Ronincats reads and crafts into a new year of Reading: Thread 7

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Ronincats reads and crafts into a new year of Reading: Thread 7

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Redigerat: dec 1, 2016, 6:51 pm

No, really!

I’m Roni and this is my 9th year in the 75 Book Challenge Group. I live in San Diego with a husband, 3 cats and a small dog, a year-round garden, a substantial personal library and an old bungalow with lots of bookshelves. I’m retired and fill my time with throwing pottery, making wirework and beaded jewelry, and crochet-work. When I finish a project, I post a picture here.

My reading is heavily slanted toward science fiction and fantasy genre reading, but I try to work in at least a dozen nonfiction books a year, along with a few mysteries, romances and children’s books as well as books heavily recommended by other LTers. I’m also fond of rereading favorite books. I usually read around 150 books a year, as I’m a fast reader, and set my goals accordingly.


I will continue my default goals of 150 books and 50,000 pages read for the year. This is right at my comfort level and usual reading rate for the year.

I did well on my goal to acquire fewer books than last year. I will continue that goal as well.

Thanks to a last minute donation to the library, I met my goal to get rid of more books than I acquired. I will continue this goal also.

I failed miserably in reading books off my own shelves--only 11. I plan to set a goal of 40 unread books now on my own shelves for the coming year.

Redigerat: dec 1, 2016, 6:45 pm


I will continue my default goals of 150 books and 50,000 pages read for the year. This is right at my comfort level and usual reading rate for the year.

I did well on my goal to acquire fewer books than last year. I will continue that goal as well.

Thanks to a last minute donation to the library, I met my goal to get rid of more books than I acquired. I will continue this goal also.

I failed miserably in reading books off my own shelves--only 11. I plan to set a goal of 40 unread books now on my own shelves for the coming year.

Redigerat: dec 1, 2016, 6:50 pm

Books Read in 2016

* reread
# library book
+ Kindle
% book off my shelves (acquired prior to 2016)

1. A Winterfold Christmas by Harriet Evans (66 pp.)+
2. The Last Chance Christmas Ball by Mary Jo Putney etal. (320 pp.)+
3. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (465 pp.)#
4. The House of Twenty Thousand Books by Sasha Abramsky (340 pp.)#
5. Sorry I Barfed on your Bed by Jeremy Greenberg (64 pp.)
6. St. Paul: The Apostle We Love to Hate by Karen Armstrong (158 pp.)+
7. Halo: Mortal Dictata by Karen Traviss (496 pp.)#
8. Terry Pratchett: The Spirit of Fantasy by Craig Cabell (244 pp.)%
9. Penric's Demon by Lois McMaster Bujold (106 p.)*+
10. Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War by Barbara Ehrenreich (241 pp.)%
11. The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare (295 pp.)#
12. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley (336 pp.)+
13. New Order by Fay Wolf (181 pp.)
14. The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare (265 pp.)#
15. Game Wizards Play by Diane Duane (640 pp.)+
16. Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie (197 pp.)#
17. Book Scavenger by Jennifer Bertman (354 pp.)
18. Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen by Lois McMaster Bujold (344 pp.)*
19. The Bible Doesn't Say That by Joel Hoffman (304 pp.)+
20. Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara (507 pp.)#
21. Updraft by Fran Wilde (364 pp.)#
22. Interim Errantry by Diane Duane (459 pp.)+
23. Indexing: Reflections by Seanan McGuire (325 pp.)+
24. Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire (356 pp.)
25. Biblical Literalism by John Shelby Spong (421 pp.)+
26. Heap House by Edward Carey (405 pp.)#
27. City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett (498 pp.)+
28. Cast in Courtlight by Michelle Sagara (488 pp.)#
29. Staked by Kevin Hearne (310 pp.)#
30. Lady of Magick by Sylvia Izzo Hunter (432 pp.)%
31. Unseemly Science by Rod Duncan (368 pp.)+
32. Cast in Secret by Michelle Sagara (521 pp.)#
33. The Custodian of Marvels by Rod Duncan (368 pp.)+
34. The Reckoners by Doranna Durgin (347 pp.)+
35. Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan (348 pp.)*
36. The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester (329 pp.)%
37. Harmony Black by Craig Schaefer (332 pp.)+
38. Into the Labyrinth of Drakes by Marie Brennan (350 pp.)
39. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (174 pp.)+
40. Cast in Fury by Michelle Sagara (384 pp.)+
41. Cast in Silence by Michelle Sagara (384 pp.)+
42. Putting God Second by Donniel Hartman (170 pp.)
43. Toads and Diamonds by Heather Tomlinson (278 pp.)
44. Cast in Chaos by Michelle Sagara (503 pp.)#
45. A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab (400 pp.)
46. Cast in Ruin by Michelle Sagara (457 pp.)#
47. Cast in Peril by Michelle Sagara (538 pp.)#
48. The Charmed Children of Rookskill Castle by Janet Fox (388 pp.)#
49. Worlds Elsewhere by Andrew Dickson (437 pp.)
50. Flamecaster by Cinda Williams Chima (535 pp.)#
51. The Jewel and her Lapidary by Fran Wilde (89 pp.)
52. Stars Above by Marissa Meyer (369 pp.)#
53. Cast in Sorrow by Michelle Sagara (478 pp.)#
54. Cast in Flame by Michelle Sagara (492 pp.)#
55. Cast in Honor by Michelle Sagara (511 pp.)#
56. Six and a Half Deadly Sins by Colin Cotterill (242 pp.)#
57. Red Hot Fury by Kasey Mackenzie (348 pp.)+
58. Date Night at Union Station by E. M. Foner (167 pp.)+
59. The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams (783 pp.)*
60. Stone of Farewell by Tad Williams (747 pp.)*
61. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Anders (316 pp.)#
62. To Green Angel Tower Part I by Tad Williams (815 pp.)*
63. To Green Angel Tower Part II by Tad Williams (815 pp.)*
64. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Anders (316 pp.)#
65. The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (471 pp.)
66. Palace of Spies by Sarah Zettel (362 pp.)#
67. Fridays with the Wizards by Jessica Day George (234 pp.)#
68. Alien Night at Union Station by E. M. Foner (187 pp.)+
69. Space Hostages by Sophia McDougall (442 pp.)#
70. Alliance of Equals by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (355 pp.)
71. Imprudence by Gail Carriger (352 pp.)
72. Wish Upon a Star by Olivia Goldsmith (488 pp.)+
73. Sylvester by Georgette Heyer (391 pp.)*
74. Family Plot by Sheri South (223 pp.)#
75. Unfair by Adam Benforado (289 pp.)%
76. Seveneves by Neil Stephenson (867 pp.)
77. Making the Rounds by Allan Weiss (202 pp.)+
78. The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Greg Steinmetz (256 pp.)#
79. A Judgment of Dragons by Phyllis Gotlieb (263 pp.)*
80. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (329 pp.)*
81. A Civil Contract by Georgette Heyer (432 pp.)*
82. Full of Briars by Seanan McGuire (44 pp.)+
83. Listen, Liberal by Thomas Frank (258 pp.)
84. The Islands of Chaldea by Dianna Wynne Jones (356 pp.)
85. Too Like the Lightning by Ada Palmer (432 pp.)#
86. Pieces and Players by Blue Balliett (306 pp.)#
87. A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire (358 pp.)*
88. The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire (358 pp.)*
89. Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine (354 pp.)#
90. Once Broken Faith by Seanan McGuire (420 pp.)
91. The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (512 pp.)*
92. Goldenhand by Garth Nix (368 pp.)+
93. Crosstalk by Connie Willis (512 pp.)+
94. Spellwright by Blake Charlton (350 pp.)#
95. Venom & Vanilla by Shannon Mayer (240 pp.)+
96. False Colours by Georgette Heyer (355 pp.)*
97. Breath of Earth by Beth Cato (387 pp.)#
98. Four Roads Cross by Max Gladstone (414 pp.)#
99. The Goblin Reservation by Clifford Simak (160 pp.)
100. Psion by Joan Vinge (346 pp.)*
101. Poison or Protect by Gail Carriger (160 pp.)
102. Cast in Flight by Michelle Sagara (544 pp.)+
103. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas (469 pp.)+
104. Penric's Mission by Lois McMaster Bujold (145 pp.)+
105. The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier (295 pp.)
106. What Angels Fear by C. S. Harris (341 pp.)
107. Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (396 pp.)
108. The Copper Promise by Jen Williams (446 pp.)
109. Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews (235 pp.)
110. Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie (356 pp.)
111. Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (333 pp.)
112. The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey (433 pp.)
113. When Gods Die by C. S. Harris (338 pp.)

nov 7, 2016, 2:33 pm

Books Acquired in 2016

1. Harmony Black by Craig Schaefer (free)
2. Unseemly Science: The Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire Book 2 by Rod Duncan ($1.99)
3. Indexing: Reflections by Seanan McGuire ($1.99)
4. A Winterfold Christmas by Harriet Evans ($.99)
5. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley ($1.99)
6. Starship's Mage Omnibus by Glynn Stewart (free)
7. The Last Chance Christmas Ball by Mary Jo Putney and others ($2.51)
8. Citadel of the Sky by Chrysoula Tzavelas (free)
9. Del Rey and Bantam Books 2015 Sampler (free)
10. St. Paul: The Apostle We Love to Hate by Karen Armstrong ($1.99)
11. The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier (free)
12. Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen by Lois McMaster Bujold ($19.89)
13. New Order by Fay Wolf ($14.91)
14. Putting God Second by Donniel Hartman (ER-free)
15. Games Wizards Play by Diane Duane ($9.99)
16. Book Scavenger by Jennifer Bertman ($10.36)
17. City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett ($11.39)
18. The Bible Doesn't Say That by Joel Hoffman ($12.99)
19. Biblical Literalism: The Gentile Heresy by John Shelby Spong ($13.99)
20. Interim Errantry by Diane Duane ($8.49)
21. The Empress and the Acolyte by Jane Fletcher
22. Listen, Liberal by Thomas Frank
23. The Unquiet Bones by Mel Starr
24. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
25. In the Labyrinth of Drakes by Marie Brennan
26. A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab
27. The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
28. Toads and Diamonds by Heather Tomlinson
29. Cast in Fury by Michelle Sagara
30. Cast in Silence by Michelle Sagara
31 The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
32. The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
33. The Islands of Chaldea by Diana Wynne Jones
34. The Mages of Bennamore by Pauline Ross
35. Seveneves by Neil Stephenson
36. The Jewel and her Lapidary by Fran Wilde
37. Desert Rising by Kelley Grant
38. Mort(E) by Robert Repino
39. The Friar of Carcassonne by Stephen O'Shea
40. Alliance of Equals by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
41. Imprudence by Gail Carriger
42. Wish Upon a Star by Olivia Goldsmith
43. Heraclix and Pomp by Forrest Aguirre
44. Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages by Frances Gies
45. The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps by Kai Ashante Wilson
46. Full of Briars by Seanan McGuire
47. Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor

Redigerat: nov 10, 2016, 11:43 pm

And I've let it sit idle for too long to be meaningful.

nov 7, 2016, 2:33 pm

And mine too. Next one is yours.

nov 7, 2016, 2:51 pm

Happy new thread!

nov 7, 2016, 2:57 pm

Happy new one, Roni! Love the feast topper!

nov 7, 2016, 3:15 pm

Happy new thread!!

nov 7, 2016, 3:25 pm

Happy new thread Roni!

nov 7, 2016, 4:27 pm

Happy New Thread, Roni!

I'm about to start A Closed and Common Orbit. I liked the first one a lot.

nov 7, 2016, 6:10 pm

Howdy Ro! Marking my spot here. ;-)

nov 7, 2016, 8:03 pm

>1 ronincats: That makes me want Thanksgiving to hurry up and arrive.

nov 7, 2016, 8:37 pm

Very nice opening pictures!

nov 7, 2016, 8:48 pm

Happy new thread, Roni.

Your opener has me salivating and cursing my luck that I am too far away to join you for Thanksgiving.

nov 7, 2016, 10:17 pm

Happy new thread!

nov 7, 2016, 10:31 pm

Happy new one, Roni!

nov 8, 2016, 12:34 am

Happy New Thread, Roni!

