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Kung Arthur och hans ädla riddare (1976)

av John Steinbeck

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MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner / Omnämnanden
2,915465,007 (3.71)1 / 101
A retelling, in modern language, of Malory's tales of King Arthur and his knights.

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Steinbeck resucita bellamente al cautivante mundo del rey Arturo y sus nobles caballeros de la Tabla Redonda, que incluye al mago Merlín y los amores entre la bella Ginebra y Lanzarote del Lago con todo su irrepetible esplendor medieval.
El centenario de Steinbeck dejó una estela de reediciones que han reavivado el interés por su obra, y "Los hechos del Rey Arturo y sus nobles caballeros", publicada póstumamente, es una de las novelas más singulares de Steinbeck, a la que se añade en esta edición un conjunto de cartas en las que el autor se refirió al proceso de creación de esta obra que permaneció inédita hasta varios años después de su muerte.
  libreriarofer | Feb 18, 2024 |
El libro se trata de una adaptación y/o reescritura de la leyenda artúrica, basada en el texto del Manuscrito de Winchester de La muerte de Arturo de Sir Thomas Malory. ( )
  AmicanaLibrary | Jan 31, 2024 |
This unfinished collection of Arthurian legends didn't always grip me, but I have to admit I found myself intrigued at many points, in a way that I haven't experienced with the several other versions of these stories I've come across.

The letters in the appendix, in which Steinbeck discusses his research and writing process for the project, were lengthy but interesting. Above all, I was impressed by how much Steinbeck, an accomplished writer, struggled with his work. As much as he obviously loved this project, it didn't come together easily, coalescing effortlessly out of thin air. ( )
  JayBostwick | Jul 11, 2023 |
This unfinished collection of Arthurian legends didn't always grip me, but I have to admit I found myself intrigued at many points, in a way that I haven't experienced with the several other versions of these stories I've come across.

The letters in the appendix, in which Steinbeck discusses his research and writing process for the project, were lengthy but interesting. Above all, I was impressed by how much Steinbeck, an accomplished writer, struggled with his work. As much as he obviously loved this project, it didn't come together easily, coalescing effortlessly out of thin air. ( )
  JayBostwick | Jul 11, 2023 |
Steinbeck resucita bellamente al cautivante mundo del rey Arturo y sus nobles caballeros de la Tabla Redonda, que incluye al mago Merlín y los amores entre la bella Ginebra y Lanzarote del Lago con todo su irrepetible esplendor medieval.
El centenario de Steinbeck dejó una estela de reediciones que han reavivado el interés por su obra, y "Los hechos del Rey Arturo y sus nobles caballeros", publicada póstumamente, es una de las novelas más singulares de Steinbeck, a la que se añade en esta edición un conjunto de cartas en las que el autor se refirió al proceso de creación de esta obra que permaneció inédita hasta varios años después de su muerte. ( )
  ferperezm | Jan 19, 2023 |
Visa 1-5 av 46 (nästa | visa alla)
The book must be evaluated more as Steinbeckiana than as Arthuriana, not so much for its narrative foibles as because the project remained so fragmentary--including neither the Grail quest, the book of Launcelot and Guinevere, nor the Morte Arthur. A complete Arthurian cycle from Steinbeck would have been good to have. The present version remains an erratically charming curiosity.
tillagd av Lemeritus | ändraKirkus Reviews (Oct 1, 1976)
"Steinbeck's tales could bring readers of all ages close to Arthurian times."
tillagd av wademlee | ändraChicago Daily News
"Enchantment...witchcraft...Steinbeck diligently pursues the task of bringing to life a new look at Arthur and the Round Table Knights."
tillagd av wademlee | ändraSan Diego Union
"A wonderful accomplishment."
tillagd av wademlee | ändraChicago Tribune Book World
"A grand recreation of Malory's meaning given added strength by having filtered through the mind of Steinbeck, who understood so much."
tillagd av wademlee | ändraBoston Globe

» Lägg till fler författare (8 möjliga)

Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Steinbeck, Johnprimär författarealla utgåvorbekräftat
Horton, ChaseRedaktörmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Krupat, CynthiaFormgivaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Miceli, JayaOmslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Paolini, ChristopherFörordmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Sweet, Darrell K.Omslagmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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When I was nine, I took siege with King Arthur's fellowship of knights most proud and worshipful as any alive.  
In those days there was a great lack of hardy and noble-hearted squires to bear shield and sword, to buckle harness, and to succor wounded knights.
Then it chanced that squire-like duties fell to my sister for six year, who for gentle prowess had no peer living.
It sometimes happens in sadness and piety that faithful service is not appreciated, so my fair and loyal sister remained unrecognized as squire.
Wherefore this day I make amends within my power and raise her to knighthood and give her praise.
And from this hour she shall be called Sir Marie Steinbeck of Salinas Valley.
God give her worship without peril.  

John Steinbeck of Monterey, Knight
Inledande ord
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When Uther Pendragon was king of England his vassal, the Duke of Cornwall, was reported to have committed acts of war against the land.
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A retelling, in modern language, of Malory's tales of King Arthur and his knights.

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Medelbetyg: (3.71)
1 5
2 18
2.5 5
3 100
3.5 26
4 116
4.5 7
5 69

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