Brakketh continues up-ROOT-ing in 2022

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Brakketh continues up-ROOT-ing in 2022

Redigerat: jan 1, 2023, 12:30 am

Every year my ROOT stack is slowly shrinking with many a treat discovered in the process. I managed 50 ROOTs in 2021 (in part due to COVID related shutdowns) and have set this as my 2022 goal. Hello and welcome to all those ROOTing through their shelves in 2022.

1. Simpler, finished 3 January.
2. Un Lun Dun, finished 5 January.
3. Delta of Venus, finished 6 January.
4. Perfume, finished 8 January.
5. Margaret and Gough, finished 9 January.
6. The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays, finished 10 January.
7. Metamorphoses, finished 19 January.
8. Anti-Ice, finished 21 January.
9. The Years of the City, finished 26 January.
10. Paladin of Souls, finished 28 January.

11. The Origin of the Species, finished 3 February.
12. Psychology: The Science of Mental Life, finished 17 February.
13. The Complete Illustrated Stories, Plays and Poems of Oscar Wilde, finished 17 February.
14. Rodham, finished 14 March.
15. Killen: Inside Australian politics, finished 18 March.
16. The Guilty Feminist, finished 22 March.
17. Fallen Dragon, finished 10 April.
18. Collected Short Stories of Henry Lawson, finished 25 April.
19. Wuthering Heights, finished 14 May.
20. The Female Man, finished 6 June.

21. The Poems, finished 28 June.
22. The Mote in God's Eye, finished 16 July.
23. The Most Good you can Do, finished 21 July.
24. Far Beyond the Field, finished 23 July.
25. How to be Parisian wherever you are, finished 26 July.
26. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, finished 9 August.
27. The Pigeon Tunnel, finished 13 August.
28. The Sharing Knife: Horizon, finished 25 August.
29. On a Pale Horse, finished 1 September.
30. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, finished 23 September.

31. The Bluest Eye, finished 25 September.
32. How to Master Anxiety: All You Need to Know to Overcome Stress, Panic Attacks, Trauma, Phobias, Obsessions and More, discarded unread 25 September.
33. Lord of Light, finished 4th October.
34. Bees Around the World, finished 7th October.
35. Old School, finished 12th October.
36. Asimov's Science Fiction, November-December 2018, finished 20th October.
37. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, finished 30th October.
38. The Great Gatsby, finished 31st October.
39. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, finished 1st November.
40. A Case of Conscience, finished 8th November.

41. Lion of Senet, finished 15th November.
42. My Antonia, finished 18th December.

dec 29, 2021, 10:05 pm

Welcome back! I hope you have a great reading year :)

dec 30, 2021, 1:54 am

Welcome back. Enjoy your reading!

dec 30, 2021, 6:38 am

Welcome back, hope 2022 is as good a reading year for you!

Redigerat: dec 30, 2021, 7:53 am

Hi Kale, welcome back and Happy ROOTing in 2022!

dec 30, 2021, 9:12 am

good luck and happy rooting!

dec 30, 2021, 10:42 pm

Happy ROOTing in 2022!

jan 4, 2022, 5:47 am

Happy ROOTing!

Redigerat: jan 24, 2022, 6:05 pm

Thank you all for the welcoming messages. January ROOT progress thus far:

1. Simpler, excellent introduction to a behavioural economics approach to regulation. Would appeal to many policy wonks.

2. Un Lun Dun, the translation of the new weird approach of Miéville to young adult fiction didn't work for me.

3. Delta of Venus, amazingly well written and erotic, poetic despite the author being instructed to strip out all of the poetry and get straight into the 'sex'.

4. Perfume, enthralling book about an amoral character inspired only by odours.

5. Margaret and Gough, covering the relationship of both Margaret and Gough Whitlam, light fare and enjoyable to see this side of these famous figures.

6. The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays, removed from shelves unread as was duplicated in the complete works of Oscar Wilde.

7. Metamorphoses, amazing and vast collection of mythology with linkages throughout.

Redigerat: feb 1, 2022, 5:33 am

And the remainders for January.

8. Anti-Ice as a neat parallel for nuclear power with a trip to the moon thrown into the mix.

9. The Years of the City, an exploration of how social changes may change the way cities function. Quite bleak and dated but still enjoyable.

10. Paladin of Souls, my second venture into the Five Gods series and loved it.

mar 1, 2022, 3:39 am

February ROOTs.

11. The Origin of the Species, I had not realised that the theory was presented with such a breadth of evidence and in such an accessible way. Very surprised that such a central work of science was so readable.

12. Psychology: The Science of Mental Life, I liked the structure of using a short biography of a famous psychologist to start off on a section of work they inspired. Of course psychology has moved on substantially since this time so many of the findings have been superseded.

13. The Complete Illustrated Stories, Plays and Poems of Oscar Wilde, an Ideal Husband, Importance of Being Earnest, and Dorian Grey were all standouts for me. The poetry wasn't to my taste.

apr 23, 2022, 12:25 pm

Hi Kale, just curious if you have read anything in March, ;-)

apr 30, 2022, 11:48 pm

Hey connie53 - was away from my computer for April so have some catching up to do, read through a few chunkier ROOTs while I was on holiday.

March ROOTs.

