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Steph Cha

Författare till Your House Will Pay

7+ verk 737 medlemmar 41 recensioner

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Inkluderar namnet: Steph Cha

Foto taget av: Author Steph Cha at the 2019 Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, United States. By Larry D. Moore, CC BY-SA 4.0,


Verk av Steph Cha

Your House Will Pay (2019) 407 exemplar, 23 recensioner
Follow Her Home (2013) 110 exemplar, 6 recensioner
The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021 (2021) — Series editor — 61 exemplar, 1 recension
Beware, Beware (2014) 58 exemplar, 4 recensioner
Dead Soon Enough (2015) 40 exemplar, 1 recension
The Best American Mystery and Suspense Stories 2022 (2022) — Series Editor — 33 exemplar, 4 recensioner
The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2023 (2023) — Redaktör — 28 exemplar, 2 recensioner

Associerade verk

Cutting Edge: New Stories of Mystery and Crime by Women Writers (2019) — Bidragsgivare — 47 exemplar, 12 recensioner
South Central Noir (2022) — Bidragsgivare — 29 exemplar, 16 recensioner


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20 stories, almost 23 hrs of suspense and mystery. Good narrations. My favorite is “God Bless America” starts slow but is most charming. Some have profanity others not. All are interesting, some more n others. Worthwhile reading.
C.L.Barnett | 3 andra recensioner | Dec 1, 2023 |
Phenomenal ending--satisfying though ambiguous, true and beautiful.
eas7788 | 22 andra recensioner | Nov 22, 2023 |
An enjoyable journey through mystery and suspense.
Again a great collection has been assembled. Perhaps the annual appearance of this volume and the Mysterious Nookshops’ volume is a tribute to the creativity of the writers in our world - something I really appreciate.
waldhaus1 | 1 annan recension | Nov 22, 2023 |
The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2023, edited by Lisa Unger and series editor Steph Cha, is an excellent collection of the past year's short stories.

Every story is strong, though like any anthology some will appeal to you more than others. Some readers who think of more involved or complex stories as simply being a particularly difficult crime to solve may be less engaged, these stories for the most part have their complexity in the display of human nature and what drives some of us. In other words, these tend toward deeper rather than simple characters solving complex mysteries. Though there are still some wonderful mysteries along those lines, you just have to deal with a more rounded character.

Because I don't read a lot of contemporary short stories unless they're in a book, whether a single author or multiple, I particularly enjoy this series. I also approach them from two compatible but slightly different perspectives. First, like any reader, I am reading for enjoyment of the story itself. I think this is what most readers mean when they say a story is strong or weak, they mean it did or did not appeal to them. My second perspective is one that, unfortunately, is less common (though not uncommon) which is enjoyment of the form, of the elements that make a short story a short story. This allows me to find enjoyment in stories where the plot might appeal to me less even though the story is well written.

If you like mysteries and suspense stories that rely as much, or more, on looking within a character, you will find a lot here to appreciate. If you like good stories and aren't put off by too much character development (I can't understand why, but some people genuinely fall into this group: "just give me the story, don't make me work to also understand the character") you will also find a lot to like here. If you want the facts, just the facts, well, you might be a little disappointed.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
… (mer)
pomo58 | 1 annan recension | Oct 11, 2023 |



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Associerade författare

Kristen Lepionka Contributor
E. Gabriel Flores Contributor
Delia C. Pitts Contributor
Faye Snowden Contributor
Nikki Dolson Contributor
Preston Lang Contributor
Charis Jones Contributor
Alex Segura Contributor
Gabino Iglesias Contributor
Christopher Bollen Contributor
Jenny Bhatt Contributor
Aya De Leon Contributor
Joanna Pearson Contributor
Laura Lippman Contributor
Alison Gaylin Contributor
Lisa Unger Contributor
Brian Silverman Contributor
Ravi Howard Contributor
Eliot Schrefer Contributor
Leslie Jones Contributor
Megan Pillow Contributor
LaToya Jovena Contributor
Jacqueline Freimor Contributor
Raquel V. Reyes Contributor
Juliet Grames Contributor
Tod Goldberg Contributor
Elaine Kagan Contributor
James D. F. Hannah Contributor
Hector Acosta Contributor
S.A. Cosby Contributor
Matthew Wilson Contributor
Alex Espinoza Contributor
Dennis Lehane Contributor
Lauren Groff Contributor
Tracy Clark Contributor
Greta Jung Narrator
Glenn Davis Narrator
Lisa Marie Pompilio Cover designer


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