Please Help!

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Please Help!

mar 19, 10:03 am

I am trying to find a book that has been driving me crazy. I can't remember the title or author but remember listening to it on YouTube which has since been deleted. The book is about a woman who was in an abusive relationship. She and her best friend leave and move to a small town. Where she meets a cowboy horse rancher. At first they don't get along but eventually get together. He has a big bonfire party on his property by the water where while she out on a boat she sees him dancing with his ex girlfriend. He abusive ex does find her towards the end of the book after she attends an event with her cowboy and runs into some people who know her ex. The ex attacks her in her home and her new cowboy boyfriend saves her. This was book one in the series the second book his best friend and her best friend get together, book three their kids get together. Any help would be really appreciated thank you.

mar 19, 1:13 pm

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