Back to your prior thread, "Silly of me, I know, but after your stroke, any extended absence makes me nervous." It may be silly but it's also very sweet. Thank you.

nov 8, 2016, 1:23 pm

Here we go, something for everyone!

nov 8, 2016, 2:13 pm

I'll drink them all, thanks :)

nov 8, 2016, 5:12 pm

Hi Roni, I have come by to drop off the links to: (my 2017 Category Challenge Thread)

and (the 2017 SF/FFKit planning thread)

I know it may seem early but I love getting ready for next year's reading already!

nov 8, 2016, 9:02 pm

At least I can say, "HAPPY NEW THREAD, Roni, and I do!

nov 9, 2016, 8:07 pm

I don't know how to fact check this, but if true, it is some cause for future optimism.

nov 9, 2016, 11:08 pm

>23 ronincats:. Thanks for posting this Roni. . .

nov 10, 2016, 3:50 pm

As far as I know, it's true, Roni. That age group is hugely blue. Hope for the future. Thanks for the positive reminder.

Redigerat: nov 16, 2016, 11:00 pm

Thanks to Jo, Mamie, Chelle, Anita, Joe, Ro, Lori, Lucy, Paul, Morphy, Katie, Ellen and Peggy for dropping by the new thread. It's been a rough couple of days, with all the electioneering and with the Santa Ana--temps in the 90s and humidity in the low teens for the last couple of days. Hopefully, tomorrow is supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler and I certainly hope so as the next three days are my biggest show of the year and I'm outside (in the shade) with my booth during that time. Today was our quarterly retired teachers luncheon at the same facility and it was very nice. I had not made it to one since I had to cancel out at the last minute to fly back to Kansas when my brother was dying, so it had been a year and a half since I'd seen many of these people and it was good to see them.

I've been doing a lot of prep for the show, ear climbers and crochet, and avoiding the heat as well, keeping my garden going, but I did finally finish another book.

Book #105 The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction by Justine Larbalestier (295 pp.)

LT is not loading the cover--I'll have to add it later. This is a scholarly work--if not a dissertation, then a post-doctoral publication, which made it rather slow to get into but the subject matter was so interesting, it pulled me in midway just for the historical info. Dry, though.

nov 11, 2016, 11:58 am

*waves HI*

nov 11, 2016, 2:59 pm

I feel your pain re the election. It must be pretty similar to us waking up to the news of Brexit. Just a horrible sinking feeling. I really hope and pray he's not as bad as we all fear he will be.

nov 11, 2016, 4:15 pm

Alabama is now in its 55th day of no rain. That is a record drought and they started keeping records in some parts of the state in the 1870's. The state is now almost 12 inches of rain below normal. And Mr. It's-Gonna-Be-Uge thinks there is no global warming. It's depressing.

nov 11, 2016, 10:20 pm

Happy new thread.

nov 13, 2016, 4:50 am

Happy Sunday, Roni. I love the topper. Makes me hungry.

nov 13, 2016, 6:04 am

Happy new thread Roni! Thinking of all my American friends at the moment.

Redigerat: nov 13, 2016, 2:20 pm

I am listening to a very strange SciFi book at the moment. Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. It was recommended by Nancy Pearl on one of her lists of books that are really really good but for some reason are under the radar and never made it big. It keeps me going but somehow it is more work than I want to do at the moment.

I have Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton up next and might start it just to help improve my mood.

nov 13, 2016, 10:58 pm

Well, my three-day craft show is over and I am BEAT! I was going to say no reading got done, but I did start the first Sebastian St. Cyr book last night. I did very well at the craft fair, setting a new record, but it was really hot (my booth was on the patio outside) and that was enervating. And I'm not used to keeping any kind of regular schedule. Tomorrow I will be back, though.

nov 15, 2016, 3:03 pm

I vaguely remember looking at Altered Carbon and deciding no, I think?

Yay for doing well at the craft fair!

nov 15, 2016, 3:07 pm

I liked Altered Carbon, Roni, and the other two Takeshi Kovacs books. Really interesting premise.

nov 15, 2016, 7:27 pm

There is more than one? (Blinks and goes off to Amazon.)

nov 16, 2016, 8:50 am

Morning, Roni! Hooray for a new record sales at the craft fair. Hoping you like that first St. Cyr - I am reading the second one currently.

nov 16, 2016, 3:31 pm

Hi Roni, I hope you have recovered from your craft show. I find any change in my regular routine these days can tucker me out, I just don't seem to have the same amount of "get up and go" that I used to have!

Redigerat: nov 17, 2016, 12:25 am

Book #106 What Angels Fear by C. S. Harris (341 pp.)

This is a historical mystery set in (almost) Regency England. Viscount St. Cyr is implicated in a vicious murder, and his only hope is to discover who actually committed the murder. A good mystery, good characters, and it was fun recognizing the historical detail I know so well from Heyer's books.

nov 17, 2016, 12:24 am

>27 cal8769: Hi, Carrie!
>28 eclecticdodo: Very much like, Jo.
>29 benitastrnad: Nowhere near our record, Benita, but you don't live in a desert in its 7th year of drought either. And we've been having November days averaging in the 80s, which isn't typical--or at least hasn't been typical in the past.
>30 foggidawn: Thanks, foggi.
>31 Ameise1: Hugs, Barbara.
>32 souloftherose: Thank you, Heather.
>33 benitastrnad: Not one I've read yet, Benita. Tooth and Claw, on the other hand...
>35 sibylline: I will probably try it at some point, Lucy.
>36 jnwelch: See above, Joe. Thanks for the input.
>37 benitastrnad: Blink.
>38 Crazymamie: Hi, Mamie. I have to order the second one from the library now.
>39 DeltaQueen50: Hi, Judy. Thanks for the links above, btw. I already have them starred.

So, Tuesday we went for a walk in the park with the dog, and after the carrilon struck 12, the first song it played for its concert was Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"--a very nice touch, I thought.

I haven't posted it here, but I posted on the "In Memoriam" thread about the passing of both Leonard Cohen and of Gwen Ifill this past week. Cohen is a great loss but he had a full, full life. Gwen, on the other hand, is gone way too soon from uterine cancer. She was such a calm, passionate, intelligent, outstanding voice of reason and she will be greatly missed.

nov 17, 2016, 7:34 am

>41 ronincats: Minnesota is on its longest steak ever of days without frost. We beat the old record by more than a week and are still going. Very hard to be a native Minnesotan and deny that the weather is far different than it was 20 to 30 years ago. It says something shocking that people's political loyalties are strong enough to overcome their day to day perceptions.

nov 17, 2016, 8:28 pm

Eric, I wasn't aware of that. I know that there are still flowers blooming in Kansas.

So, B&N just published a list of their top 25 science fiction and fantasy books of 2016 (plus 12) here:

I didn't care for their first book, but all of the others I've read so far are quite good, and now I have some others to look for.

No reading so far today--I was gardening. Planted beets, lettuce, radishes, bok choi and spinach. Peas and carrots, arugula, kale and salad mix from last month are all up and growing.

nov 18, 2016, 10:48 am

Nice list...

nov 18, 2016, 2:35 pm

Ooh, one of my favorite classic scary fantasies is on sale for Kindle today at $1.99, The Face in the Frost by John Bellairs! Try it out!

Redigerat: nov 18, 2016, 4:27 pm

I was all excited to go and get myself a copy of The Face in the Frost but unfortunately it isn't one of the Daily Deals here in Canada.

nov 18, 2016, 4:31 pm

Oh, drat, Judy!

nov 18, 2016, 4:36 pm

I'm trying to be good, but it isn't all that expensive - I might just go for it anyway. After all I am a Bookaholic!

nov 18, 2016, 10:09 pm

>45 ronincats: It is a great title anyway so I might join in too if I can track it down - I mean I don't have anything else to read!

Have a great weekend, Roni.

nov 18, 2016, 10:40 pm

>48 DeltaQueen50:, >49 PaulCranswick: I bought it because my vintage original paperback is going to fall apart if I read that copy any more, and I do reread it every couple of years.

nov 20, 2016, 7:22 am

Hi Roni. I think it was your birthday yesterday? If so, happy birthday!

nov 20, 2016, 6:22 pm

It was, Heather, and thank you very much! I had a quiet day with a trip to the pottery in the middle and a steak dinner prepared by the hubby to finish.

nov 20, 2016, 6:28 pm

>52 ronincats: Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate. Happy belated!!

nov 20, 2016, 6:38 pm

Happy belated birthday, Roni!

nov 20, 2016, 7:00 pm

Happy belated birthday, Roni!

I'm catching up after a long absence, so I've probably missed a bunch of books that you've read. The ending (or lack thereof) of Penric's Mission annoyed me as well, although it was good to see how Penric and Des are doing. I hope she follows up on the story soon.

nov 20, 2016, 7:19 pm

Happy Belated . . .

nov 20, 2016, 8:51 pm

Thank you, Katie, Kriti, and Brenda. Several LT people remembered me yesterday on Facebook--that certainly cheered me up on a quiet day on the thread. I appreciate your good wishes!

nov 20, 2016, 9:31 pm

Hi Roni! Happy belated Birthday! I hope it was a good one.

I LOVE your Thanksgiving topper. Lol about the chipotle turkey - I'd love it. :)

Happy Thanksgiving week!

nov 20, 2016, 11:12 pm

So this is what I brought home from the pottery yesterday. 7" high. I am working on building higher.

Hi, Jenn. Glad someone finally "got" the chipotle turkey cartoon!

nov 21, 2016, 7:52 am

Wow. Lovely shape and color.

Just letting you know that God Stalk which you recommended turned up for me from PBS.

nov 21, 2016, 8:54 am

>59 ronincats: Beautiful, Roni, is it more difficult to create higher pottery?

nov 21, 2016, 9:50 am

>59 ronincats: Oh that blue! I love that shade.

Redigerat: nov 21, 2016, 5:42 pm

>45 ronincats: Huh. I have that book - as a "vintage paperback" - but have never gotten around to reading it. Can't say "scary fantasy" makes it sound appealing (I don't like most scary stories)...but on the other hand, if I read it and don't like it, I can get rid of it. One less book! So maybe I will manage it this year.

Nice blue! I do love hearing what you've been doing/making, especially when you push yourself to something new - it encourages me to do the same.

nov 21, 2016, 6:28 pm

Hi, Roni! Thanks for stopping by my new thread & pointing out that little author mix up. Fixed it!

I also LOLed at the Poblano turkey cartoon up top. "With single-origin gravy." Hysterical. Sounds like Thanksgiving around here with all the food fetishes. I mean, we're having two different stuffings for dinner - one regular and one dairy/gluten free. *smh* I've given up and am going with "moderation in everything" so I eat pretty much whatever I want, just in small quantities.

Beautiful blue pot! Is it harder to make tall pieces than short ones?

Belated birthday wishes! Hope your special day was fantastic!

nov 22, 2016, 1:22 am

>60 sibylline: Thank you, Lucy. Oh, I hope you like God Stalk. I've been in love with it since I read it in the 80s, but I understand that people coming to it the first time decades later might have a different reaction.

>61 FAMeulstee: Thanks, Anita. Yes, I can do wide and low much more easily, and so I"m working now on getting taller than 4-5 inches.

>62 cal8769: Thank you, Carrie. My nephew's wife requested a light blue largish vase; this is one of the two I've attempted (the other one comes home this coming week, and she gets the best of the two).

>63 jjmcgaffey: Jenn, I don't do horror and all, and scary only with caution. The quirkiness of this one tones down the scary to a level I am comfortable with--obviously since I've reread it many times. And thank you for encouraging me in my crafts.

>64 Storeetllr: Hi, Mary. So nice to see you on the threads again. Hope you keep it up! Yes, tall is harder--I'm trying to push myself. And thank you for the birthday wishes.

So, I've been being really lazy, but I have finished some books.

Book #107 Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (396 pp.)

I've been working on this reread for a while, in preparation for reading the other two books of the trilogy. Once I passed the linchpin event in the story, it went much more quickly and I moved it from my bathtub book to my nightstand book. I'm a third of the way into the next book. I actually had pretty much forgotten everything after the above-mentioned event, so it really was necessary to reread. I still thought this was excellent science fiction.

Book #108 The Copper Promise by Jen Williams (446 pp.)

This promised to be a modern take on classic sword & sorcery fantasy, with bantering sell-swords with a past taking on gods in the forms of monsters. This had plenty of action, lots and lots of violence, not so much humor, and not very developed characters. A disappointment for me (it was one of my Thingaversary purchases), but others have liked it.

Book #109 Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews (235 pp.)

