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Ashley Spires

Författare till The Most Magnificent Thing

30+ verk 3,558 medlemmar 327 recensioner

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Verk av Ashley Spires

The Most Magnificent Thing (2014) 1,696 exemplar, 125 recensioner
Binky the Space Cat (2009) 429 exemplar, 43 recensioner
The Thing Lou Couldn't Do (2017) 208 exemplar, 19 recensioner
Binky to the Rescue (2010) 178 exemplar, 13 recensioner
Small Saul (2011) 159 exemplar, 13 recensioner
Binky Under Pressure (2011) 124 exemplar, 9 recensioner
Fairy Science (2019) 120 exemplar, 25 recensioner
Larf (2012) 99 exemplar, 9 recensioner
Binky Takes Charge (2012) 98 exemplar, 6 recensioner
Penguin and the Cupcake (2009) 81 exemplar, 1 recension
Binky: License to Scratch (2013) 69 exemplar, 4 recensioner
Fluffy Strikes Back (2016) 63 exemplar, 8 recensioner
Gordon: Bark to the Future! (2018) 48 exemplar, 4 recensioner
Burt the Beetle Doesn't Bite! (2021) 41 exemplar, 8 recensioner
Over-Scheduled Andrew (2016) 35 exemplar, 18 recensioner
The Most Magnificent Idea (2022) 34 exemplar, 2 recensioner
Edie's Ensembles (2014) 31 exemplar, 15 recensioner
Solid, Liquid, Gassy! (A Fairy Science Story) (2020) 15 exemplar, 1 recension
The Most Magnificent Maker's A to Z (-) (2023) 11 exemplar, 2 recensioner
Burt the Beetle Lives Here! (2023) 6 exemplar, 2 recensioner
Boris (2012) 1 exemplar
La idea més meravellosa (2021) 1 exemplar
La idea més meravellosa (2017) 1 exemplar

Associerade verk

The Red Shoes (2008) — Illustratör — 37 exemplar, 6 recensioner
C'mere, Boy! (2010) — Illustratör — 34 exemplar, 4 recensioner
Ella's Umbrellas (2010) — Illustratör — 25 exemplar
Book or Bell? (2017) — Illustratör, vissa utgåvor24 exemplar, 2 recensioner
My Mom Loves Me More than Sushi (2006) — Illustratör — 17 exemplar, 1 recension
The Time Time Stopped (2011) 8 exemplar, 1 recension


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Lou and her friends are BRAVE adventurers. They run FASTER than airplanes. They build MIGHTY fortresses. They rescue WILD animals." But one day, when they''re looking for a ship to play pirates in, Lou''s friend has an idea: "Up there! The tree can be our ship!" "Ummm ..." says Lou. This is something new. Lou has never climbed a tree before, and she''s sure she can''t do it. So she tries to convince her friends to play a not-up-a-tree game. When that doesn''t work, she comes up with reasons for not joining them --- her arm is sore, her cat needs a walk, you shouldn''t climb so soon after eating. Finally, she tells herself she doesn''t want to climb the tree. But is that true, or is this brave adventurer just too afraid to try?This delightful picture book from Ashley Spires, bestselling author of The Most Magnificent Thing, perfectly depicts what children go through when confronted with something difficult. With humor and endearing artwork, Spires sensitively portrays Lou procrastinating, making excuses, imagining alternatives and denying she cares. Ultimately, Lou faces her fear, and although she fails, the effort empowers her, encouraging a growth mindset. All the while, Lou''s friends model compassionate friendship by offering to teach her how to climb and then moving the game. This book makes a perfect choice for a character education discussion about courage or resilience, or a life-skills lesson on facing challenges. The story also promotes the joy of imaginative play in the outdoors.… (mer)
daisycaudron | 18 andra recensioner | Feb 28, 2024 |
BooksInMirror | 12 andra recensioner | Feb 19, 2024 |
sraedi | 12 andra recensioner | Feb 2, 2024 |



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