14. Rodham, fascinating consideration and exploration of the impacts that our decisions have on our lives, played out across Hillary Clinton's life if she didn't marry Bill Clinton.

15. Killen: Inside Australian politics, interesting to see Killen's views on the political process and how it changed over his time serving in parliament.

16. The Guilty Feminist, quick and easy read about the complexities of being feminist.

maj 1, 2022, 7:53 am

April ROOTs.

17. Fallen Dragon, science fiction page-turner (as usual from Hamilton), unfortunately also as usual the gender politics in the novel are disappointing and took away some of my enjoyment.

18. Collected Short Stories of Henry Lawson, can see how influential Lawson's poetry was on the Australian mythos regarding mateship. Enjoyable characters throughout.

jun 2, 2022, 6:22 am

May ROOTs.

19. Wuthering Heights, one of those classic novels that are substantially different from your preconceived ideas. In my head Wuthering Heights was almost a classic romance rather than being a much more complex mix of romance, near horror and everything in between.

jun 5, 2022, 8:03 am

Hi Kale. I've been neglecting the ROOTers for some time. Live, sunny days, babysitting the grandkids and doing volunteer work for the library at Lonne's school. And reading of course. Today is a rainy day with some thunderstrokes. A perfect Sunday for reading al those neglected threads.

>15 brakketh: Funny how memories work. Or was this your first time reading this book?

jul 29, 2022, 7:57 pm

>16 connie53: Hey connie53, me too. My young family and a planned move have taken a lot of time away from any optional activities. It was my first time reading, I think my understanding must have come through popular media (or perhaps a friends description when younger).

Sounds like some lovely and enjoyable distractions (if you have to be taken away from your ROOTs always good to have excellent reasons such as these).

Redigerat: jul 29, 2022, 11:19 pm

June ROOTs

20. The Female Man Classic science fiction portraying the difference society makes to gender presentation.

21. The Poems Not my favourite recent poetry reads though still very evocative in places.

Redigerat: jul 29, 2022, 11:32 pm

July ROOTs

22. The Mote in God's Eye Excellent portrayal of an alien culture and how this could clash with our own through population factors.

23. The Most Good you can Do Readable and compelling introduction to effective altruism and some of the philosophical basis of this approach to giving.

24. Far Beyond the Field Collection of haiku written by female authors, interesting but haiku not my favourite form of poetry.

25. How to be Parisian wherever you are As the title suggests this book very much plays to the stereotypes of Parisian women.

aug 15, 2022, 12:44 am

August ROOTs

26. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner Brilliant and engaging twice told tale.

27. The Pigeon Tunnel Stories drawn from the life of John le Carre, I found them less engaging than his fiction.

sep 4, 2022, 7:42 am

Hi, Kale. Stopping to read your thread. I hope you can reach your goal this year!

sep 17, 2022, 1:23 am

ROOTs to 17 September

28. The Sharing Knife: Horizon Slowly setting up their new way to live, a satisfying conclusion to their arc.

29. On a Pale Horse A bit dated and the world building though interesting didn't grab me.

sep 18, 2022, 5:58 am

Good to see you're back, Kale.

Redigerat: okt 20, 2022, 2:16 am

Thanks, less time for relaxing time talking about books with a new job but still enjoying reading through my shelves.

30. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Bleak and confused story of an Irish childhood.

31. The Bluest Eye Amazing writing and exploration of race relations in the US.

32. How to Master Anxiety: All You Need to Know to Overcome Stress, Panic Attacks, Trauma, Phobias, Obsessions and More - discarded unread.

Redigerat: okt 20, 2022, 2:32 am

33. Lord of Light, loved the world building and the dramatic scale of the novel.

34. Bees Around the World, interesting to see the differences in bee keeping around the world.

35. Old School.

nov 27, 2022, 12:21 pm

New jobs tend to take some of your time. We will be right here whenever you have the time to chat. As long as you keep on reading!

dec 5, 2022, 6:57 am

Remainder of OCTOBER
36. Asimov's Science Fiction, November-December 2018, usual pleasant variety of high quality short form science fiction.

37. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, dated in many ways, it remains a pleasant satirical take on many of the institutions that remain to this day.

38. The Great Gatsby, could have sworn I read this one ages ago but suspect I watched the movie. A treat.

39. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, a real page-turner. I enjoyed with trepidation Eleanor and the slow revealing of her character throughout the novel.

40. A Case of Conscience, justified in the praise for this novel, dated but a hugely enjoyable exploration of the impact of alien contact.

41. Lion of Senet, loved this, was surprised by how much. Very similar to KJ Parker's Devices and Desires series. Genius protagonist who changes society to achieve their goals.

dec 22, 2022, 4:31 am

Hi Kale,

>27 brakketh: I loved your number 39 book too.

I want to wish you and yours all the best for 2023 and Happy Holidays! How is the new job? Are you happy with it?

Hope to see you with the ROOTers in 2023!

jan 1, 2023, 12:27 am

42. My Antonia, a delightful introduction to Cather for me.

8 off my goal but with all the movement through the year very happy.

>28 connie53: Thank you very much and hope you've had a happy holiday season yourself.
New job is very busy but interesting and has the desired flexibility so I can spend more time with my family. Very happy with the move.

See you again in 2023 ROOTers.