I read the very first Ilona Andrews paranormal fantasy and was not impressed enough to continue the series. She's continued that series and written another over the years soon. She now has started this third series, and when it was on sale for 99¢, I thought I'd see if she'd improved over the years. The writing is okay, the plot is okay, but it's very typical urban fantasy with the mandatory romantic triangle, although that is fairly undeveloped in this first book at least. Nothing special imho.

nov 22, 2016, 4:28 am

Sorry to hear a couple of those were not so great. I am glad Ancillary Justice worked out though.

I too usually have several books on the go (in fact I counted up this week and found I have 20 started!) but I am not sure I would restrict one book just to the bathtub. Interesting idea though - I will have to consider whether I can reduce my 20 on-the-go books by strategically locating them around the house.

nov 22, 2016, 12:38 pm

Too funny! Actually, I usually have my bathtub book be one that for whatever reason is difficult to read straight through. That can be a dense story where I need time between chapters, a distasteful or downer story where I can't immerse in it completely, a book of short stories, or nonfiction.

nov 22, 2016, 1:59 pm

Hello, Roni. I love that vase in >59 ronincats: - both the shape and the color. So lovely!

>67 ronincats: "...a distasteful or downer story where I can't immerse in it completely..."> This cracked me up - you are using the bathtub to literally immerse yourself in the story!!

And...I missed your birthday - belated wishes for happiness from me. Hoping it was full of fun.

nov 22, 2016, 2:43 pm

I love that pot. So pretty.

I quite often read my Kindle in the bath, but do have anxious moments where I worry about dropping it.

nov 22, 2016, 5:08 pm

>109 ronincats: Eh. I wouldn't really call it a romantic triangle as while she may find the vampire attractive in an eye candy sort of way, she is no way considers a relationship with him - no matter what he may think. In the second book her interest is definitely on the werewolf, not the vampire. Even then, it's not the focus of the book.

Something to be considered when reading the Sweep books is that they are posted on the Andrews website as chapters as they are written (and I *think* are given feedback by readers.) That's where some of the weakness in the plotting comes from. I think the second book Sweep in Peace is better for those who like Andrews and weren't impressed with Clean Sweep. I think they learned some things from the first book.

nov 22, 2016, 6:07 pm

Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday, Roni. And, I'll wish you a Happy Thanksgiving as well just in case I don't get back before the holiday.

I caved in and picked up a Kindle copy of The Face in the Frost, I have no idea on when I will be able to fit this one into the reading schedule but someday ....

nov 22, 2016, 6:54 pm

What an absolutely gorgeous pot, and happy belated birthday. I haven't done pottery for at least a year now as I found it was becoming more stressful than enjoyable, and when I reached that moment it was time to stop. I was just so frustrated at things not turning out as well as I wanted them too, and I'd focus on the imperfections far too much. My perfectionism, which I mostly suppress to managable levels, came out with all bells clanging so I had to stop. But your work is gorgeous :)

nov 23, 2016, 12:42 am

>68 Crazymamie: Clever Mamie--you caught my word play!

>69 charl08: I usually read dead tree books in the bath, but there have been a few times when I read my Kindle. I tried putting it in a sealed zip-loc bag, but then the page turning was wonky so I don't any more, but I must agree that I have some trepidation doing so.

>70 Morphidae: That may well be, Morphy, but the first book ends with the vampire fronting up the werewolf about the innkeeper on the way out the door, so you can see where I might have gotten the idea. ;-) Thanks for the info on how the book was written--I did read reviews where devotees did not feel this was as good as some of her earlier books.

>71 DeltaQueen50: Judy, the good thing is that The Face in the Frost is short by today's standards and a quick read. Use it as filler sometime when you've stalled a bit. And thank you.

>72 lunacat: Hi, Jenny. So good to see you. See, this is the thing about perfectionism. My pot is imperfect. There are places where the glaze slipped--you can see some of them on the inside rim in the picture--and I made the glaze too heavy on the bottom part of the vase so it stuck to the bat and I had to grind the bottom edge. But you don't see that in other people's work like you do in your own. Annie, the studio owner and instructor, always says that you have to be prepared to fail and toss any given pot--that's just the nature of the beast. And I just enjoy the physical act of throwing the pot, however it comes out. It's centering for me.

Book #110 Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie (356 pp.)

And see, now that I finally powered through the reread of the first book, I zoomed through the second and enjoyed it tremendously! On to the third book immediately...

nov 23, 2016, 1:03 pm

I am not and never will be a potter, but I love pieces that are not "perfect." The little "imperfections" are what I love in a piece of pottery and what make them perfect for me. Perfect pottery makes me nervous that I'll break it, or bores me if it's mass-produced.

So glad you're loving the Leckie trilogy! I found the first book a bit difficult to get into too, but, once I did, I gobbled up the rest of them.

Speaking of gobbling, Happy Thanksgiving!

Redigerat: nov 23, 2016, 2:52 pm

>65 ronincats: I read a couple Ilona Andrews short stories in their Magic... (Bites, Breaks, etc) series first, for which I was very glad because the first book was pretty weak. I've now read the second and enjoyed it. It's not a series I love, but I think it's worth reading - I pick it up when I come across it. I enjoyed Clean Sweep tremendously, reading it on their website as they wrote it - it got cleaned up a bit in the book, which I bought much later. I enjoyed Sweep in Peace too, though the romantic subplot there was also pretty weak (and, to my mind, interfered with the main story). I'll read the next one when it comes out. Ilona Andrews is not one of my favorite writers, but they do a solid story that's usually worth reading at least once (for me, of course).

nov 23, 2016, 3:26 pm

>65 ronincats: >75 jjmcgaffey: Dagnabit! You must love Ilona Andrews as much as I do! Waaaah! *stomps her feet childishly*

nov 24, 2016, 10:17 am

nov 24, 2016, 12:25 pm

>74 Storeetllr: Just what I point out to browsers, Mary! ;-)

>75 jjmcgaffey: Thanks for the input, Jenn.

>76 Morphidae: How about if we just love you as much as you love IA, Morphy?

>77 The_Hibernator: Thank you, Rachel.

And to all of you (I will try to get around to threads after I get the turkey on!), I wish you--

nov 24, 2016, 12:27 pm

>78 ronincats: Oh. Okay. That's fine. :D

nov 24, 2016, 3:35 pm

Book #111 Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie (333 pp.)

Again, a very quick read once I finally got the reread of the first book over. I still think this is an outstanding science fiction series. The first book well deserved its Hugo and Nebula awards with its world-building and set up. I personally liked the second book best, where we got most into human dynamics, but this third book wrapped up the story in satisfying form. And the last two books actually count as Books Off The Shelf, finally boosting those numbers up a wee bit.

So, the turkey is on (about 2 hours from being done), sealed into its paper bag in the oven. The oyster dressing is prepared, ready to go in the oven in an hour, and the yams are peeled, diced and boiled. This is one of the few days of the year when my double ovens in my range are really convenient. I'm on my second mimosa of the day, and ready to wash up from the first round of prep as soon as the dishwater cools. Have a great day, everyone.

Oh, and the new Fitbit Flex 2 is on sale for $60 (down from $100) at Walmart and Target today, fellow Fitbitters. On line and in store after 6.

Redigerat: nov 28, 2016, 1:27 pm

I just don't get the Fitbit thing, so will pass on that, but I will put in a plug for the Ann Leckie series. Loved them. It took awhile to get into the first one, but then the other two were quick reads. I hope to see more of from her about these characters.

I finished reading the first of the Richard K. Morgan Kovacs series - Altered Carbon. Wow!! What thriller. It was a bit long and very confusing at first, but sticking with it was rewarding. I was surprised when Joe told me there was a series. I will be reading the next in the series. Since my local library doesn't have it, I will be sending out an ILL request for it.

Those darn series books just give me more to read.

nov 24, 2016, 5:57 pm

I am thankful for your presence in the group, Roni and your Sci-fi guidance. xx

nov 24, 2016, 6:03 pm

nov 24, 2016, 7:43 pm

Happy Thanksgiving!

nov 25, 2016, 5:35 am

>80 ronincats: I have now added these to my TBR :)

nov 25, 2016, 12:25 pm

>81 benitastrnad: Well, we can be thankful for having books to read, Benita, right?
>82 PaulCranswick: Thank YOU, Paul.
>83 Berly: Thanks, Carrie.
>85 sirfurboy: I think you'll enjoy them, Stephen.

nov 25, 2016, 4:50 pm

Thanks for the book-gobbler post! I finished one this morning that was excellent and one this afternoon that was less than stellar for me. I still need to report it on my thread.

nov 25, 2016, 6:09 pm

>59 ronincats: That is a lovely vase, and imperfections enhance it.
>80 ronincats: fellow Fitbitters
I like my basic Zip.

nov 25, 2016, 11:13 pm

>87 thornton37814: I'll check out your reviews, Lori.

>88 qebo: Well, my husband came home from Walmart today with a Fitbit Flex 2 for a belated birthday present, and guess what? The module snaps out of the band it comes in and you can put it in a band, a pendant, a clip, or a bracelet, whatever you want. So now I don't need to buy a Zip like I was thinking of doing for when I want to wear my regular watches.

No reading today. Housecleaning and a KU basketball game over at friends filled the day. Maybe at bedtime.

nov 27, 2016, 9:04 am

That sounds very cool - the new Fitbit, that is. I still haven't been able to get my spousal unit to sit down and undo himself from "his" fitbit, which he gave me after I lost mine. Maybe that should be my major goal for today! Kind of a feeble goal, but better than nothing!

Hope you are enjoying your T-giving leftovers. That's what we all love the most.

nov 27, 2016, 4:42 pm

Roni, I am going to note those Ancillary books for the time I finish the Vorkosigan series. I may have to begin listening to Miles et al. when I'm not traveling. I haven't been to Denver since June but saw Hope in Michigan and she was here for a week in October as you know. She is happy to be 3 and I am happy that she is in the 40th percentile for weight and 65th for height. Catching up!

The Fitbit Flex sounds like a great idea. My Charge HR is pretty clunky but I am used to it now and love being accountable to Fritz the Bully for my steps. I am still in the obsessive stage and constantly check to see how many more steps I have to go to reach my 10,000. No wonder I have to recharge it twice a week!

nov 29, 2016, 12:01 am

>59 ronincats: Great colour and shape to that pot, Roni. That is a really nice shade of blue. The Fitbit Flex sounds really cool.

nov 29, 2016, 1:02 am

Glad you wrested the Fitbit from the spousal unit, Lucy!
Wow, that's great progress for Hope, Donna.
Thanks, Meg. I'm trying to download a photo of the second vase, but the computer/camera link isn't cooperating.

Book #112 The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey (433 pp.)

We mentioned this book earlier this year, and then Peggy is read McKinley's Beauty, and I had to go and do a reread of this imaginative retelling of Beauty and the Beast, back when Lackey was at the height of her story-telling.

nov 29, 2016, 9:52 am

Hi Roni!! Nothing much to add but just wanted to check in!! Lovely pottery as always!

nov 29, 2016, 1:57 pm

>65 ronincats: Hmm, I'm slightly less eager to read The Copper Promise and Clean Sweep after your comments. I may still get The Copper Promise from the library at some point but I will pass on CS as I'm not that keen on romance and especially not love triangles.

>80 ronincats: And I'm so pleased you enjoyed the Ann Leckie series - one of my favourite science fiction series in recent years and I also persuaded my husband to read them and he also loved them. I heard that that Leckie has signed a deal for another two books which I think are both set in the Imperial Radch universe but are not otherwise connected to the Ancillary trilogy. I can't wait!

nov 29, 2016, 3:11 pm

I'm not a fan of retold fairy tales, though I really liked Tepper's Beauty back when I read it a million years ago. On your reccie, maybe I'll try Lackey's version.

nov 29, 2016, 6:57 pm

I finished reading Child of a Hidden Sea by A. M. Dellamonica last night. This is a novel that has good reviews, but nobody seems to know anything about it. I liked it and will be reading the sequel - and have put it in the queue.

