of the reasons why MacInerney's series is not "just another werewolf tale" is that it really has its own flavor. The main character, Sophie Garou hasn't grown up in a Pack. So the reader is not withered down immediately with all the hierarchical rule weaving that most authors strain to include at the very beginning of a series. And it's refreshing because the reader goes on the journey of discovery with the character.

So in addition to not growing up in a pack, Sophie's natural talent of shielding herself has enabled her live right under the noses of the Houston pack of werewolves for most of her natural life. This has come with its advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage being that when she is finally discovered by a rogue packette, and a werewolf enforcer, she is thrust into a series of events that she won't be able to wiggle out of.

Leader of the Pack is the third in this urban werewolf series and usually in the third book there is a big payoff. In On the Prowl, readers were left off with wondering exactly who and what Mark was. Was he some type of demon or spirit? Perhaps both. Wondering if Tom Fenris and Sophie were ever going to make a love connection. Wondering if the mission she completed would get her out of owing any allegiance to the Houston pack. But while there were some resolutions, I expected just a tad more.

We see more development in Mark, Tom, Lindsey's and Heath's character and overall that makes them more interesting in relation to Sophie. And the introduction of Sophie's absent father who is now on trial by the Houston pack plunges her and her friends into new territory of pack politics and a battle for succession, which has a surprisingly satisfying ending.

Readers might be reminded by the Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn with regard to pace and plot development. I'm a fan of MacInerney's and I'd say, let's up the ante just a bit. But Leader of the Pack doesn't disappoint and it was an incredibly good bubble bath read that I enjoyed. ( )
  nickeemattos | Oct 4, 2009 |
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, much more developed than the last two book. Sophie's dad arrives in Austin and causes unrest that almost becomes war. We get more of Tom in this book and we also find out more about Mark, and I will just say... I knew it!

I can't wait for the next in series. ( )
  viciouslittlething | Aug 12, 2009 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

"The funniest, savviest werewolf story I've ever read."

. "A swift-paced, fun romp.". HTML:


On the outside, Sophie Garou is living every woman's dream: she has beauty, brains, and a big-time position in Austin's most respected accounting firm (not to mention a very sexy, very successful new boyfriend). But there's one Sophie would rather keep under wraps: she is a werewolf.

Sophie's life gets a little more hairy when her long-estranged father, Luc, arrives in the Live Music Capital to attend the werewolves' annual Howl and reconnect with his daughter. But Luc's plans fall apart after he's accused of murder and arrested by his archrival, Wolfgang, leader of the Houston pack (and one notoriously dirty dog). Wolfgang drools at the thought of Luc's impending execution, but Sophie won't let her father die without a fight. Determined to prove his innocence, she and her friends set out to find the real killer. Along the way, Sophie must deal with taboo attractions, Machiavellian intrigues, sinister agendas, and hair-raising betrayals.

From the Paperback edition.


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2 5
3 10
3.5 1
4 16
4.5 2
5 11


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