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Djävulen i den vita staden : mord, mystik och mani (2003)

av Erik Larson

Andra författare: Se under Andra författare.

MedlemmarRecensionerPopularitetGenomsnittligt betygDiskussioner / Omnämnanden
22,462704178 (4)1 / 1018
©RHUNDRADETS BROTT℗ 1893 ©œppnade en spektakul©Þr v©Þrldsutst©Þllning i Chicago. Statyer och konstverk hade fraktats fr©Æn jordens alla h©œrn och v©Þrldens f©œrsta Pariserhjul tronade ©œver konstgjorda sj©œar och arkitektoniska underverk i bl©Þndande vitt.℗ Tanken var att r©Þdda stadens usla rykte men bara n©Ægra kvarter utanf©œr utst©Þllningsomr©Ædet hade mannen som skulle bli k©Þnd som USA:s f©œrste seriem©œrdare byggt ett hotell med l©œnnrum och kremeringsugnar.℗ DJ©VULEN I DEN VITA STADEN ©Þr detaljerad och uppslukande true crime om tillblivelsen av en lika h©Þpnadsv©Þckande som otursf©œrf©œljd v©Þrldsutst©Þllning, och jakten p©Æ en skoningsl©œs bedragare och m©œrdare. Hur H. H. Holmes lyckades tortera, m©œrda och d©œlja sina offer ©Þr trots alla bevis lika obegripligt som fascinerande.℗ Erik Larsons flerfaldigt bel©œnade faktaklassiker har s©Ælt ©œver 5 miljoner exemplar och f©Ætt mer ©Þn 100℗ 000 5-stj©Þrniga l©Þsarbetyg.℗ Larson balanserar skickligt de makabra detaljerna med v©Þrldsutst©Þllningens katastrofala konsekvenser. USA Today [Elib]… (mer)
  1. 123
    The Alienist av Caleb Carr (bnbookgirl)
  2. 81
    Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer av James L. Swanson (thatwordnerd)
    thatwordnerd: Both books tell a true story, with a multitude of sources, but are written in a way that makes the reader feel as if it is almost fiction. The reader (see more) is not hit over the head with facts and is able to get sucked into the story and the era.
  3. 60
    The Infamous Burke and Hare: Serial Killers and Resurrectionists of Nineteenth Century Edinburgh av R. Michael Gordon (cammykitty)
  4. 60
    Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris av David King (jbgryphon)
  5. 61
    Midnatt i ondskans och godhetens trädgård : en berättelse från Savannah av John Berendt (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Offering rich details of Savannah in the 1980s (Midnight in the Garden) and Chicago in the 1890s (Devil in the White City), these well-researched and dramatic recreations of terrible crimes are equally compelling, despite differences in time period and location.… (mer)
  6. 50
    Depraved: The Definitive True Story of H.H. Holmes, Whose Grotesque Crimes Shattered Turn-of-the-Century Chicago av Harold Schechter (jseger9000)
    jseger9000: Another account of H.H. Holmes
  7. 40
    Med kallt blod : en sann redogörelse för ett fyrdubbelt mord och dess följder av Truman Capote (BookshelfMonstrosity)
  8. 40
    American Gothic av Robert Bloch (CarlT)
    CarlT: Though AMERICAN GOTHIC is fiction and THE DEVIL IN THE WHITE CITY is non-fiction, both books are based on the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 (nicknamed "The White City") and the horrific murders committed by serial killer Henry H. Holmes.
  9. 41
    Sin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys, and the Battle for America's Soul av Karen Abbott (DK_Atkinson, g33kgrrl)
  10. 41
    The Girls of Murder City: Fame, Lust, and the Beautiful Killers who Inspired Chicago av Douglas Perry (browner56)
    browner56: Two fascinating looks at murder and mayhem in the Windy City at the turn of the last century.
  11. 30
    Heartland Serial Killers: Belle Gunness, Johann Hoch, and Murder for Profit in Gaslight Era Chicago av Richard C. Lindberg (meggyweg)
  12. 20
    Walter Dew: The Man Who Caught Crippen av Nicholas Connell (mysterymax)
  13. 20
    The Inventor and the Tycoon: A Gilded Age Murder and the Birth of Moving Pictures av Edward Ball (davesmind)
  14. 21
    Fallande änglars stad av John Berendt (elbakerone)
  15. 32
    Professorn och galningen : en berättelse om mord, vansinne och tillkomsten av Oxford English dictionary av Simon Winchester (Stbalbach)
    Stbalbach: Both concern late-19th C American killers in the backdrop of a bigger social story of advancement (Chicago Fair and Oxford English Dictionary).
  16. 10
    Twilight at the World of Tomorrow: Genius, Madness, Murder, and the 1939 World's Fair on the Brink of War av James Mauro (ghr4)
  17. 00
    The Killer of Little Shepherds av Douglas Starr (Luchtpint)
  18. 00
    The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective av Kate Summerscale (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: The Devil In the White City and The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher are compelling and richly detailed books about historical true crime. These stories present not only details about the crime but also about the social mores of the time.
  19. 00
    Little Demon in the City of Light: A True Story of Murder and Mesmerism in Belle Epoque Paris av Steven Levingston (Luchtpint)
  20. 00
    The Devil's Rooming House: The True Story of America's Deadliest Female Serial Killer av M. William Phelps (bnbookgirl)
    bnbookgirl: mixing true crime with historical event