This sea-faring alternative world fantasy features a feisty heroine who is searching for her birth family. The novel starts out in modern day San Francisco where Sophie has gone to meet her birth mother and ends somewhere else. Just exactly where that is, is unknown. It seems like Earth, but it isn't the same. The plants are similar, but not the same. The animals are similar, but not the same, and some of them are so very different as to make Sophie think that she isn't even on Earth anymore. The plot is full of action and deeds of daring do, (think swash-buckling Earrol Flynn type of action) and the characters are flamboyant and sympathetic. Family appears and parents and children are united for the first time. It isn't a tear-jerker, but it is hopeful and engaging. The author doesn't spend too much time in world-building and gets right on with the story, making this an easy book to in which to become involved.

nov 30, 2016, 5:09 pm

>95 souloftherose: I know I have a difference in opinion in this. But to me, calling Clean Sweep a romance with a love triangle is like saying the same about the first Star Wars movie. Yeah, there's some romance and two heroes with an interest in the heroine, but it's not what the movie is about.

nov 30, 2016, 6:51 pm

>98 Morphidae: :-) I figured I could count on you to respond when I saw Heather's comment, Morphy, so figured I'd wait until you did to add, yes, there is really very little element of romance, NO bodice ripping, just some maneuvering for position with potential for later books in the series. I only commented on it because the plot structure of two strong male leads balancing a kick-ass female protagonist is so common--and the book ends on that note. I did like the world-building a lot. It makes me want to reread Tanya Huff's Summon the Keeper series, as I recall a somewhat similar set-up there (with the inn-keeping part of it), although with the added attraction of talking cats.

>97 benitastrnad: I'll have to check that out, Benita. Sounds interesting.

>96 Storeetllr: Tepper's version is much more tortured than Lackey's, as I recall, but you can actually completely ignore the B&tB vibes with The Fire Rose and just have fun with the story.

>95 souloftherose: See my reply to Morphy above, Heather.

>94 HanGerg: Howdy, Hannah. Lovely to see you here!

dec 1, 2016, 5:39 pm

Well, I finally got the photo of the vases downloaded on the computer.

Neither is perfect. The one on the left has chips along the bottom where the glaze was too heavy, and the one on the right has that ridge.

We decided not to get a tree this year because Sybil is still at the tearing around the house stage and we figured she'd upend it, but I brought a little decorated artificial one down from the attic today and sure enough, she is sure it is a gift tree filled with toys for her!

dec 1, 2016, 6:40 pm

November Summary

Books read: 11
Pages read: 3787
Average pages per book: 344
Average pages per day: 126

Kindle - 3
Hardback - 3
Trade paperback - 5

Library - 2
Bought this month - 4
Off my shelves - 3 new reads, 2 rereads

Science Fiction - 3
Fantasy - 5
Nonfiction - 1
Mystery - 2

Author gender: 100% female

Country of origin:
Australian - 1
England - 1
Author brought up in England but now living in US - 2
US - 7

All but four published between 2013 and 2016.
Reread of The Fire Rose published 1995
Nonfiction book published 2001
The two St. Cyr mysteries published in 2005 and 2006

Books acquired:

Simon Leach's Pottery Handbook bought with birthday gift card from sister.
How to Manage your Home without Losing Your Mind bought in same order

And 6 Kindle books, 4 for 99¢, 1 for 1.99, and the new Bujold for $3.99

No books out the door, I fear. But there will be some this month!

dec 1, 2016, 6:52 pm

Well, I just went and updated all my tickers didn't take! Drat!

dec 1, 2016, 7:06 pm

Awww, you've got to love cats in trees. Speaking of which - one of ours a couple of years ago:

dec 1, 2016, 7:14 pm

I loved The Fire Rose when I read it.

Redigerat: dec 1, 2016, 7:31 pm

>100 ronincats: If you hadn't said something, I would have thought the ridge was on purpose and decorative.

ETA: Love the vases. Ridge and all.

dec 1, 2016, 10:31 pm

>102 ronincats: Roni, I've noticed that lately when I update my tickers the numbers don't show up right away but after an hour or so, like magic, they appear.

I love kitty cats and Christmas trees! I remember how we used to keep the vacuum cleaner near the tree cause one of our cats was a climber but the noise of the vacuum cleaner would keep her away. The picture in >103 lunacat: is priceless, the cat looks like an ornament!

dec 1, 2016, 11:49 pm

>103 lunacat: Oh, I remember when you first posted that photo, Jenny--such a great shot!

>104 The_Hibernator: Glad you enjoyed it, Rachel.

>105 Morphidae: Thank you, Morphy.

>106 DeltaQueen50: Judy, you are so right. The changes are there now.

Galaxy Quest is on SyFy right now, and I'm both watching it and taping it, as I don't think I'll watch the whole movie tonight. It's fortuitous as I've been wanting to watch it again--it's been years!

dec 2, 2016, 11:26 am

100> I liked the ridge too. I thought it was decorative.

dec 3, 2016, 11:06 pm

Thanks, Carrie. Between you and Morphy, you've substantiated my choice to send that vase as the gift.

And speaking of pottery, here's today's harvest from the pottery:

The four little bowls are for my friend's shaving soap sets.

dec 3, 2016, 11:28 pm

I love your pots.
Your Christmas cactus is about to burst into bloom!

dec 4, 2016, 1:09 am

>109 ronincats: That is a very Christmasy looking photo. Great colours on those pots, Roni!

dec 4, 2016, 9:49 am

>109 ronincats: Another here in awe of your aplomb at the wheel, Roni.

Have a lovely weekend, my dear.

dec 4, 2016, 11:02 am

Howdy Ro! Love those colors >109 ronincats:

dec 4, 2016, 1:30 pm

>109 ronincats: Lovely pottery, Roni, that one one the left I like best.

dec 4, 2016, 1:48 pm

>109 ronincats: it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . .

dec 4, 2016, 5:53 pm

Christmasy around here. :) Love it. I also have to say that the color on the pot at >59 ronincats: is so gorgeous.

dec 4, 2016, 7:33 pm

Thank you, Nancy, Meg, Paul, Ro, Anita, Brenda and Jenn. Love having you to visit.

I decided I didn't feel like doing any more shows this month, and took my holiday earrings and a box of pottery out to the consignment shop at Grossmont Center on Tuesday. After Christmas, I'll need to find a venue in January or February to move my crochet hats and gloves--if it ever cools down. It was 75 here today.

I'm behind on book reviews--I'll try to get those done tonight.

dec 4, 2016, 10:57 pm

Hi Roni - There's so much to love here. The feast at the top is making me hungry. I love the pottery. The Leckie series sounds good.

Belated Happy Thanksgiving and new thread.

dec 4, 2016, 11:30 pm

Book #113 When Gods Die by C. S. Harris (338 pp.)

This is the second mystery featuring Sebastian St. Cyr, a Regency era young nobleman living in London in interesting times. Interesting characters, interesting plots--recommended!

Book #114 How to Manage your Home Without Losing Your Mind: Dealing with Your House's Dirty Little Secrets by Dana K. White (223 pp.)

I have a whole shelf of books on cleaning and organization. I often pick up one or two things I use from each, but my house is still cluttered (more cluttered than disorganized in most areas, with paper being the biggest exception). This lady is the first to tell me why. It is because, like her, I am a slob (she writes a blog called "A Slob Comes Clean"--I don't know anything about it. I picked up the book because I saw it on Amazon.)

Like Dana, I love PROJECTS. Even as a child, I would let my bedroom devolve into total chaos to the point where diving in and bringing order to chaos was a real project and I loved it. Project lovers dive in, give it all their attention, finish it, admire it, and then step away and move on. I created things of beauty. But housework/home management is NOT a has no end. It consists of doing the boring stuff, not the project stuff. She (and I) have Slob Vision; we don't see incremental mess. So the condition goes from beautiful at the end of the project, blindness to the incremental mess, and then the whole house is a mess again. You know what makes the difference? Doing the dishes.

Doing the dishes every night is now a non-negotiable task. You don't have to think about are you going to do it, don't have to allocate decision-making resources to it, you just do it, EVERY night. And after that habit is set, you add sweeping the floor EVERY NIGHT. And so on.

Clutter thresholds differ. The concept of your house as a container, like a bookshelf or a memory box is a container. If stuff doesn't fit, you prioritize and get rid of the most disposable. Keep what you want as long as it fits in the container. But respect those boundaries--don't keep more than will fit in the container, be it shelf, box, closet or house.

Anyhow, very readable, I think it is closer to my MO than any other such books I have, and I have been doing my dishes!

Book #115 Simon Leach's Pottery Handbook by Simon Leach (240 pp.)

This was a birthday book from my sister. I haven't viewed the two DVDs that come with the book yet, but I have read the book and all its pictures. A good review of what I do know, some good ideas for construction, and lots of info on glazes and firing that I have no idea about because the studio takes care of all of that for me!

dec 4, 2016, 11:31 pm

Thank you, Beth. You slipped in there while I was catching up on my reviews!

dec 5, 2016, 8:05 am

That home organization book sounds interesting, Roni! I am not a neat freak, but my tolerance for clutter is much lower than my husband's, so it's a constant battle. He is like you and the author - LOVES projects. And he freely admits he doesn't *see* the clutter like I do. I like the idea of committing to doing one thing every night and slowly adding from there... I may have to pick up this book!

dec 5, 2016, 9:43 am

Your pottery is always stunning, Roni! I love those little bowls. I also enjoyed that second entry in the Sebastian St. Cyr series.

Like Katie, I also like the idea of committing to a single task each night and then adding in increments. Actually, if I could get each of the Pecan Paradisio's inhabitants to commit to that, we would be looking awesome in no time. Heh.

dec 5, 2016, 12:32 pm

>119 ronincats: I'll have to look at her blog. Sounds interesting.

dec 5, 2016, 2:04 pm

Ha! That "project" concept sounds like me too! Cleaning/tidying isn't to be contemplated unless it's a dramatic all out assault on everything all at once, going from chaos and grime to ordered and gleaming. Anything else is just...boring! But then, when I do finally tackle those projects (one I'm currently avoiding - sorting out the under stair cupboard which loads of stuff was just slung into "for now" when we moved in) I sometimes get overwhelmed by how much needs to be done to get it looking how I want and just give up until the next time I'm feeling "inspired". Hmm, it doesn't sound all that effective, now that I think about it! Maybe I need that book in my life!

dec 5, 2016, 9:44 pm

>121 katiekrug: Katie, go check out her website first. I did after I read the book. A lot of her ideas are there--big surprise! The book is a summary of the process she developed over time while writing the blog.

>122 Crazymamie: And there is a really good chapter on that, Mamie. Basically, until they saw that she really was following through herself on the fourth task added, the 5 minute daily pickup, they didn't commit (because she never followed through more than a week on any of her "projects"). And then she had to train on the 5 minute pickup, something everyone in the family could participate in.

>123 luvamystery65: The website has most of the info in the book--just not as concise and all in one place.

>124 HanGerg: You're another one of us, Hannah! Do check out the website, She is so funny as she describes her natural slob-inclination to declutter a closet nobody sees, while it works better to prioritize decluttering projects by visibility.

Redigerat: dec 16, 2016, 7:47 pm

Book #116 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J. K. Rowling etal. (327 pp.)

Some of you may recall that I brought my sister's copy back with me at the end of September--and now I have finally read it. I think I was afraid of being disappointed. But I wasn't!! I liked it and think it would be great to see the production.

dec 6, 2016, 12:55 am

>96 Storeetllr: I love The Fire Rose - I like most of that series, but the first (which came out from a different publisher and often isn't included in lists of the Elemental Masters series) is the best. And yes, with Lackey it's a good/great story and "which fairy tale is this one?", rather than "this is BEAUTY AND THE BEAST except with my own twists". I love McKinley's Beauty, and like her Rose Daughter, but they really are fairy tale retellings, while Lackey's stories in this series are independent stories with echoes and underpinnings of the fairy tales.

And besides, Fire Rose is set in (and near) San Francisco in 1906. How could I resist?

>119 ronincats: Sounds fascinating! I've just read UnF*ck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman - another blogger-turned-author. I've been using her app for some time. She focuses on - do a little bit now, and that little bit is done. Then take a break - don't try to do the whole project at once, because it will exhaust you and then you won't do anything until it becomes a project again. Same idea, from a rather different angle. You might take a look at her blog, and the UFYH app - it's full of little challenges, and a 20/10 timer to encourage the "work a little, rest a little" method. I'll have to look up Dana's blog and book, too.

