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Prisoner's Base

av Rex Stout

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Serier: Nero Wolfe (21)

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygOmnämnanden
9161623,789 (4.04)38
Three women have been strangled - and Archie feels responsible. One of the women was expecting a big birthday present, an $8 million inheritance; she just had to live until June 30 to receive it. Unfortunately, she didn't make the date. First published in 1952, "Prisoner's base" sees Archie's boss, detective Nero Wolfe, bring together all the pieces to solve the puzzle.… (mer)
Senast inlagd avWaverlyLibrary, drpeggyhudson, dpakala, page75, minickbd, John-Webb
Efterlämnade bibliotekCarl Sandburg

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Visa 1-5 av 16 (nästa | visa alla)
one of my favorites in a series that's so good it's hard to choose ( )
  cspiwak | Mar 6, 2024 |
  laplantelibrary | Apr 9, 2022 |
I enjoyed this episode in the Nero Wolfe series. Wolfe and Archie were both at their best with their banter. Some of the plot was a little convoluted, but that made it fun. Definitely an interesting cast of characters. The ending did seem to come out of nowhere, but I didn't mind. The writing was a product of it's time at points, particularly with regards to women. ( )
  jguidry | May 25, 2020 |
This 21st (?) entry in the Nero Wolfe series was interesting because Archie ended up as Wolfe's client!. The plot was good; I ended up suspecting several characters and though the culprit was one of those, I can't claim to have figured it out myself.

Michael Pritchard does a good narration. ( )
  leslie.98 | Oct 10, 2018 |
This has long been one of my favorite books in the Nero Wolfe/Archie Goodwin series, though for a long time I wouldn't re-read it because of A Thing that happens. A few years ago I decided that was silly and re-read it. The Thing is still very ... Thing-y, but in my (ahem) maturity I really appreciate the way author Rex Stout handles the situation and the fallout from it in ways that serve the story without striking even a single false note with our beloved characters. So it went back on the re-read list, and I re-read it recently. It's still awfully good, in every sense of the phrase. ( )
  rosalita | Oct 4, 2017 |
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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Rex Stoutprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
DeAndrea, WilliamInledningmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Prichard, MichaelBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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In Nero Wolfe's old brownstone house on West Thirty-fifth Street that Monday afternoon in June, the atmosphere was sparky.
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Wolfe was going on. "I didn't have a client this morning, or even an hour ago, but now I have. Mr. Rowcliff's ferocious spasms, countenanced by you gentlemen, have made the challenge ineluctable. When Mr. Goodwin said that I was not concerned in this matter and that he was acting solely in his own personal interest, he was telling the truth. As you may know, he is not indifferent to those attributes of young women that constitute the chief reliance of our race in our gallant struggle against the menace of the insects. He is especially vulnerable to young women who possess not only those more obvious charms but also have a knack of stimulating his love of chivalry and adventure and his preoccupation with the picturesque and the passionate. Priscilla Eads was such a woman. She spent some time with Mr. Goodwin yesterday; he locked her in a bedroom of my house. Within three hours of her eviction by him at my behest, she was brutally murdered. I will not say that the effect on him amounted to derangement, but it was considerable. He bounded out of my house like a man obsessed, after telling me that he was going single-handed after a murderer, and after arming himself. It was pathetic, but it was also humane, romantic, and thoroughly admirable, and your callous and churlish treatment of him leaves me with no alternative. I am at his service. He is my client."
Rowcliff's voice blurted incredulously, "You mean, Archie Goodwin is your client?"
The dry cutting voice of Bowen, the DA, put in, "All that rigmarole was leading up to that?"
"What would you think of me," Wolfe asked him, "if, solely on information furnished by you here and now, I accepted this case and started to work on it?"
"What would I think? That's what I want!" "Surely not," Wolfe objected.
"Surely you would be employing a jackass."
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Wikipedia på engelska (1)

Three women have been strangled - and Archie feels responsible. One of the women was expecting a big birthday present, an $8 million inheritance; she just had to live until June 30 to receive it. Unfortunately, she didn't make the date. First published in 1952, "Prisoner's base" sees Archie's boss, detective Nero Wolfe, bring together all the pieces to solve the puzzle.

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Medelbetyg: (4.04)
2 2
3 31
3.5 12
4 61
4.5 10
5 42


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