(visa alla 29 rekommendationerna)

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Read this for class. It's interesting but not something I would choose personally. ( )
  yosistachrista | Jul 22, 2024 |
I expected more about the devil than the white city. ( )
1 rösta kwagnerroberts | Jun 24, 2024 |
This is a really well-told history of the lives of two men during the Industrial Revolution and the construction of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair (the Columbian Exposition). Both visionaries of their own time: I wouldn't say one good and one evil, but a stark representation of just how impressive a time it was. On one side there is Daniel Burnham, the lead architect and operational manager of the World's Fair, who sacrificed his own (and others') blood, sweat, and tears to direct the construction of one of the greatest exhibitions ever seen. On the other side, H.H. Holmes, a cruel and chilling psychopathic murderer who cut out his own infamy in the White City. ( )
  superadmin_group3 | Jun 20, 2024 |
I listened to this in audiobook format.

This is a non-fiction story about parallel happenings in the late Victorian era of Chicago: The World's Fair and the criminal life of serial killer H. H. Holmes who lived adjacent to the fairgrounds. I found this book to be very interesting, though some of the architecture and construction details were on the tedious side. I enjoyed how Larson used these stories to give the reader a window into American and Chicagoan society during the late 1800s. The stories unfold largely like a work of fiction, though it's not a page turner. There's definitely more content about the lead up to the fair than on the murders. It was clearly extremely well researched and there are so many cool historical tie-ins to the fair that were brought to light. A worthwhile read. ( )
  technodiabla | May 22, 2024 |
Honestly, I had seen this book hyped so much that I was really a little disappointed. I found it to be very dry at times and I'm not sure that incorporating the two storylines of the creation of the World's Fair in Chicago juxtaposed against the Holmes murders really worked all that well. Ironically, I found the fair more interesting that the salacious murders. ( )
1 rösta AliceAnna | Apr 18, 2024 |
Visa 1-5 av 702 (nästa | visa alla)
Mr. Larson has written a dynamic, enveloping book filled with haunting, closely annotated information. And it doesn't hurt that this truth really is stranger than fiction.

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Författarens namnRollTyp av författareVerk?Status
Erik Larsonprimär författarealla utgåvorberäknat
Brick, ScottBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Goldwyn, TonyBerättaremedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
Tézenas, HubertTraductionmedförfattarevissa utgåvorbekräftat
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Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood.
Daniel H. Burnham

Director of Works

World's Columbian Exposition, 1893
I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than a poet can help the inspiration to sing.
Dr. H. H. Holmes


Information från den engelska sidan med allmänna fakta. Redigera om du vill anpassa till ditt språk.
To Chris, Kristen, Lauren, and Erin,

for making it all worthwhile

—and to Molly, whose lust for socks

kept us all on our toes
Inledande ord
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The date was April 14, 1912, a sinister day in maritime history, but of course the man in suite 63–65, shelter deck C, did not yet know it.
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"Suddenly New York and St. Louis wanted the fair. Washington laid claim to the honor on the grounds it was the center of government, New York because it was the center of everything. No one cared what St. Louis thought, although the city got a wink for pluck."
"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood"
"They are blue. Great murderers, like great men in other walks of activity, have blue eyes."
"In all the workforce in the park numbered four thousand. The ranks included a carpenter and furniture-maker named Elias Disney, who in coming years would tell many stories about the construction of this magical realm beside the lake. His son Walt would take note."
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(Klicka för att visa. Varning: Kan innehålla spoilers.)
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På omslaget citeras
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Kanonisk DDC/MDS
Kanonisk LCC
©RHUNDRADETS BROTT℗ 1893 ©œppnade en spektakul©Þr v©Þrldsutst©Þllning i Chicago. Statyer och konstverk hade fraktats fr©Æn jordens alla h©œrn och v©Þrldens f©œrsta Pariserhjul tronade ©œver konstgjorda sj©œar och arkitektoniska underverk i bl©Þndande vitt.℗ Tanken var att r©Þdda stadens usla rykte men bara n©Ægra kvarter utanf©œr utst©Þllningsomr©Ædet hade mannen som skulle bli k©Þnd som USA:s f©œrste seriem©œrdare byggt ett hotell med l©œnnrum och kremeringsugnar.℗ DJ©VULEN I DEN VITA STADEN ©Þr detaljerad och uppslukande true crime om tillblivelsen av en lika h©Þpnadsv©Þckande som otursf©œrf©œljd v©Þrldsutst©Þllning, och jakten p©Æ en skoningsl©œs bedragare och m©œrdare. Hur H. H. Holmes lyckades tortera, m©œrda och d©œlja sina offer ©Þr trots alla bevis lika obegripligt som fascinerande.℗ Erik Larsons flerfaldigt bel©œnade faktaklassiker har s©Ælt ©œver 5 miljoner exemplar och f©Ætt mer ©Þn 100℗ 000 5-stj©Þrniga l©Þsarbetyg.℗ Larson balanserar skickligt de makabra detaljerna med v©Þrldsutst©Þllningens katastrofala konsekvenser. USA Today [Elib]

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