>109 ronincats: I love that vase - even better than the blues. The bowls are lovely. I like earthtones and the deep vivid colors best - blues and greens, but deep dark ones - so this lot is all gorgeous in my eyes.

dec 6, 2016, 3:49 am

>119 ronincats: Doing the dishes every night
I am lucky as Frank takes care of that. I used to skip it when Frank was away, but got so used to a clean sink in the morning that now I do the same when Frank isn't there

dec 6, 2016, 4:49 am

>119 ronincats: I am definitely a slob too. I just can't get annoyed by mess in the way a lot of people do. However, dealing with my mother's house for any length of time tends to make me tidier in the aftermath, as her hoarder tendencies and inability to keep things at all clean mean that it's a horror story. Extremely hard to deal with, but has a positive impact in a small way, as it makes me determined to never become that bad!

dec 6, 2016, 7:26 am

>124 HanGerg: Hey, have you been watching me? Because you just described me perfectly. ;-)

>127 jjmcgaffey: Glad you liked Cursed Child. I had some issues with it, but overall I liked it for what it was. Like you, I'd like to see it onstage. I hear it's slated to come to New York, so I may have to make a trip to the big city once it does.

dec 6, 2016, 8:09 am

>98 Morphidae:, >99 ronincats: Fair enough (and thank you for the input morphidae). I may reconsider giving this one a try as I really liked the concept of inn-keeping. And talking cats? Now I'm sold. :-)

>100 ronincats: I love the picture of Sybil climbing your tree! We're getting our first tree this year and I will be interested to see what our cat makes of it.

>103 lunacat: Love it!

>109 ronincats: I like the browny-reds. Is that a glaze or just the natural colour of the clay?

>119 ronincats: The slob concept perfectly describes my husband. He's definitely a project person - far more willing and eager to dive in to bigger projects and rearrangements than I am and doesn't seem to notice incremental mess. Whereas I'm the person who needs to do the routine things regularly otherwise I start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Maybe one slob and one non-slob is a good pairing as long as they don't get annoyed with the different approach of the other? I will check out the website and see if I can persuade DH to check it out too :-)

dec 6, 2016, 9:19 am

Good to hear re Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Roni. I've been wondering whether to give it a go; it sounds like it's worth it.

dec 6, 2016, 11:12 am

>126 ronincats: I also enjoyed Harry Potter and the Cursed Child a lot more than I thought I would.

dec 6, 2016, 11:30 am

>127 jjmcgaffey: Yes, I agree, Jenn, I think The Fire Rose is the best of the lot. And thanks for the link to the other blogger--I'll definitely check it out. Although White keeps saying in her book, "Reading this book will not help get your house clean. Do the dishes!" But I love reading, not cleaning!

>128 FAMeulstee: It is a good starting point, isn't it, Anita?

>129 lunacat: Yes, I've started to think about the chore anyone having to settle my estate would have with all my cat collectables and books and the like. I'm thinking about pruning the cat collectables...

>130 foggidawn: And ANOTHER one of us!

>131 souloftherose: The talking cats are in the Huff books, Heather, not Clean Sweep, just to be clear. The browny-red is the glaze. And your husband is another one of US!! ;-)

>132 jnwelch: I had a good time picturing the scenes in my mind, Joe and Ro.

dec 6, 2016, 2:07 pm

Roni, lovely pottery as always. I especially love the mug in the middle and the red bowls - what a striking color!

I'm glad you enjoyed Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. It made we want to see a production too.

dec 6, 2016, 2:32 pm

I plan on reading Cursed Child this month and was wary about it so I'm glad to hear you liked it.

dec 6, 2016, 3:06 pm

>109 ronincats: Oh for shaving, I was thinking cute tapas bowls.

>119 ronincats: I'm also in this project/chaos/clutter world. I fix it every so often by treating the tidyup as a project. I like the container idea, my kitchen is definitely an overflowing container.

dec 7, 2016, 5:56 am

>126 ronincats:. I liked the book too, but I some problems with it, as I outlined in my thread. Glad you enjoyed it though.

dec 7, 2016, 12:01 pm

Soooo...I may have gone by Mysterious Galaxy yesterday to pick up the new Sylvia Izzo Hunter fantasy, A Season of Spells, the third in the series, and to cash in my loyalty points. I also found Congress of Secrets, a fantasy set at the Vienna Congress of 1814, which sounded interesting, and then I couldn't resist Christmas Magic, short stories from the 50s through the 90s gathered here. I hope they are upbeat--lots of classic SF authors included.

dec 8, 2016, 4:51 am

Ooh, a book haul. Sounds like a successful trip.

I love the advice about reading the book / not cleaning. That project approach rings a bell.

dec 8, 2016, 11:34 pm

The photo of Sybil checking out the tree is adorable.

>103 lunacat: Is that real??

When we still had our Edgar :-( we would have Christmas trees with the lower 3 feet or so undecorated. On the other hand, when we did have ornaments on those lower branches, we came home more than once to find a couple of them in other rooms of the house, unbroken!! He was determined but he was also so careful. He was the best cat.

I have a Fitbit Charge and a Fitbit One and I'm kind of hoping for a Fitbit Flex 2 for Christmas. I would like to start swimming again, as an addition to my running and walking, and the Flex 2 seems best for that. I'm glad you're happy with yours.

Happy Friday, Roni!

dec 9, 2016, 12:04 pm

Glad you enjoyed The Cursed Child. I probably won't get to it for a while. I'm afraid of being disappointed!

dec 11, 2016, 2:15 am

>119 ronincats: Good to see that you are recommending the St. Cyr mysteries, Roni. They are some of my favourites.

dec 11, 2016, 3:26 am

Roni, the Dana White book sounds like a good read, and I've just bookmarked the blog :-) I'm not so much a projects person as a "living alone" person, so it really doesn't matter if I don't get to the filing of papers, the giant basket of ironing etc etc... I like to think I'd be better if there were other people in the house :-) But I agree that doing the dishes is a great habit to get into, even if it's just a lone fork and a plate. I'll have to check out some of her other suggestions.

dec 11, 2016, 2:49 pm

Your comment made me laugh. I have so many of the same problems and like you I like to think it would be different if I had other people in the house.

Redigerat: dec 16, 2016, 7:48 pm

Welcome to all my visitors! Charlotte, my book haul did not end there. The day before, I followed up on a post in Fantasy Fans (Favorite book no one has ever heard of) in response to our Nina (humouress) posting the first book of the trilogy as her nominee. I bought all three revised ebooks and a prequel that is new. And ever since, I've been compulsively reading through them. I did not do a side by side comparison of the revisions, although I did do so with the last few chapters of the last book, and there is a major change in the resolution that I like. This has been one of my favorite epic fantasy trilogies from the 80s, maybe not quite as good as Tad Williams Sorrow, Memory and Thorn trilogy, but close. It was fun to revisit.

Book # 117 The Ring of Allaire by Susan Dexter (447 pp.)

Book 118 The Sword of Calandra by Susan Dexter (448 pp.)

Book #119 The Mountains of Channadran by Susan Dexter (384 pp.)

Book #120 The Wandering Duke by Susan Dexter (422 pp.)

This one is the prequel and I actually read it first, before rereading the trilogy. This takes place after the original Warhorse of Esdragon trilogy (written after the trilogy above but taking place long before, like centuries long before) and featuring Valadan, the horse who is a key figure in all the books. Still centuries before the trilogy above, this book explains how the dread menace of that series, Nimir, came into being. As with many prequels, the story itself is not that outstanding, but I liked the characters.

dec 11, 2016, 7:37 pm

>135 bell7: Thank you, and I'd definitely love to see a production.
>136 Morphidae: Yes, there have been a mixed lot of reviews among our colleagues here. I was relieved to enjoy it as I did, while understanding the caveats of others.
>137 avatiakh: Kerry, that's my MO as well, and what she is saying is that treating tidying as a project doesn't work in keeping your house looking decent on a day-by-day basis.
>138 sirfurboy: I did read your comments, Stephen, and can certainly understand them.
>140 charl08: Ah, yes, very successful, Charlotte. I've bought more books these last three months than all year prior. I was doing so WELL!
>141 EBT1002: Sybil is not as careful as your Edgar, Ellen--she's already broken three of the ornaments. And yes, Jenny's picture is real. The Flex 2 is so interesting as it is a little unit that can fit in a wristband, a pendant or a clip.
>142 The_Hibernator: That was why I waited so long too, Rachel.
>143 Familyhistorian: I have to get to the library this week to pick up the next one, Meg.
>144 susanj67: and >145 benitastrnad: Ha, and I always think it would be better if there WEREN'T other people in the house (prior experience to the contrary!).

I will get the last of the family's gifts in the mail tomorrow, and then I need to start on Christmas cards. I've only received one so far, which is a slow start. When I worked, as long as I got them in the mail by Christmas, that worked for me, but now I like to get them out of the way a bit earlier.

dec 11, 2016, 8:04 pm

>147 ronincats: That Fitbit flex looks pretty tempting, Roni.

dec 12, 2016, 4:31 am

>146 ronincats: I looked up The Ring of Allaire and got the sample on your recommendation.

I think the Amazon write up needs work though. It reads:

"Revised, corected edition June 2012..."

Now we just need a revised and corrected synopsis on Amazon :)

dec 12, 2016, 12:15 pm

>149 sirfurboy: How ironic, Stephen!

>148 Familyhistorian: It's the most versatile of the bunch, Meg.

Speaking of PROJECTS, one of my grandest is clearing out the attic, with its 30 years of accumulation! It takes a consistent stretch of cool weather to even think about, and we've had very warm winters for the past 3 years, since I've put my mind to it. But I did achieve a small project this last week. My husband fell in love with a Martha Stewart quilt while we were out Christmas shopping and it was on deep discount sale so we bought it.

BUT we'd also bought two other quilts in the last 3 years, and I told him he did not remember how many comforter sets were up in the attic from past purchases, some barely used. Bedding is stored in the attic because I have very little closet space in this old bungalow. So on Sunday I went up in the attic and threw down (drop down ladder access) all the bedding up there and did inventory. We have 5 quilts (all of which I love and which take up much less space than comforters--this is counting the new one), three blankets (which is a perfectly acceptable number), 5 comforters, 10 bed pillows, and 8 sheets that he had worn a hole in with rough feet and which I hated to just throw away that much fabric. A few other spare sheets, generally the top sheets of the sets he'd ruined, which are always handy to have in hand. And a couple of sheet sets that are too short to fit on our big mattress, but we are replacing it after the first with one that will not be 18 inches deep.

I'd just sorted through all of these on Monday, when on the Monday night news, the main animal control center for San Diego put out an urgent request for gently used bedding and towels for use with the 78 dogs they'd rescued last week. Am I living right or what? Tuesday morning we took all the sheets with small holes in them, a microfiber sheet set that didn't fit, and two older cotton comforters down to the shelter. One other comforter set with a bunch of parts we never used is going to Goodwill. I am putting back up in the attic two comforters, a quilt set with matching sheets, the three blankets, two pillows (for company if needed) and the bin with my vintage pillowcases and the extra sheets. Other quilts are on furniture as covers. So that part of the attic project is done. Unfortunately that was definitely the easiest part!

dec 12, 2016, 11:11 pm

>150 ronincats: Lovely quilt!

And good for you for doing the attic clean out and donating bedding for the animals in need. Seventy-eight dogs rescued in the past week; that is heartbreaking!

I just ordered some new towels today and we'll be doing a similar project once they arrive: time to sort through the towels and bathmats and donate some to the Humane Society.

Redigerat: dec 12, 2016, 11:55 pm

>151 EBT1002: Um, that was 78 small dogs rescued from ONE HOUSE. It was a middle-aged guy whose dad (with whom he had shared the house) had died earlier in the year, and while the animals were not abused, the house was so filthy and coated in excrement that it was summarily condemned. The guy was actually grateful for the help and eager for the dogs to have better conditions. But it did put quite a strain on the facilities.

Got that last package off--that was pretty much it for today. Watching The Voice finale now. Tomorrow I have to be a little more active--feed the citrus trees, pull out the eggplant now that I've harvested its fruit, and do some more planting where old seeds didn't germinate from the last planting. Sybil is going through a spell where she gang-rushes the front door every time the husband goes in and out, and she got out on him last night for a while. She curls up with us and Molly on the bed at night regularly now.

I just downloaded 6 free Kindle books--no ability to regulate my acquisitions lately. And the guy who turned me on to the Dexter ebooks sent me a link to a spreadsheet of republished books and the two sequels to The Boy from the Burren that were never published outside the UK before these ebook versions are on it (which is strange because she lives in Maine), and so of course I had to buy them! Now I have to reread the paperback from 1990 and see if I still like it as much as I did originally, before moving on to The Giant of Inishkerry and The Emperor of Earth-Above.

ETA Oh, here's the link to that spreadsheet, although he says it badly needs to be updated.

dec 12, 2016, 11:55 pm

>152 ronincats: So sad. I'm glad they were rescued, glad he appreciated the help, and I'm hopeful that they find good homes for the dogs and the guy's life looks up now.

I used to enter the house bent over with my hand about a foot off the ground, ready to catch Dorian's head so I could push him back into the house as he tried to make a run for it. It took a few months after his death for me to stop entering the house in that position! (this was a long time ago; I had Dorian from 1987 until 2001. And yes, he was gray.)

dec 13, 2016, 12:00 am

>146 ronincats: Huh. I have all 6 of the Dexter books, and have never gotten around to reading them...the old versions, obviously, since they're paperbacks I've owned longer than I've been on LT (I think). I should dig those out - I need to read more BOMBs!

>152 ronincats: I got all three of the Boy from the Burren books through Early Reviewers - the ebooks. I liked them all, though I found the Emperor rather confusing (time sequence, and dream-or-reality...).

dec 13, 2016, 12:12 am

>154 jjmcgaffey: Read them in publication order, not chronological order, and The Wandering Duke is a seventh book right between the two available only in ebook format.

How did I miss those in Early Reviewers? Well, it's encouraging that the modern you liked them.

Redigerat: dec 13, 2016, 1:43 am

Hi Roni!

Love the decluttering book. I'm not much farther on getting my house decluttered, but have used the flylady accumulation of morning tasks. Step 1 - make bed right away. Step 2 - swish and swipe in the bathroom. Step 3 Reboot the laundry (either start a load or fold what's in there). Somewhere in there you're supposed to get dressed to shoes as soon as you're up, but that step just won't stick. I love pj lounging while I drink coffee, play on the computer etc.

Love the quilt and the decluttering you have accomplished. 78 dogs from one house - oh my.

I also have Cursed Child on the table ready to read on the table soonish. Did you see the Magical Beasts movie?

dec 13, 2016, 5:06 am

>146 ronincats: Wishlisted - where's best to start though? With The Ring of Allaire or the prequel?

>150 ronincats: Lovely quilt and well-done on the bedding sort-out project (and what perfect timing).

dec 13, 2016, 8:40 am

>157 souloftherose: Janet, I love the pj lounging too. We haven't seen Fantastic Beasts yet but we plan to soon.

>158 ronincats: Definitely start with The Ring of Allaire, Heather! And yes, I absolutely loved the timing.

dec 13, 2016, 9:00 am

Good for you for clearing out that attic, Roni. We love quilts, too. We're lucky in that one of my sisters and one of our SILs both like to make them, so we're well-stocked.

dec 14, 2016, 8:23 am

I can't catch up really --- but I'm happy to see new pottery and that gorgeous new quilt and to hear about rescues and donations to the shelter!!!!!
Oh dear. Oh dear. I'm sure I should reread *A Justice* before moving on. I guess I will, but it will have to wait for the new year.
When I miss a birthday, I really miss it (I think). Here's an additional Happy just in case.
And now I'm late for getting my mom's breakfast, so off I go!

dec 14, 2016, 8:24 am

Hooray for projects! So satisfying to get stuff done. :)

dec 14, 2016, 10:10 am

Morning, Roni! I just sent our Indiana bedding to the Goodwill yesterday - definitely don't need the down comforter and its duvet cover in Georgia. It has just been sitting taking up space for the past four years, and I finally just said, yes, it's beautiful but we'll never use again unless we move back North. A small forward movement, but still, it was movement in the right direction. So happy that your bedding clear out had such perfect timing - amazing; love when things like that happen. And your new quilt is lovely - you know red is my favorite color!

dec 14, 2016, 11:56 am

Good morning, Joe, Peggy, Jenn and Mamie. It's a lovely sunny morning here, 59 degrees so a bit brisk but should get up close to 70 like it did yesterday. We took advantage of the lovely weather to work out in the back yard. My husband was cutting down and digging out the banana trees that were seriously encroaching on my roses, while I pulled out the eggplant plant, which was still blooming! But I finally harvested the three eggplants on it last week and fixed Skinny Eggplant Rollups ):// and I needed to drop the netting down to the ground for the sweet peas to grow up. Pulled the grass out of that bed and watered the peas, then cleared the deck and swept all the leaves off, and finally put out food for the citrus trees prior to the rain coming in Thursday night/Friday morning.

I also put my summer sandals up on the top shelf of the closet and got down my boots and suede shoes. I keep most of my shoes (of which I have far too many) in their shoeboxes on an etagere in the bedroom and, 3 deep, on that high shelf all across the back of the closet. Works for me. I actually have been wearing closed shoes (my Clarks Waverunners in 4 colors are my favorites) for nearly a month now, but it was time to get ther rest of my closed shoes down.

Today my plan is to declutter the laundry room: fold up the sheets I washed while they were down from the attic and put them back in with the appropriate comforters, and the other linens piled on top of the washer and dryer, as well as clear the counter with the garden and cat food stuff on it, and then get those linens back into the attic, albeit about 50% of previous bulk! And also to reseed the front garden bed--most of those old seeds I used last time didn't germinate.

I didn't get any reading done yesterday, for which I can blame the finale of The Voice, up until 11, but the day before I brought home 3 books from the library: The Invisible Library, Why Mermaids Sing, and Royal Blood by Rhys Bowen.

Redigerat: dec 14, 2016, 1:51 pm

I guess that feature to prevent duplicate posts only works on Other People's threads!

So I'll fill it up with other stuff. When we went to the Post Office on Monday, we took Molly and went for a stroll in the little park next door. This is for those of you who don't think we get any autumn color!

And both of the pieces of pottery I brought home on Saturday had problems. The bowl on the left was fused to the batt and the putative yarn bowl on the right broke out the curl leaving just a hole.

However, the one on the left is serving as a water dish for the pets, because it reminds me of the Blue Hole at Yellowstone every time I look at it.
And I'm going to create a wire and bead insert to glue into the hole on the one on the left...eventually, at least.

dec 14, 2016, 2:19 pm

While the cats might not appreciate such a beautiful water bowl, you (and we) certainly do!

Cursed Child is due at the library and has hundreds of people waiting for it, so I'll be reading it in the next day or two.

dec 14, 2016, 10:41 pm

>164 ronincats: *waves hello*

Just playing catch up...

I saw the Blue Hole at Yellowstone for the first time this year. Magical. And deadly! :)

dec 14, 2016, 10:53 pm

Hi Roni, I love your new quilt set - it's beautiful!

And that is a gorgeous bowl that the cats get to drink out of, I love that shade of blue.

dec 15, 2016, 6:02 am

Love the cats' bowl. That colour is really beautiful (as is the water hole).

I enjoyed the fantastic beasts film - great actors and a sweet story.

Your clear out and gardening is impressive stuff. I can't wait for January and the first of my bulbs to come up (I hope!)

dec 15, 2016, 4:20 pm

Hi, Roni! Congrats on getting your bedding organized! And what a good way to re-use those old blankets etc. It's hard to understand animal hoarders. As you know, I volunteer at a companion bird rescue, and it's like that with some people and birds too. I know I'm sometimes overwhelmed with taking good care of just the two parrots I've adopted, but I still sometimes find myself wishing I could adopt a bunch more. I won't, though, because I know I wouldn't be able to take care of that many.

Based on your review, I read Dana White's decluttering book and loved it. The way she thinks about clutter resonated with me because it's how I think too. I just don't see it unless I'm actually looking for it. Anyway, I found all of her suggestions right for me, especially the "Two Questions," the "Put-It-Away-Immediately," and the "Container" rules. I borrowed it from the library, but I may buy it so I have it on hand - after I get rid of all the other decluttering/organizing how-to books I've tried that haven't worked for me. :)

Redigerat: dec 16, 2016, 7:59 pm

>165 Morphidae: Morphy, I just enjoy looking into the bowl as I refill it with water--priceless! I'll check on your reaction to Cursed Child.
>166 rosylibrarian: Indeed, Marie, not a swimming hole by any means. Good to see you here.
>167 DeltaQueen50: Thanks, Judy. See above about the bowl, and we are enjoying the quilt.
>168 charl08: We still haven't made it to the movie, Charlotte, but soon...
>169 Storeetllr: So glad that the decluttering book resonated with you, Mary! I picked the book up on an impulse buy because of the title.

It's been raining for the last 20 hours, pretty steadily. The rain gauge was at 1.6 inches midday during a lull, but I'll bet we'll break the 2 inch mark. Our plants are loving this big time. We've spent the day cosily at home, Hungarian goulash in the slow cooker, and I finished my book.

Book #121 A Season of Spells by Sylvia Izzo Hunter (451 pp.)

This is the third and final book of Hunter's Noctis Magicae series, set in an alternate history of Britain in a time period similar to the Regency period (circa 1815). I have really enjoyed the well-defined characters and the original elements of this fantasy, and it's been quite an adventure. While I'm sad it's over, it is nice to have a complete story and I can always revisit it.
ETA the author is a Canadian, and this series is her debut.

dec 16, 2016, 9:29 pm

So, THIS is a first! (Zoe is wearing a collar because she opened a wound beneath her ear from too vigorous scratching and it's healing.) Maybe there is hope.

dec 16, 2016, 9:46 pm

I read those Susan Dexter's recently and enjoyed them quite a bit.

So nice to see your cats sleeping near one another!

dec 16, 2016, 9:55 pm

Love all the cat pics. I hope Zoe's wound heals quickly! Love that stitched cat thing the one's head is resting on. Can't really tell what Zoe has under her head.

dec 16, 2016, 10:35 pm

>172 sibylline: I know, and I was very pleased (with both comments).
>173 thornton37814: That's a cat quilt my mom found at a yard sale and sent me--I use it for a couch cover.

dec 16, 2016, 10:45 pm

>174 ronincats: Well I must say as impressive as the couch cover is it fails to disguise the books queueing up behind it!

Have a lovely weekend, Roni.

dec 17, 2016, 7:56 am

>171 ronincats: I hope Zoe's collar can come off soon, Roni, give her a hug if she likes it.

>174 ronincats: Lovely cat quilt!

dec 17, 2016, 8:25 am

>174 ronincats: Love the cat quilt.

dec 17, 2016, 12:53 pm

I hope your Zoe's ear gets better soon.

Have a lovely weekend Ro!

dec 17, 2016, 10:12 pm

Thank you, Paul, Anita, Lori and Ro!

Here's what I brought home from the pottery today. It will be closed over the holidays so I won't be back until the 8th of January unless I go by Tuesday night if my bowl is done.

dec 17, 2016, 10:31 pm

>179 ronincats: Lovely and rustic, Roni. Reminds me that I really could do with a coffee.

dec 18, 2016, 3:02 am

Hmmm, nice! I like cups where the handle goes above the rim. Lovely colors, too.

dec 18, 2016, 7:50 am

Happy Sunday, Roni! Poor Zoe - hoping her wound gets better soon. And how lovely to see she and Sibyl sleeping so close. Mayhem and Mischief were both sleeping in the cat hammock the other day, and it was so cute. Your cat quilt made me laugh - how clever.

I love the coloring on those latest mugs!

dec 18, 2016, 1:44 pm

>171 ronincats: I'm surprised she looks so calm wearing that collar. Hero went ballistic when she came home in one. I ended up removing it. But she didn't scratch at her incision, so it's all good. I could always have put it back on again if I saw her behaving poorly.

dec 18, 2016, 2:49 pm

>164 ronincats: reminds me of the Blue Hole at Yellowstone
Hah, it does.
Nice to see the autumn color too.
>171 ronincats: Maybe there is hope.
Takes 'em awhile.

dec 18, 2016, 9:27 pm

Wow, thanks to Jenn (jjmcgaffey) for the heads up on the Open Road Media Kindle sale on Amazon! Lots of totally free books!

May I recommend, if you don't have them, The Ladies of Mandrigyn and The Witches of Wenshar and The Dark Hand of Magic by Barbara Hambly and the early Lyra books by Patricia Wrede, especially The Raven Ring. Way too much Piers Anthony on there, but lots of vintage sf&f to choose from! Andre Norton, Jane Yolen, Poul Anderson, Robert Silverberg, John Brunner, Fritz Leiber--33 pages of free books just in this genre!

dec 18, 2016, 9:37 pm

Book #122 Royal Blood by Rhys Bowen (305 pp.)

This is the fourth in a series set in the 20s and 30s in England. Georgie is a cousin of the royal family (43rd in line for the throne) but she doesn't have any money and her sister-in-law makes living in her ancestral home unpleasant. After inadvertently solving a mystery in the first book, the queen now calls on Georgie to fill in on little duties for her, and somehow a dead body ends up being involved. These are silly but also funny and charming and very much set in the historical time--initially recommended by Judy (deltaqueen).

dec 19, 2016, 12:06 pm

>185 ronincats: Ooh, thanks for passing those on! I picked up the Wrede, because why not?

dec 19, 2016, 3:07 pm

>187 foggidawn: Indeed. I picked up a number to have on the Kindle, since my originals are all about 40 or 50 years old.

Book #123 Why Mermaids Sing by C. S. Harris (342 pp.)

This was one I had to stay up until I finished. Oh my, what a lot happened at the end. Third in the Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries.

dec 19, 2016, 3:51 pm

Trying to get caught up with LT!! Love the cat photos and glad they're getting used to each other. About your new Fitbit -- does it vibrate when you reach your goal? I've been wearing the basic one you clip onto your clothes while we travel (since I don't have WiFi access to keep the clock on my wrist one correct) and I find I really miss that little "reward".

dec 19, 2016, 3:57 pm

Welcome back to dry land, Reba. I'm sorry but I wouldn't know--I've never reached the 10,000 step point in a day.

Redigerat: dec 20, 2016, 12:25 am

You know you can change your goal, in the app or on the website? Mine is currently set at 6000 steps, after I managed to mostly achieve 5000/day for the past six months. But my One doesn't vibrate, phooey. I keep looking at the Flex 2 - I don't care about the screen, I look at the app for my One 99 times out of 100, but the Flex 2 doesn't do stairs. And it costs, of course. If my One dies I'll go for it.

dec 20, 2016, 12:56 pm

No reading last night--we went to see Chanticleer at Symphony Hall doing their Christmas program--the first third of which was 16th century hymns. This is an older video, but many of the same singers are there. The current lineup is more diverse, with two African-American and one Asian-American member, but I can't find a current video. This clip will give you an idea of their singing.

And here are pictures of the singers we saw last night.

>191 jjmcgaffey: I didn't know, Jenn, so I will have to see if I can do that.

dec 22, 2016, 12:38 pm

Hi Roni - I love the quilts, the cats, the mugs and knowing that the third C. S. Harris is good - the next one for me.

When you're done with your attic, I could use some help...

dec 22, 2016, 12:43 pm

Oh, Roni, sounds like the third book in the ST. Cyr series is very good - that's the one I'm ready for, but I need to finish up some of the books I already have going first. *sigh*

dec 22, 2016, 12:51 pm

Beth, I am likely never to be done with the attic, I fear.

Beth and Mamie, anticipation is good. ;-)

Well, I passed 10000 steps yesterday and no vibrations.

dec 22, 2016, 1:11 pm

Boo to no vibrations, but hooray for 10,000 steps. Well done, Roni!

dec 22, 2016, 2:24 pm

Wow, 10,000! Good for you!

My Dashboard doesn't show anything since December 10 so I decided not to wear my Fitbit yesterday when we spent 6 hours walking around Key West. Too bad, I think I would have hit 10,000 too and I haven't done that for quite a while.

dec 22, 2016, 3:10 pm

Howdy Ro! Our sweater weather lasted all of 2 days here. Back to T Shirts and flip flops. :( It looks like a humid Christmas for us.

Love that cat quilt!

dec 22, 2016, 6:58 pm

Walking the Strip is what got me the steps! We flew over yesterday for the KU-UNLV game tonight. Good thing we did our sightseeing then because it's been rainy and cold all day today. We fly home tomorrow.

dec 22, 2016, 7:04 pm

dec 23, 2016, 4:34 pm

Roni, I'm leaving my wish for the season....

dec 23, 2016, 4:49 pm

Hi Roni! Merry Christmas! Thank you for your time, your kind words and the books we enjoy together. However you celebrate, I wish for it to be full of joy.

dec 23, 2016, 10:35 pm

Wouldn't it be nice if 2017 was a year of peace and goodwill.
A year where people set aside their religious and racial differences.
A year where intolerance is given short shrift.
A year where hatred is replaced by, at the very least, respect.
A year where those in need are not looked upon as a burden but as a blessing.
A year where the commonality of man and woman rises up against those who would seek to subvert and divide.
A year without bombs, or shootings, or beheadings, or rape, or abuse, or spite.


Festive Greetings and a few wishes from Malaysia!

dec 24, 2016, 4:50 am

Happy Christmas Roni! Hope you have a great 2017!

dec 24, 2016, 8:23 am

Happy Holidays Roni and Mr. Roni!

dec 24, 2016, 9:07 am

Merry Christmas!!

dec 24, 2016, 11:58 am

I am returned from Las Vegas, where we took a short two-day jaunt and watched my Jayhawks beat UNLV handily--first time I've been able to see them in person for quite a few years. It's a one-hour flight over and wonder of wonders, the airports and planes were not full of people on either Wednesday or Friday. It's a good thing we went for our walk on the Strip on Wednesday because it was cold and rainy all day on Thursday and we stayed in the MGM itself until game time. Fortunately the place is huge and that was no privation.

So nice to come home to Holiday Wishes from my friends. I will have to make the rounds myself either later today or tomorrow, as the rest of our holidays will be quiet and at home.

>201 EBT1002: Thank you, Ellen. I think Peace is the universal wish of us all.
>202 nittnut: Thank you, Jenn. That's a beautiful message.
>203 PaulCranswick: That would be Heaven on Earth indeed, Paul.
>204 SandDune: Thank you, Rhian.
>205 RebaRelishesReading: What a lovely tree, Reba!
>206 ChelleBearss: Chelle, so glad to have you back on the threads. Thank you.

dec 24, 2016, 12:30 pm

Merry Christmas Ro!

dec 24, 2016, 3:05 pm

Merry Christmas, Roni!

dec 24, 2016, 3:29 pm

Best wishes, Roni!

dec 24, 2016, 3:38 pm

wishing you a merry Christmas

dec 24, 2016, 4:31 pm

dec 24, 2016, 7:54 pm

Wishing you and your husband a wonderful Christmas, Roni!

dec 24, 2016, 10:16 pm

I love how everyone is reading and enjoying the St. Cyr mysteries!

Happy Holidays!

Redigerat: dec 24, 2016, 10:57 pm

More welcome Christmas wishes from my wonderful LibraryThing friends! Thank you, Ro, Mamie (love the kitty), Liz (love the Aussie tree), Jo, Mary, Judy and Lucy (also love the corgi hiding out in the basket).

This is the Christmas tree at the end of the Pacific Beach Pier here in San Diego, a Christmas tradition.

To all my friends here at Library Thing, I want you to know how much I value you and how much I wish you a very happy holiday, whatever one you celebrate, and the very best of New Years!

dec 24, 2016, 11:42 pm

Happy Holidays, Roni :)

dec 25, 2016, 5:14 am

Roni, best wishes for Christmas and 2017. I'll be following along with your 2017 thread for all the lovely crafts, and the books of course! Well done with the FitBit too! You get a new badge for 15,000 steps. Just saying... :-)

dec 25, 2016, 5:45 am

I look forward to seeing your wonderful creations in 2017 and to finding out what you read.

dec 25, 2016, 7:05 am

Merry Christmas, Roni.

dec 25, 2016, 8:19 am

Merry Christmas, Roni! Hope you enjoy the holidays with the family!

dec 25, 2016, 8:32 am

Merry Christmas, Roni! I look forward to seeing your books and creations in 2017.

dec 25, 2016, 7:49 pm

Merry Christmas, Brenda, Susan, Calm, Barbara, Mark and Janet!

dec 25, 2016, 9:29 pm

Best of the Season to you, Roni!

dec 25, 2016, 11:20 pm

Dear Roni, I don't have a beautiful Christmas picture to decorate your thread, but I hope you have had a beautiful Christmas!
I'm delighted to see you enjoying St. Cyr as much as I have. And I hope that Ms. Zoe is soon entirely free of that collar. Our Willow did not tolerate hers for even 30 minutes. We had one miserable night sitting up to keep her from chewing out her stitches when she got her zipper put in.
Oh! Chanticleer! How wonderful that you got to hear them in person!!!!!

dec 26, 2016, 12:53 pm

Thank you, Meg and Peggy!

I won the jackpot with my 75er Christmas Swap Santa. I received 11 lightly used books, 7 from my wishlist (3 from my xmas gift list, but I'm pretty sure my Santa was working from my main gift list) and 4 surprises!

From my wishlist:
Queen of the Night by Leanne Hall recommended by Kerry
Mortal Fire by Elizabeth Knox also recommended by Kerry
The Kindred of Darkness by Barbara Hambly
The Humans by Matt Haig recommended by Rhian in 2013
A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park recommended by Amber
The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison recommended by Judy
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueling Winspear recommended by almost everyone!

Caravan by Dorothy Gilman--I love her Clairvoyant Countess books
Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper--a cat book!
Mrs. Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn--along the lines of The Uncommon Reader, Katie read this recently and I first heard of it from David (Tapestry) back in February
The Moorchild by Eloise McGraw--a YA fantasy

And I have read NONE of them and I want to read all of them. Thank you, secret Santa. I feel like you really considered my tastes and carefully selected this wonderful collation--I feel loved!

dec 26, 2016, 1:05 pm

Book #124 Summon the Keeper by Tanya Huff (331 pp.)

This is a reread I picked up off my shelves after reading Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews a bit ago. Also urban fantasy, 18 years old now, some of the elements were similar, but I recalled that Huff had done it much better. And indeed, this reread confirmed that this first book of the trilogy, at least, is much better, funnier, and entertaining.

Currently at work on The Invisible Library and nearing the end of a collection of vintage science fiction Christmas stories, I will pick up the next two St. Cyr mysteries at the library today.

dec 26, 2016, 1:26 pm

>225 ronincats: Wow, that is the jackpot!
I didn't participate this year, not so much because of the thing itself but because it involves getting my library and wishlist up to date. Kinda regretted this on Christmas morning.

dec 26, 2016, 1:27 pm

That's a great haul, Roni! Your Santa did an awesome job!

dec 26, 2016, 5:29 pm

Sounds like you are having an eventful holiday season, Roni. Keep up the good work!

dec 26, 2016, 8:18 pm

That's a great book haul, Roni!

dec 27, 2016, 2:49 am

Best wishes for the season .....

dec 27, 2016, 4:25 am

>225 ronincats: Hoping to participate in this next year. What a lovely haul!

dec 27, 2016, 9:30 am

Oh boy! You did hit the jackpot - and your jackpot makes Christmas Swap Santa really, really tempting for 2017. Happy Reading, Roni!

dec 27, 2016, 11:09 am

Score on the books!! Happy Holidays. : )

dec 27, 2016, 11:19 am

Nice book haul, Roni. It sounds like you are having a great holiday season. I hope to see you around next year. Happy 2017!

Redigerat: dec 29, 2016, 7:41 pm

Thank you for stopping by, Katherine, Mamie, Meg, Kriti, Alex, Charlotte, Peggy, Kim and Beth. Thank you for all the good wishes. I am waiting until later in the week to set up my 2017 thread. And I am dying of curiosity as to who is my Santa!

We went to see Fantastic Beasts at the movies yesterday finally. I thought it spent a little too much time on the beasts initially but like the latter half of the film more. Now we will wait and see Hidden Figures when it comes out.

Book #125 The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman (330 pp.)

Very similar in tone to Rachel Caine's The Great Library series (Ink and Bone) in general concept, the Library is in this series much less detailed and the alternate world more so, but in essence this is an adventure tale with homages both to Sherlock Holmes and the Fae. I found it fun, light reading.

dec 27, 2016, 12:10 pm

>209 Crazymamie: and >214 sibylline: Mamie and Lucy win the my prize for cutest holiday post. Kittens and puppies, what could be better!?!?

dec 27, 2016, 12:31 pm

>236 ronincats: mrsdrneutron got me that one and the sequel for Christmas!

dec 27, 2016, 12:57 pm

>236 ronincats: That's a BB. My local library has got a copy.

dec 27, 2016, 1:56 pm

Hi Roni,

I was your Secret Santa and it was SO MUCH FUN to choose for you!
I loved reading your thread and looking at your books.
We have similar reading tastes, and other things in common too. I feel like I've found a new friend!

I'm especially thrilled that you have not read any of them.

Better World Books is a great site that donates a lot to global literacy. Also good prices and free shipping worldwide!

Happy reading to everyone in 2017!

Redigerat: dec 27, 2016, 6:47 pm

>237 EBT1002: Have to agree with you, Ellen!
>238 drneutron: I just picked up the sequel at the library, Jim, when I returned this one today.
>239 Ameise1: Hope you enjoy it, Barbara.
>240 nrmay: Nancy! I was dying of curiosity. You were a superlative Secret Santa! You will need to let me know where you are having your thread in 2017, so I can follow your reading.

Book #126 Christmas Magic edited by David G. Hartwell (495 pp.)

I picked this book of short stories up at Mysterious Galaxy when I was there on the 6th of this month to buy A Season of Spells because I love to do Christmas reading in the season. I might not have done so had I realized that the book was a reprint, originally issued in 1994, but I still enjoyed many of the stories, only two of which I remembered ever reading before. My favorite was The Nutcracker Coup by Janet Kagan. However, if you ever read this book (it was my bathtub book, so I read a story or two a day), please, please, please skip The Wild Wood by Mildred Clingerman. I don't care if it does take place at Christmas time, a horror story involving violation with no positive resolution does NOT belong in a book of Christmas stories.

Book #127 Red Hart Magic by Andre Norton (192 pp.)

I forgot to record that I read this on my Kindle while we were in Las Vegas--I wanted something short and light. I have a fondness for Norton's Magic Sequence books, children's books where modern kids learn how to deal with modern problems through fantasy adventures. This is one I had just picked up for free on my Kindle, so it was right there, available.

dec 28, 2016, 5:31 pm

Happy Holidays, Roni!

I liked a lot both The Girl Who Chased the Moon and Mrs. Queen Takes the Train.

dec 28, 2016, 8:55 pm

>241 ronincats: I've read Christmas Magic, a long time ago - I got it for "Nutcracker Coup", I don't remember what else was in there. Do you know Baen now has The Collected Kagan, with all(?) of Janet Kagan's short stories in one? It's an ebook - I got it off the Baen site directly, I believe, but it's also available on Amazon. "Christmas on Butterfly" is another fantastic Christmas story; I love all of hers.

dec 28, 2016, 10:32 pm

Thanks for the holiday greetings, Roni! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a wonderful New Year ahead of you.

>241 ronincats: The only Norton magic sequence book I've read is Lavender-Green Magic. I like it a lot. Never got around to the others...

dec 28, 2016, 11:38 pm

Catching up: with the Vegas Trip and the Secret Santa harvest I can tell you've had a merry Christmas. Here's more excellent wishes for the holidays!

dec 29, 2016, 2:42 pm

Happy (belated) Christmas! You did very well in the festive book haul. I hope you get plenty of reading time to thoroughly indulge in them :-)

Redigerat: dec 29, 2016, 3:07 pm

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Roni!

dec 29, 2016, 8:09 pm

>242 jnwelch: Thanks for the feedback on those two books, Joe.
>243 jjmcgaffey: I've wishlisted the Kagan book, Jenn. No, I didn't know.
>244 justchris: Chris, I like almost all of the Magic books, but Octagon Magic and Dragon Magic are my favorites. I like Lavender-Green Magic too.
>245 swynn: Thanks, Steve.
>246 archerygirl: Thanks, Katherine!
>247 markon: Thank you, Ardene.

So, yesterday I had lots of time to read, and today none! We took the SUV up to the dealership at 10 am yesterday for an oil change and a linkage update. Sat for nearly an hour before a courtesy car was available, then went to Costco and Zion market and then took the food home. I wanted to wait at home until the dealership called to say the car was ready, but no, we had to go up and sit waiting for it to be ready. At the very end, when they were washing it, they couldn't get it out of park and so we ended up driving the courtesy car home again for the night, at 5 pm sharp (can you say major hassle traffic time?). Then today we go back to get our car and then my DH drives all over creation in holiday heavy traffic instead of heading back home. Have I mentioned that I hate his driving? Yes. Seaport Village and Balboa Park were both jam-packed and, after a futile trip on his part for tamales (they were closed for the week), we finally got home after 3 p.m. Riding around in traffic really wears me out!

But yesterday...

Book #127 Where Serpents Sleep by C. S. Harris (341 pp.)

This is book #4 in the St. Cyr mystery series set in Regency London. It continues excellent.

Book #128 A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park (152

The first of my Christmas Swap treasure trove, this children's book is a Newbery Award winner (2002) and is all about pottery in medieval Korea! I enjoyed it a lot and thanks again to Nancy (nrmay).

dec 29, 2016, 8:15 pm

>248 ronincats: Somehow I always expect the holiday week to be productive, and instead it gets frittered away in nuisance stuff.

dec 29, 2016, 8:18 pm

Well, not to mention that it was a gorgeous day in the mid-80s and I could think of lots of better ways to fritter the day away!

dec 29, 2016, 8:19 pm

>250 ronincats: Well you get lots of those days. :-)

dec 29, 2016, 9:12 pm

Not recently--this was dropped into a long sequence of days in the 60s and even high 50s, and returns there tomorrow and was rather a surprise--the forecast was for a high of 75.

Tomorrow I am STAYING HOME and working on finishing up my final two books of the year, my "best of" the year list, and setting up my new thread in the 2017 group. Rain is moving in again, so it will be a good time to stay put. I may not go out until New Year's Day to the annual book sale at Mysterious Galaxy! Not that I need more books--right now my yearly stats are way off. For the first time since joining LT I haven't hit 150 books and I've taken in twice as many books as I've disposed of for the first time also--usually I have evened them out. :-(

dec 29, 2016, 10:23 pm

Pleased to see you already read one of the swap books! Glad you liked A Single Shard! I've had a copy on the shelf for ages. Time to pull it out and finally read it.

I'm interested in the pottery theme. I have a lot of pottery, mostly from the North Carolina Seagrove potters.
Have you heard of them? They've been making pots in the same rural community since the 1700s. There are over 100 small workshops and studios in the area.


Redigerat: dec 30, 2016, 11:45 am

Book #129 The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen (285 pp.)

Another sweet magical tale by the author of Garden Spells, very enjoyable--and it has the cake recipes at the end of the book!! I'm definitely going to make them. Thanks for another one, Nancy!

dec 30, 2016, 8:09 am

Oh, Roni, what a frustrating day. I'm glad you get to stay put today. I have to pick Rae up from work at noon, but other than that my day is my own. And it's only going to 55 today, so I am so excited!! You are ahead of me in the St. Cyr series - I am ready for book 3, so I have some catching up to do.

dec 30, 2016, 4:13 pm

I liked all the books by Sarah Addison Allen EXCEPT The Peach Keeper, not so much.

I'm so happy you're already reading the Christmas books! I started one of mine - The Haunting of Hiram by Ibbotson.

And speaking of cakes - my niece made a lovely clementine cake over the holidays. She boiled orange pulp for an hour and ground almonds into meal. More work than I'm usually willing to do but it was delicious!

Redigerat: dec 30, 2016, 5:08 pm

I walked to work in the rain this morning (well, from the house to the train and from the train to the office), and it's been sunny all day long. Now that it's just about time to head home (early - yay!), it's clouding up and looking like rain again. Hmph.

Anyway, happy Friday to you, Roni!!

dec 30, 2016, 7:35 pm

>255 Crazymamie: SO nice to stay put today. I've been getting reading done instead of doing anything useful.
>256 nrmay: Yeah, I didn't particularly care for The Peach Keeper either.
>257 EBT1002: It's looking like rain again here too, Ellen. Hope you had a good Friday and have a good TGIF planned. I'm going to be watching my Jayhawks play on ESPN2 in a bit.

Book #130 What Remains of Heaven by C. S. Harris (324 pp.)

I've taken to ordering these from the library 2 at a time, but may end up ordering all the rest at once. No, I can't do that. I just ordered the next two. But the stories have me on the edge of my seat for the next part. Still excellent mysteries set in Regency England. Will the revelations never cease?

dec 30, 2016, 9:39 pm

>256 nrmay: I love that clementine cake - though I buy the almond meal at Trader Joe's, it's no more expensive than buying the almonds and a lot more convenient. And I boil up a couple pounds of clementines at a time, and store half the puree in the freezer for next time. I make the chocolate version - just about the same with the addition of cocoa powder (and I think a little more sugar). So rich and moist and tasty....

I've also made it with pumpkin puree instead of clementine - also good, though a trifle bland. I should have upped the spices to compensate for the softer flavor of the pumpkin. Next time.

Redigerat: dec 30, 2016, 10:09 pm

>259 jjmcgaffey:
Thanks for the tips! I'll look for almond meal at T. Joe's.
She's sending me her recipe. Her cake had a hard chocolate shell icing.

dec 31, 2016, 12:04 am

You did score on the Christmas books! What fun!

Glad you are enjoying the St. Cyr books. I've loved all but the last one I read (#10), which seemed a bit bland to me, and am looking forward to the last two in the series so far.

>256 nrmay: Thanks for the info on the clementine cake, which sounds amazing. I saved a copy of the NYT version and plan to make it soon!

dec 31, 2016, 7:30 am

Looking forward to your continued company in 2017.
Happy New Year, Roni

Redigerat: dec 31, 2016, 2:02 pm

Hi, Jenn and Nancy. Good to know, Mary. Same to you, Paul!

December Summary

Books read: 18
Pages read: 5957
Average pages per book: 331
Average pages per day: 192

Kindle - 5
Hardback - 6
Trade paperback - 5
Mass Market paperback - 2

Library - 4
Bought this month - 2
Off my shelves - 0 new reads, 2 rereads

Science Fiction - 1
Fantasy - 8
Children’s - 1
Nonfiction - 2
Fiction - 1
Mystery - 4

Author gender: 2 male, 16 female

Country of origin:
Australia - 1
Canada - 2
England - 1
Author brought up in England but now living in US - 3
US - 11

Books acquired: 19
11 from Christmas Swap, 3 physical books, 5 Kindle books

Books out the door: 5 sent to Kriti as part of Christmas Swap

Redigerat: dec 31, 2016, 2:03 pm

I failed to reach any of my goals for 2016. My first goal was to read 150 books and 50000 pages. Instead, I read 131 books and 46,662 pages. Historically, this is the third time and the second lowest total. I did not acquire fewer books than last year, I did not get rid of more books than I acquired, and I failed even more miserably than the previous year in reading books off my own shelves. Looking back, it is interesting how my data tracking got more fine-tuned over the years. The numbers are, in order, books read, pages read, books off my own shelves read, books acquired and books out the door.

2008: 158
2009: 114
2010: 140, 41012, x, 112, x
2011: 170, 54874, 26, 137, x
2012: 171, 55180, 16, 79, 68
2013: 161, 54244, 40, 88, 55
2014: 172, 58563, 22, 88, 40
2015: 152, 51842, 11, 70, 79

2016: 131, 46662, 8, 84, 42

Final Figures for 2016

Books read: 131
Pages read: 46662
Average pages per book: 356
Average pages per day: 127

Kindle - 40
Hardback - 42
Trade paperback - 30
Mass market paperback - 19

Library - 40
Books acquired this year: 71
Off my shelves - 8 new books, 20 rereads

Science Fiction - 17
Fantasy - 72
Children’s - 8
Nonfiction - 15
Romance - 6
Mystery - 9

Author gender: 101 female, 30 male

Country of origin:
Australian - 2
Canadian - 13
England - 18
Author brought up in England but now living in US - 5
Israel - 1
US - 92

Books acquired: 84
Books read of those acquired this year: 52
Kindle - 37
Physical books - 47

Average cost per book - $6.50
Total spent on books - $546.76

Books out the door: 42
8 via PaperBackSwap, 7 as gifts, 26 sent to Richard’s library, 1 to my school library

You can find my new thread at
See you there in 2017!

dec 31, 2016, 3:20 pm

Ah, New Year's Resolutions. Aren't they fun to make.

I had only one goal last year - to get organized - and failed miserably.

Happy New Year, Roni!

dec 31, 2016, 4:22 pm

>261 Storeetllr:
The NYT recipe is the same one my niece used.

>265 Storeetllr:
'Get organized' has been my resolution every year for ages. I've read books about it; still have several in my collection. Maybe this could be the year . . .
Enjoyed the comments above about getting organized. Seems I like reading how to, but don't actually get around to DOING it!

dec 31, 2016, 7:22 pm

Happy New Year, Roni!

jan 1, 2017, 10:17 am

psst...Happy New Year

jan 1, 2017, 6:06 pm

Happy New Year!

jan 5, 2017, 8:11 pm

I could have sworn I posted my last book of the year--I certainly included it in my stats--but it's not here, so let me try again.

Book #131 Caravan by Dorothy Gilman (248 pp.)

Dorothy Gilman is a popular author of the now somewhat dated Mrs. Pollifax series as well as the charming Clairvoyant Countess books. This is a stand-alone romantic adventure included in my 75 Book Christmas Swap package (thank you, Nancy!). Written 25 years ago, the ambiance seems older but it was quick and entertaining read.